Which Pre-Reqs to Submit on Secondary?? Grades vs. Content

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Full Member
May 18, 2024
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Hi everyone! I'd love some advice on what is best for entering secondary Mathematics pre-reqs.

For most schools I'm applying to, there are 2 required courses in "Calculus and/or Statistics." I got an A- in Calc but A's in all of my stats classes, including advanced ones from my graduate degree. Is it better to include the A- Calc class or just enter stats classes where I got A's? And should I only include ugrad stats classes or is graduate-level ok/better?

Any help is very greatly appreciated!!

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If they care, they'll see the grades on your primary application. More likely it doesn't really matter; the purpose of asking on your secondary is to establish that you have met their minimum course requirements. If you haven't or don't have them scheduled, that allows them to not waste their time interviewing someone who they can't matriculate. That's basically it.

If they care, they'll see the grades on your primary application. More likely it doesn't really matter; the purpose of asking on your secondary is to establish that you have met their minimum course requirements. If you haven't or don't have them scheduled, that allows them to not waste their time interviewing someone who they can't matriculate. That's basically it.
Thank you!