When can we interview?

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15+ Year Member
Jul 27, 2005
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Does anyone know if we can have interviews on weekends? I'm working full time, and I don't know how many days off I can take to interview on weekdays. Will it be easy for me to schedule interviews on weekends?

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I've never heard of a school having weekend interviews
Generally you have a choice of a few days. I've never heard of an interview on the weekend, though. Plus, it's cool to interview during the weekday when you can attend a lecture.

Em1, are you going to be attending Hopkins? I have a friend who's going there.
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The only school that I have heard of that interviews applicants on weekends is UTSW. For the others, think of it this way: an interview day is a huge thing to coordinate -- what interviewers and admissions coordinators want to work on weekends in addition to the usual M-F? Not many. Don't worry, I was under the same impression when I started interviewing last year (although I had school and not a job to worry about). In fact, many schools do not just let you randomly choose a date; they have set interview days and you usually get assigned one. However, these schools are very good about letting you move your interview date--just call or email. Also, if you have some interviews in the same geographical location, you could do them together. I found that some schools (like Cornell, for example) gave me an interview invite right after I emailed them to tell them that I would be in the area for a Columbia (or any other NYC) interview. Good luck to you in the process!
What if you tried to get one later on a friday afternoon or early on a monday morning..? Maybe that would allow you to only take a day or even a half-day off...
thegymbum said:
What if you tried to get one later on a friday afternoon or early on a monday morning..? Maybe that would allow you to only take a day or even a half-day off...

Unfortunately, this probably won't work. Nobody I know went to interviews that were scheduled that way. They are generally all day affairs. You also have to fly out the night/afternoon before since interviews usually start early. I had to take 2 days off of work for every interview I went to. I guess if they're near where you live, you could just take one day.

To the OP, you should talk to your boss now. You're going to need time off and you won't always have a huge amount of notice. Typically, you know several weeks ahead of time, but sometimes you are offered an interview in 2 weeks and you won't have enough time to go through the proper time off request procedures. A lot of times you won't even have the option of a 3 day weekend since you might be forced to take a Tuesday-Thursday interview. Good luck.