Where should I be looking? (proactive post)

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10+ Year Member
Mar 31, 2013
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Hello everyone, I'm currently finishing up my second year in undergrad (biology major). Unfortunately I had some family/personal issues my freshman year and didn't perform well at all however, I've brought my oGPA to at 3.56 and sGPA to 3.60. I was just wondering what range of MD schools I should be looking at. As I still have about a year and a half till I apply I was wondering if anyone could perhaps tell me something else I should try before then to improve my application. (expected MCAT 33-35)My ECs are as follows:
2 semesters of genetics research in Florida
Around 150 hours of orthopedic, ENT, oncology, cardiovascular, nuero and plastic surgery shadowing experience
Admitted into Stanford university for research in stem cell/epigenetics (this summer)
One week long mission trip to Kingston Jamaica
Director of McNair research program at my school
Associate dean of engineering school
Head of anesthesiology at my local pediactrics hospital
(more to come)

I am also Hispanic and a first generation student

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Also do you have other ecs? The research and shadowing are great but you're going to alienate yourself from schools with more service based/under served missions. Might want to try and show some altruism/non medical interests.

Ps...you're going to get in somewhere. Keep it all up and increase ecs. With your stats and urm status you're looking strong.
