Which prep material did you use for MCATs?

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Yogi Bear

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Oct 11, 2001
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I was wondering what people were using to prepare for the MCATs.

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I messed up the last part of my vote, but I bought AAMC "practice items". It was cheap and a good review of material (although not an accurate representation of current passages). The verbal passages were good, though.
I read my Gen Chem, Orgo, and Bio, and Physics books. :wink: Haha, dude, you mean that night we both spent wasting time in the lounge editing and deleting posts, usurping identities, etc, didn't put you in a loose enough mood to rock this exam?
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•••quote:•••Originally posted by Papa Smurf:
•I read my Gen Chem, Orgo, and Bio, and Physics books. :wink: Haha, dude, you mean that night we both spent wasting time in the lounge editing and deleting posts, usurping identities, etc, didn't put you in a loose enough mood to rock this exam?•••••LOL! Did you take it this april? what kinda score do u expect to get?
•••quote:•••Originally posted by coenocyte:
• •••quote:•••Originally posted by Papa Smurf:
•I read my Gen Chem, Orgo, and Bio, and Physics books. :wink: Haha, dude, you mean that night we both spent wasting time in the lounge editing and deleting posts, usurping identities, etc, didn't put you in a loose enough mood to rock this exam?•••••LOL! Did you take it this april? what kinda score do u expect to get?•••••Haha, I dunno what to expect. I made some silly mistakes. DOH! I only took it to get off a waitlist or 4! Dude, just coz u felt that you didn't do well doesn't mean it's true. It's curved remember? Hang in there.
i used kaplan review is all, took last august, did fine
I used Peterson's Gold Standard MCAT book. The review material is concise and clear, and they have three really challenging practice exams, that make the actual exam look a lot easier. I really recommend it to everyone that doesnt have $1000+ do spend on a review course. It also has advice for the writing and verbal sections, interviews and academic success in general. Totally worth the $60.
•••quote:•••Originally posted by mrhdream81:
•i used kaplan review is all, took last august, did fine•••••how did your kaplan exam scores compare to your AAMC and REAL MCAT score?
Kaplan MCAT review - I didn't take an MCAT class, but learned the same stuff my friends in the class did. I liked the Kaplan book because it broke things down and had a couple sample test sections. (can't say as how my scores compare yet, it's been less then a week since I took it...)