When do programs administer Heme and onc ITE?

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Dec 4, 2020
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Which year do hem onc programs administer Heme and onc ITE?

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Each year of fellowship. Scores are graded by percentile both according to a fellow's own year level and according to the others. For example, a fellow who scores 760 on Oncology is in the 100th %ile for 1st years, 97th for 2nd years, and 92nd for 3rd years.
Which year do hem onc programs administer Heme and onc ITE?
ASCO ITE is usually end of February or early March. ASH ITE is usually end of March.

My former fellowship didn't do ITEs for first years cause as a first year, your clinical duties were too much and you'd probably bomb the ITE.
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ASCO ITE is usually end of February or early March. ASH ITE is usually end of March.

My former fellowship didn't do ITEs for first years cause as a first year, your clinical duties were too much and you'd probably bomb the ITE.
Same with mine. First year fellows where offered the opportunity to take it, but not required. 2nd and 3rd year fellows were required to take it.

That said, if your program is doing it right (and as intended), there's not "bombing" the ITE. The first one you take is supposed to tell you where you are, the 2nd one (or 3rd) is supposed to tell you how you've improved. It's not a test to pass, it's a test of your knowledge and a learning experience to help you figure out how to improve.
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ASCO ITE is usually end of February or early March. ASH ITE is usually end of March.

My former fellowship didn't do ITEs for first years cause as a first year, your clinical duties were too much and you'd probably bomb the ITE.
Wow, this is really surprising. I think fellowships that don’t allow you to use this very helpful tool to gauge your knowledge and set up your studying for the coming years, identify weak areas, etc, are doing their fellows a great disservice. Was your fellowship punitive for those who didn’t do well on it or something? What on earth is the downside to not letting first years take it? How odd.
Wow, this is really surprising. I think fellowships that don’t allow you to use this very helpful tool to gauge your knowledge and set up your studying for the coming years, identify weak areas, etc, are doing their fellows a great disservice. Was your fellowship punitive for those who didn’t do well on it or something? What on earth is the downside to not letting first years take it? How odd.
No, my program wasn't punitive at all. I know several folks who scored very low on the ITE even as a 3rd year fellow and all the PD said to them was "study harder."

I think part of the reason my former program didn't do ITEs for first years is cause they don't want the first year fellows to freak out over the results. As a first year fellow, you are just trying to survive clinical duties and get through the day. I thought the C in RCHOP stood for Cytarabine 6 months into my fellowship lol. I would have probably scored <10%tile if I took the ITEs first year. Most heme onc fellows have much more time (research blocks) for studying in 2nd and 3rd year. You will have plenty of time to study. I ended up scoring 90%tile both 2nd and 3rd year on both tests.
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