What's your best advice on reading comprehension?

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Jan 20, 2022
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I originally scored a 20 on my 1st DAT. I've been getting a score of 18 quite consistently on Booster. Other than 'read more', what is some advice you can give me to improve my reading ability?

I can read at a pretty decent speed, never being short on time, so I suppose my problem is, more or less, identifying details of the text. I also use the 'search and destroy' strategy for reference.

edit: am an idiot. Meant to say 20 on my RC score for my 1st dat, not my whole dat.

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If search and destroy isn't getting you the scores you want, maybe try another strategy and see if that works better for you. I'd also recommend using the highlighter tool to mark key words or phrases. Best of luck!
I originally scored a 20 on my 1st DAT. I've been getting a score of 18 quite consistently on Booster. Other than 'read more', what is some advice you can give me to improve my reading ability?

I can read at a pretty decent speed, never being short on time, so I suppose my problem is, more or less, identifying details of the text. I also use the 'search and destroy' strategy for reference.
Hi, from what you posted you reading speed is not the problem, perhaps you need to focus more on the comprehending what you are reading. Test prep scores are just giving you a general idea of what you might score, they can not predict exactly. 20 on your first DAT is a good score, just repeat what you did to acheive that score, that method seemed to work for you.
Of course I always do recommend daily reading to improve reading and comprehension, but you are already do that. Try to focus less on a score number, it will only stress while you are preparing your exam.

Wishing you the best..Nancy, co/owner, Destroyer
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"Read more" advice has always been super frustrating to me, since I have always been a huge reader and I still scores so low in my earliest practice tests. I also used Datbooster, so here is what I did, I hope it helps: I watched all the videos on booster. And then for each of the booster's practice passages, I used different strategies, like search and destroy, highlight as you go, skim and answer, etc., And after testing different methods, I eventually found the strategy that worked well for me
"Read more" advice has always been super frustrating to me, since I have always been a huge reader and I still scores so low in my earliest practice tests. I also used Datbooster, so here is what I did, I hope it helps: I watched all the videos on booster. And then for each of the booster's practice passages, I used different strategies, like search and destroy, highlight as you go, skim and answer, etc., And after testing different methods, I eventually found the strategy that worked well for me
Not all strategies works for all students, I agree you need to find what works for you. Many students that contact me struggle because of English is a 2nd language and for them focusing on reading speed and comprehension is very helpful and that is accomplished through reading, but again everyone student needs to do what works for them.

Wishing you the best and glad you found a strategy that works for you.
