"what's so hard about it...?"and "What the heck is Pharm.D?"

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Jan 13, 2004
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So today The couple A(stands for Anal) came to the pharmacy. Instead dropping off the prescription at the "Drop-Off" window, they gave to me right at the Pick-up Window. Anyway, the husband asked right away, "How long?". I replied, "about 30 mins because we're backed up now". They both raised their eyebrowns and the guy said, "Why does it take so long? What's so hard about taking some damn pills into the bottle? What's so hard about this job?". Hm..then i calmly asked him, "have you been here before?".
He said, "No".
I said, "That'll take 5 mins to type in".
And i added, "do u have insurance?", he replied, "Yes."
I replied, "another 4 minutes, plus i have to type in direction, print out the label, so it's another 4 minutes, the pharmacist will verfiy this rx about 2 minutes so total is 15 mins; plus we have 3 patients waiting ahead of you...which takes about another 15 mins...so yeah 5+4+4+2+15 = 30"
Then he looked at me like, "WTF?" and then both were bitching "What's so hard about putting pills inside bottles..." and both just left the rx there and walked away.

Another patient came in and picked up a prescription. So i forgot my company's name badge at home and luckily i had my school's name baged "XXX, Pharm.D Student". So the lady asked, "What the heck is Pharm.D?" I replied, "it's for Doctor of Pharmacy?". So she goes, "Are you a doctor?". I replied, "No. I am not a medical doctor, but i will get a doctor degree in pharmacy.". She asked me "Why do u work here then?":laugh: Omg. I give up, guys...:laugh: ANyone ever been in these two situations before?

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So today The couple A(stands for Anal) came to the pharmacy. Instead dropping off the prescription at the "Drop-Off" window, they gave to me right at the Pick-up Window. Anyway, the husband asked right away, "How long?". I replied, "about 30 mins because we're backed up now". They both raised their eyebrowns and the guy said, "Why does it take so long? What's so hard about taking some damn pills into the bottle? What's so hard about this job?". Hm..then i calmly asked him, "have you been here before?".
He said, "No".
I said, "That'll take 5 mins to type in".
And i added, "do u have insurance?", he replied, "Yes."
I replied, "another 4 minutes, plus i have to type in direction, print out the label, so it's another 4 minutes, the pharmacist will verfiy this rx about 2 minutes so total is 15 mins; plus we have 3 patients waiting ahead of you...which takes about another 15 mins...so yeah 5+4+4+2+15 = 30"
Then he looked at me like, "WTF?" and then both were bitching "What's so hard about putting pills inside bottles..." and both just left the rx there and walked away.

Another patient came in and picked up a prescription. So i forgot my company's name badge at home and luckily i had my school's name baged "XXX, Pharm.D Student". So the lady asked, "What the heck is Pharm.D?" I replied, "it's for Doctor of Pharmacy?". So she goes, "Are you a doctor?". I replied, "No. I am not a medical doctor, but i will get a doctor degree in pharmacy.". She asked me "Why do u work here then?":laugh: Omg. I give up, guys...:laugh: ANyone ever been in these two situations before?

Thes second one, no.

The first one, just say, "It takes 30 minutes to be sure this WILL NOT KILL YOU." Really emphasize the "will not" part and really, really emphasize the "kill you" part. Then give them a serious stare, eye to eye, until they move, look away, or say something back.

It works.
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Thes second one, no.

The first one, just say, "It takes 30 minutes to be sure this WILL NOT KILL YOU." Really emphasize the "will not" part and really, really emphasize the "kill you" part. Then give them a serious stare, eye to eye, until they move, look away, or say something back.

It works.

Actually I think some revision of that line might work for the second one, too.
I have been a pharmacy tech for 13 years...My best stories come from retail.

One store was a lady who was on a once a month drug that only had one pill. She said "You just have to slap a label on it...why does it take so long." My reply "I could slap a label on anything here but we want to make sure you have the right medication."

Another time a pro-basketball player's entourage came through the drive through window. I told them the wait would be at least an hour. They said that the medication was for this player's wife. I said I don't care if it is for the queen of England. It is still going to be an hour.
I had a lady yell at me once because I would not simply hand her a stock bottle of lisinopril 40 mg and let her ring it up at the cash register with her groceries. I didn't need to invade her privacy by getting her personal information or waste her time labelling her bottle... she had a doctor's note for cripe's sake! 🙄
So today The couple A(stands for Anal) came to the pharmacy. Instead dropping off the prescription at the "Drop-Off" window, they gave to me right at the Pick-up Window. Anyway, the husband asked right away, "How long?". I replied, "about 30 mins because we're backed up now". They both raised their eyebrowns and the guy said, "Why does it take so long? What's so hard about taking some damn pills into the bottle? What's so hard about this job?". Hm..then i calmly asked him, "have you been here before?".
He said, "No".
I said, "That'll take 5 mins to type in".
And i added, "do u have insurance?", he replied, "Yes."
I replied, "another 4 minutes, plus i have to type in direction, print out the label, so it's another 4 minutes, the pharmacist will verfiy this rx about 2 minutes so total is 15 mins; plus we have 3 patients waiting ahead of you...which takes about another 15 mins...so yeah 5+4+4+2+15 = 30"
Then he looked at me like, "WTF?" and then both were bitching "What's so hard about putting pills inside bottles..." and both just left the rx there and walked away.

Another patient came in and picked up a prescription. So i forgot my company's name badge at home and luckily i had my school's name baged "XXX, Pharm.D Student". So the lady asked, "What the heck is Pharm.D?" I replied, "it's for Doctor of Pharmacy?". So she goes, "Are you a doctor?". I replied, "No. I am not a medical doctor, but i will get a doctor degree in pharmacy.". She asked me "Why do u work here then?":laugh: Omg. I give up, guys...:laugh: ANyone ever been in these two situations before?

Well, my experience with the #1 scenario is that these people are almost always people who never stop to think that the world does not revolve around them, and they are often people in positions of authority who simply aren't used to anybody saying no to them about anything. As you've noted, a big part of the 30 minute delay is simply that they are not the only patient that you have at the moment. So, sometimes I'll start by saying "Unfortunately, we have several patients ahead of you right now" and if it's convenient, I'll gesture to the pile of prescriptions in front of me. And, I do try to be honest and point out why I know their script might take a little longer (i.e. they've just brought me 10 prescriptions on a hospital discharge form, it's an insurance card I've never seen before,etc.) I also like to point out whenever I can (in a nice way) that they have come into the pharmacy at a very busy time (i.e. Monday, 6 pm, etc.) and that they will probably have a shorter wait at different times - that's just my little stab at patient education.
People are just crazy.
I learned my lesson the hard way one time. Some nice old looking lady came in and we were not busy. I took her script and told her "You know what, wait here for 1 minute and it should be good to go." She was in and out within 2 minutes of dropping off her script.

Next time we were backed up and she was angry when I said it would take 30 minutes. "But it only took 1 minute last time!" 😕 SPOILED!

From that point on, even if we are slow, I will tell the customer 15 minutes. Even when the script is ready to go in 2 minutes, I'll let it sit there for at least 10 minutes before I call their name.

Only people we ever fill on the spot for are customers who bring us donuts and coffee and candy to say thanks and APPRECIATE our work.
I have to say, being a pharmacist is one sweet deal!! All you do is fill Rx's ( i.e. put pills into a bottle, print labels, advice patients to take med X number of times, for X number of days) And even then, most of the info the patient needs about the meds is on the instructional package. Why do you need 4 years of school after undergrade for this ?? And why are pharmacists payed so much for putting pills into a bottle? I guess if you like sitting on your behind doing nothing for the rest of your life and making money, this is the profession for you. Lets be honest, most are in it for the money, because I can assure you if the compensation wasn't so high, not many peolpe would get into it.
I have to say, being a pharmacist is one sweet deal!! All you do is fill Rx's ( i.e. put pills into a bottle, print labels, advice patients to take med X number of times, for X number of days) And even then, most of the info the patient needs about the meds is on the instructional package. Why do you need 4 years of school after undergrade for this ?? And why are pharmacists payed so much for putting pills into a bottle? I guess if you like sitting on your behind doing nothing for the rest of your life and making money, this is the profession for you. Lets be honest, most are in it for the money, because I can assure you if the compensation wasn't so high, not many peolpe would get into it.

Someone's bitter. Lol.
So i guess you agree with me? Pharmacy is 😴 while making money 😀
So i guess you agree with me? Pharmacy is 😴 while making money 😀

Boring but pays well....or not boring but pays little... hmm. I think I'll take the one that pays well. That being said, if you think Pharmacy is boring, then obviously you don't quite understand the profession. But we respect your opinion anyways.. ok not really.
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I have been a pharmacy tech for 13 years...My best stories come from retail.

One store was a lady who was on a once a month drug that only had one pill. She said "You just have to slap a label on it...why does it take so long." My reply "I could slap a letter on anything here but we want to make sure you have the right medication."

Another time a pro-basketball player's entourage came through the drive through window. I told them the wait would be at least an hour. They said that the medication was for this player's wife. I said I don't care if it is for the queen of England. It is still going to be an hour.

damn a pharm tech for 13 years? gezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, didnt you know your job was going no where fast being a tech for that long? No offense...
I have to say, being a pharmacist is one sweet deal!! All you do is fill Rx's ( i.e. put pills into a bottle, print labels, advice patients to take med X number of times, for X number of days) And even then, most of the info the patient needs about the meds is on the instructional package. Why do you need 4 years of school after undergrade for this ?? And why are pharmacists payed so much for putting pills into a bottle? I guess if you like sitting on your behind doing nothing for the rest of your life and making money, this is the profession for you. Lets be honest, most are in it for the money, because I can assure you if the compensation wasn't so high, not many peolpe would get into it.

If that's all pharmacy retail pharmacy really entailed, that would KICK ASS. Stop teasing me with a dream world where I get paid to actually do nothing.
damn a pharm tech for 13 years? gezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, didnt you know your job was going no where fast being a tech for that long? No offense...

None taken....🙂

I have been a pharmacy tech for 13 years...I didn't say I have been working as a pharmacy tech for 13 years. I have been to the military, gotten a BS, an MBA and have worked in Clinical Trials for 6 years. Last year I made almost 90k as a contractor. Contract ended - now I am going to take a leave of absence from work and focus on getting my course work done so I can apply to pharmacy school.
damn a pharm tech for 13 years? gezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, didnt you know your job was going no where fast being a tech for that long? No offense...

Geez, what sort of thing is that to say? Even if he was "just" a pharmacy tech for 13 years, why do you call it going nowhere fast? Maybe he just enjoys the work and doesn't need 100k/year ...
But, no, seriously, where the **** is my retail job where I do nothing? I'm pissed now. Goddamn Pele and his stupid boring ass sport confusing Canadians whenever I talk about the WVU football team. Now he's teasing....no, haunting me with a damned dream job. ****ing Pele, you'd better get me an application or I'll hunt you down and stick a Brazilian flag up your ass!
So i guess you agree with me? Pharmacy is 😴 while making money 😀

Don't tell people our secrets! It's good money and you get plently for free time. Life is about living right? I will see you at the beach.
Wow seems like I touched a nerve?? No need to get upset there WVU, or whatever your name is. Just because what I said is true, does not mean you need to get upset about it. Your not fooling anyone, we all know pharamcy is pretty boring for the most part. And I will say it again, if it wasn't for the money, pharmacy schools would be closing down because of lack of students interested. Simple as that!! But hey, if you like boring jobs getting paid good money, go for it. I personally cannot see how people can sit behind a counter for the rest of their lifes putting pills into bottles.

And by the way, football, soccer, whatever you wanna call it, it rocks!!😀

Also, WVU, watch your language there, that is not acceptable!!
Wow seems like I touched a nerve?? No need to get upset there WVU, or whatever your name is. Just because what I said is true, does not mean you need to get upset about it. Your not fooling anyone, we all know pharamcy is pretty boring for the most part. And I will say it again, if it wasn't for the money, pharmacy schools would be closing down because of lack of students interested. Simple as that!! But hey, if you like boring jobs getting paid good money, go for it. I personally cannot see how people can sit behind a counter for the rest of their lifes putting pills into bottles.

And by the way, football, soccer, whatever you wanna call it, it rocks!!😀

Also, WVU, watch your language there, that is not acceptable!!

God..u're a *****..:meanie:

And let me go on the record and say that I think this is the first time I am resorting to a name calling... that's how bad...
Why would someone who isn't interested in pharmacy even be here, much less post?
Your not fooling anyone, we all know pharamcy is pretty boring for the most part. And I will say it again, if it wasn't for the money, pharmacy schools would be closing down because of lack of students interested. [\QUOTE]

Who's we? I mean, quite frankly, any job can be considered boring. Schools are filled because there's demand for pharmacists and that wouldn't change even if they acceptance to applicant ration were 1:1. This would be the case even if the job didn't pay as much. Heck people work at McDonalds. I don't know about you, but I find that job incredibly boring. You don't see them closing down due to lack of workforce and they barely pay over minimum wage. Other jobs I consider equally boring, but pay as well: Computer engineering, CPA, Department Chair (probably a stretch depending on school/dept). It's not that no one would ever consider them if it weren't for the pay. They're boring to me, not everyone. You and the voices in your head may find pharmacy boring. I'm not willing to waste my time posting this on Engineering, Accounting, are Educational fora. You seem to make a habit of it.
Thes second one, no.

The first one, just say, "It takes 30 minutes to be sure this WILL NOT KILL YOU." Really emphasize the "will not" part and really, really emphasize the "kill you" part. Then give them a serious stare, eye to eye, until they move, look away, or say something back.

It works.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Dude, you're my hero. I'm SO going to use this when Miss Suzie Regular comes in with her usual gripe.
Wow seems like I touched a nerve?? No need to get upset there WVU, or whatever your name is. Just because what I said is true, does not mean you need to get upset about it. Your not fooling anyone, we all know pharamcy is pretty boring for the most part.

The hell are you talking about? I'm pissed because you are bragging about someone having an easy ass job where you literally do nothing but count all day. Where the **** is that job? Get me a GD application, soccer boy.

And I will say it again, if it wasn't for the money, pharmacy schools would be closing down because of lack of students interested. Simple as that!! But hey, if you like boring jobs getting paid good money, go for it. I personally cannot see how people can sit behind a counter for the rest of their lifes putting pills into bottles.

The hell are you talking about? I WANT one of those jobs. Please tell me where I can get that job. You obviously think I am being sarcastic. I'm not. I want a job where I literally sit and count pills all day. That would be THE ****. No stress, no having to memorize drug therapeutics, no having to understand pharmacoeconomics, no dealing with insurance companies, no having to formulate ways of conveying information to people in layman's term, just me and a friggin' counting trey. ****in eh, man! I'm serious, I want an application. You've promised me that that pharmacy only entails counting. Get me an application, Soccer boy. Because, again, if you don't I'll hunt you down and stick a gas-soaked Brazillian flag 7/8th the way up your ass, light the end on fire, then run off laughing maniacally. Don't tease me with a job where I do nothing and get paid 6 figs. That's my dream in life, dammit, ever since I was 12. A job where I am paid well to do nothing. You mock that beautiful, innocent dream you will have to pay the gas-soaked consequences.

And by the way, football, soccer, whatever you wanna call it, it rocks!!😀
It's boring. It's like hockey without being able to beat the crap out of the other team. And you don't get to carry a huge stick with you. Oh, look at me, I can kick a stupid ball into a designated area, bravo!

Also, WVU, watch your language there, that is not acceptable!!
I have a waiver from the moderators of this site to do and say whatever I want.
I love your post WVUPharm2007.

My feelings exactly.
When I was on rotation this fall, I handed a new customer a pt info card to fill out. She shoved it back at me and said she couldn't fill it out, she didn't have her glasses. I told her I was happy to do it for her, so I started by asking her her address.

"It's on the script, can't you read it?" Well....sure enough, on like the 7th script in the stack, there was an address. It had her DOB, too, so I skip that and ask about allergies.

"Well, I'm sure I'm not allergic to any of these or my doctor wouldn't have given them to me." I explain that ideally we need to know, at least for future reference, so I ask if there are any drugs she is allergic to, even if it's unrelated to these.

"How am i supposed to know? My doctor would have all those records. You want me to go get them and bring them back to you? Why would you do that? Why are you asking so many questions? I just want these filled." I handed her scripts back and told her that maybe the Walgreens in the parking lot would be able to better serve her needs.