Medical When should I move my MCAT date too if I'm scoring low on practice exams?

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Mar 12, 2013
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I am currently scheduled to take the MCAT July 7th, but my past 2 Kaplan (shortened) full lengths I have not been able to go above 490. I’m starting over with content review as well as doing practice questions to make sure I understand the content. I’m look to get a 505, when should I reschedule my MCAT. August or September?

And if I schedule for September is that considered late when applying this cycle?
You schedule and take the exam when you are READY and have consistently scored around your goal on practice exams.

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I agree with thebonedoctah. Make sure you take the exam when you're getting good scores on your practice exams. That's all that matters. If that means taking time off before medical school, take the time off. A bad MCAT score and applying too early (and being a reapplicant) will hurt your application a lot compared to waiting a year, doing well on the MCAT, and applying when your application is perfect. Don't mess this up by rushing things.
You schedule and take the exam when you are READY and have consistently scored around your goal on practice exams.

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I would modify this sage comment to: You schedule and take the exam when you are READY and have consistently scored around your goal on practice exams, even if it means skipping an app cycle. Med schools aren't going anywhere.

Taking the exam as late at Oct is still fine for the DO cycle.
Regardless of the schools you wind up applying to, the answer is to take the MCAT when you are ready, as defined by at least consistent scoring in closely simulated environments on your AAMC FL's, in the range of AS HIGH AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN (520+).
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