When the pH is > pKa of a group...

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Feb 11, 2020
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I am using premade flashcards with ANKI and one of the prompts was: "If the pH is higher than the pKa of a group, then the group will be ______"; the answer was protonated... shouldn't it be deprotonated?

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There are so many errors like that in premade decks. Make your own!

I only used Anki for P/S because that's the one section where recall matters. For C/P and B/B you are much better off doing questions and reading through answer explanations (if they're good) than you are memorizing flash card facts.

Between chemistry and biochemistry I must have done fifty to 100 questions comparing pH to pKa from every possible angle they could ask it. Both times taking the MCAT made me glad I knew how to apply it in context.
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