when to take biochemistry?

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Dec 16, 2016
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hi, I'm applying this cycle and I signed up for the Biochem, cell bio, and two upper level botany classes. and I'm planning to study for DAT and taking it around May.

should I take biochemistry after I apply? I feel like it might be a little bit too much, especially when I have to study for DAT and I really need to do well on it because of my mediocre GPA.. plus, I've heard biochemistry can be pretty hard and the stuff on it won't even be on DAT.

However, at the same time, my dream school is the Roseman, which is one of the few schools that actually requires biochemistry as a pre-requisite. would they like it if they see that I have completed the biochem when I apply??

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You just have to be sure you take the course before you matriculate into dental school. I'd take it after the DAT, but make sure you go over certain biochemistry concepts as when I took the DAT, there were a few questions on the subject.
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Take it later. Biochemistry alongside DAT studying sounds brutal.

Cell Bio is pretty straight forward and will help with DAT prep. I wasn’t a Biology major so I can’t speak to the difficulty of the botany classes but I imagine they will also help with the plant portion of DAT Bio.

Good luck!
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Biochem is one of the tougher courses at my school, but I am so glad I took it before taking the DAT! It helped me a lot on the bio section, but as others have said you just need to complete it before matriculation. Don't jeopardize your GPA if possible.
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hi, I'm applying this cycle and I signed up for the Biochem, cell bio, and two upper level botany classes. and I'm planning to study for DAT and taking it around May.

should I take biochemistry after I apply? I feel like it might be a little bit too much, especially when I have to study for DAT and I really need to do well on it because of my mediocre GPA.. plus, I've heard biochemistry can be pretty hard and the stuff on it won't even be on DAT.

However, at the same time, my dream school is the Roseman, which is one of the few schools that actually requires biochemistry as a pre-requisite. would they like it if they see that I have completed the biochem when I apply??

Contact Roseman and ask them if its okay. I applied to Stonybrook this cycle with the thought that I could take calculus in the January after applying. Little did I know, Stonybrook requires all pre-reqs must be done before you apply. My point is that you should call Roseman or any other school just so you are safe.
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Contact Roseman and ask them if its okay. I applied to Stonybrook this cycle with the thought that I could take calculus in the January after applying. Little did I know, Stonybrook requires all pre-reqs must be done before you apply. My point is that you should call Roseman or any other school just so you are safe.
Oh great idea thank you!
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