Which DO schools have the nicest gyms?

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Dec 24, 2022
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title says it all, my thought would be MSU or OKSU because of that sweet sweet NCAA money but some of these private schools also must put some sort of student gym together, lets hear it

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I like what your minds at. I think DMU has a pretty sweet new campus with a full gym/pool/court. Someone double check me on that
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VCOM-Auburn's, we have the same access to the rec center as the rest of the graduate students at Auburn. The library is pretty good as well.

If you're into balling, PCOM has the nicest basketball courts IMO. the 76ers used to hold their practices here before they built their new practice facility
Expensive, but I dont see why more gyms just spend the money on quality bars that won't get bent.. Also the knurling on it is niceee
Amen. A lot of equipment worth getting is a "buy once, cry once" type deal and the few gyms I've been to that had stuff like that were already at the top of my list.
If OKSU is Oklahoma State, the gym at the med school is pretty small. It has most things you need, but since we aren't at the main University campus, and don't have the same number of students, the gym isn't anything fancy.