Where to apply with my stats?

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7+ Year Member
Oct 25, 2015
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First off, I am new to the community so I apologize if I make any mistakes with posting and so forth.

I know that this may be a little late in the application cycle to ask, but what schools do you think I would have a shot at?

I achieved a 3.5 GPA at a large state University, scored a 28 on the MCAT, and have been working full time as a medical scribe for the majority of the summer. I'm not particularly interested in Family Practice. I currently live an the South East and would prefer to stay somewhere warm, but I would strongly consider cold weather for a good school.

Edit: cGPA 3.5, sGPA around 3.5 as well

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  1. is that your cGPA (Cumulative) or your sGPA (science GPA). Can you edit the post so we can see both the cGPA and sGPA. Remember AACOMAS calculates GPA with grade replacement, while AMCAS takes all grades into account when calculating the GPAs.
->>> http://forums.studentdoctor.net/threads/aacomas-gpa-calculator-revised.839864/

2. Are you looking into just DO or MD as well?

Thanks for replying!

That is my cGPA, and I will recalculate my sGPA (it has changed since I last calculated it) and post it in a second. I am interested in both DO and MD programs, although I worry that I will not be accepted into any MD programs.

Edit: My sGPA is calculated to be about a 3.5, but I may be off slightly.
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Honestly I would wait for next cycle and apply. With those stats you would be competative for all DO programs but this late you probably won't have near the same options
Is it really that late in the application cycle? Dang, well I might consider applying anyways and seeing what happens. I'm looking at applying to LECOM (Bradenton and Erie campuses) and VCOM at least.
I think it is still ok to apply, sorry if I didn't make that clear! I just think to maximize your options it would be best to apply next cycle. But your stats are solid enough you should get some love. Those schools are a great place to start! Goodluck
Thanks! Do you have any recommendations on what other DO schools I should look at?
I think your stats will be fine for any DO school. Just do your own research on where you want to live. Apply very broadly; Your stats are good, but this is an extremely random process.
I do not consider that it's too late in the cycle, so apply broadly......NOW!!!

Is it really that late in the application cycle? Dang, well I might consider applying anyways and seeing what happens. I'm looking at applying to LECOM (Bradenton and Erie campuses) and VCOM at least.
I'm looking at finishing my application today. Thanks again for the advice.