Where are the USC peeps at?

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Jan 1, 2007
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Who has been accepted/rejected/interviewing/wants to go to USC? just curious to see what the consensus is

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Waitlisted, cGPA/sci GPA 3.33/3.38 DAT 22/23/18

would go there if accepted, what bout u?
dont know yet...sent in my app a few weeks ago...shot in the dark!! but they are 1/3 full and no one wants to go there so i figured, what the hell ya know? haha
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it's true that all the SDN ppul don't want to go there because they have already gotten into schools such as UOP, UCLA or UCSF, I am sure a lot of other people wanna go there, and there are many people who have not been accepted yet, im sure USC isn't that bad of a choice. good luck to u.
it's true that all the SDN ppul don't want to go there because they have already gotten into schools such as UOP, UCLA or UCSF, I am sure a lot of other people wanna go there, and there are many people who have not been accepted yet, im sure USC isn't that bad of a choice. good luck to u.

yes and i'm one of those that haven't been accepted yet. 6 interviews, no acceptances :((yet) - very stressful.
hey erwin, i join your club. 5 pre-dec interviews and one dec 14th interview and no acceptance yet. YAy
i just sent my deposit 2 weeks ago...not 100% sure if i'm gonna go though so my spot may open up eventually
goin to USC right here...

SC people check in!
it's true that all the SDN ppul don't want to go there because they have already gotten into schools such as UOP, UCLA or UCSF, I am sure a lot of other people wanna go there, and there are many people who have not been accepted yet, im sure USC isn't that bad of a choice. good luck to u.

love your puppy pic. anyway, there's a lot of usc bashing on sdn...*gulp* i think i'll be going there!

P.S. is it me or is USC the real "back-up" school instead of NYU? People on sdn used to say but I think it's more like USC...