which dental schools to apply?

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Dec 28, 2006
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My GPA is around 3.4 and my DAT score after taking it for the third time are AA: 19 and TS: 20 and PA:15 lots of volunteer work and stuff, and still didn't get into any school . which schools do you think I should apply to for the next cycle? Do I even have a chance?

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My GPA is around 3.4 and my DAT score after taking it for the third time are AA: 19 and TS: 20 and PA:15 lots of volunteer work and stuff, and still didn't get into any school . which schools do you think I should apply to for the next cycle? Do I even have a chance?

Are you a US citizen?
when did u apply this year?
Nope, But I have a green card (Permanent Resident). I applied to Texas schools back in August and to AADSAS in early November. why? Does it matter?
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My GPA is around 3.4 and my DAT score after taking it for the third time are AA: 19 and TS: 20 and PA:15 lots of volunteer work and stuff, and still didn't get into any school . which schools do you think I should apply to for the next cycle? Do I even have a chance?

a 15 on the PAT might be a little low?

make sure to apply much earlier. like in may.

use predents to check for schools with similar stats as yours.
Are you considered a resident in a state with a dental school?
16 is a cut off for a lot of schools. Maybe a retake? You can always improve. Also why is it that people apply so late? Shans, did you know that you could have applied in May and that applying early might have made a difference?

While not ALWAYS true, the odds are more in your favor if you apply in mid may (ASAP) so interview spots don't fill up.

Call up the schools and ask them what could make you better. Find out which schools would take a student with your citizen status, etc. It is going to take some phone calls and research (work) on your part.

good luck
check out the facebook groups for the schools...check out the girl/guys and go from there...

that the best advise i could give...
i would say retake the dat too that 15 alone will prevent you from even getting interviews at some schools (happened to a buddy of mine who had a higher gpa than yours)...but on that note, are you allowed to retake it again? i thought 3 was the cutoff
Apply much earlier. You want the application to get to the schools by august/september. Send it May/June. This alone could have prevented you from getting interviews. Good luck on your retake. Your AA and TS are fine. I don't think the PAT alone would have prevented you but this is my opinion. Some schools do have a minimum cutoff.