MPH Which schools care more about work experience?

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Mar 26, 2015
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I know that some schools require work experience to apply. I'm looking to apply straight out of UG. Of the schools that don't flat out require work experience, are there schools in general that don't accept students without work experience? I have a pretty great GPA and some good EC experience so going straight from UG is what I am most worried about in terms of admissions.

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Harvard, Dartmouth, Vanderbilt (most have MDs), Hopkins (MPH), Georgetown, UPenn, UC Berkley, UVA. That's most of them that emphasize full-time work experience. The trend is most of them being name brand schools.

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Harvard, Dartmouth, Vanderbilt (most have MDs), Hopkins (MPH), Georgetown, UPenn, UC Berkley, UVA. That's most of them that emphasize full-time work experience. The trend is most of them being name brand schools.

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If I'm aiming to at least apply straight out of undergrad (though I'm open to working for two year, probably peace corps), is there anything specific I can do in undergrad to help my app?
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Not sure if there's anything that can take the place of post-grad employment, but try saturating yourself in public-health related experiences (volunteer at a non-profit, school organization leadership , hospital volunteering, etc.).

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Not sure if there's anything that can take the place of post-grad employment, but try saturating yourself in public-health related experiences (volunteer at a non-profit, school organization leadership , hospital volunteering, etc.).

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Does biological research carry any weight?
I want to preface what I'm about to say with the fact that I'm only a senior in UG in the process of applying, and any information I provide is based on my own research. That being said, it seems any type of research is valued, with science/bench research being only second to public health research.

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