Which schools have more free time / are less stressful?

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Just wanted to know what people's opinions were on this. I'll be entering dental school a little bit older (28), and being single, social time is a huge priority. Now I know that some schools are more efficient in the teaching process than others, but I couldn't find any concrete answers by doing a search.

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Just wanted to know what people's opinions were on this. I'll be entering dental school a little bit older (28), and being single, social time is a huge priority. Now I know that some schools are more efficient in the teaching process than others, but I couldn't find any concrete answers by doing a search.

Sorry to tell you, but your social life is going to have to take a back seat for a few years. I'm about the same age and I do understand where you are coming from. That being said, I think all schools will be basically equally demanding. You will still have time to have some social life, but you are also going to have to make some major sacrifices if you want to make it through dental school.
Just wanted to know what people's opinions were on this. I'll be entering dental school a little bit older (28), and being single, social time is a huge priority. Now I know that some schools are more efficient in the teaching process than others, but I couldn't find any concrete answers by doing a search.

Are you ****tin us??
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Haha, touche. :)

But I know there are differences in learning between schools.

For instance, USC takes a problem based learning approach.
That's all fine and well, man, I'm just talking about your priorities. Nobody can blame you for wanting to have a social life, especially since you're single. But if you want to be something really successful in life, such as a dentist for example, you're gonna have to make sacrifices from time to time. And I have bad news for you, stress is a normal part of life.
It is easy to pass dental school. It isn't easy to Ace it though.
My friend goes to school high 4 days a week, is out every night and never studies yet he pulls great grades. He attends a state school and he tells me that all state schools are like this. If this is the life you want as a student then you need to apply for a Masters in Education.
Ease depends on how intelligent you are. Some people cram the night before exams and pulls A's and B's, others cram all year to pull C's. Once you are through most of the didactics, it will depend on both your ability to perform lab and clinical work as well as didactic ability. All schools are probably roughly the same, with a few exceptions. As long as you are not in one of the more difficult programs, your free time will depend solely on your abilities.
don't listen to them. Pitt is easy. go to pitt. you have to cram...but its very doable and youll get high b's if youre a decent student....again, without much work compared to other schools iv e heard about. PM if u wana know more
Maryland is pretty chill. Stressful at times, yes. But overall it's not too bad.

At the end of the day, I think it really depends on you, NOT the school. There are kids in my class that walk around with an expression conveying that they are living the worst day of their life. They wear this face everyday. I feel bad for them.

Generally, BU is 5-10% stressful the first 2 years.

I don't know how to say this (I wouldn't want to give away the secret on these forums), but you have to attend here to know what I mean. :D
I think you probably need to find a different calling if you want tons of free time. It's possible to enjoy a weekend here and there in dental school, but most of the next 4-5 years they'll run your life.
I agree with what others have said. If you are content to get C's, you'll have a lot more free time. If more free time is really that big of a priority, make sure you go to a dental school that doesn't require you to do your own lab work. Lab work could take up a ton of time.
Here at Case, I had more free time my first two years of dental school than I ever had in Undergrad. For one thing, you're on a P/F grading system, so whether you get a 70 or a 99 on a test, it doesn't matter. Also, they build in "Independent Study" to the curriculum. So, for example, you may have "Independent Study sessions on Tuesday and Thursday from 1:00-5:00 and Wednesday from 8:00-12:00. The only time I ever actually used these study sessions was when finals were approaching. Other than that, most of the semester had several days where I was done at noon and could go golfing, hang out with the family, etc. I feel like it was the perfect setup. I know a bunch of chumps on this forum will say, "Oh, you must have learned next to nothing so far in dental school." The way they've set up the curriculum, they present the information, and let you dive as deep into it as you like. So some people wasted a bunch of time memorizing chemical structures of the Kreb's Cycle, while others focused a little more on operative, fixed prostho, etc. Anyway, if you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
I hear you get paid too.

I hear that 4th year at Pacific is soooooo good, that people don't talk about it. They want to hide the hidden treasure that is 4th year at Pacific.
I hear that 4th year at Pacific is soooooo good, that people don't talk about it. They want to hide the hidden treasure that is 4th year at Pacific.

I think you probably need to find a different calling if you want tons of free time. It's possible to enjoy a weekend here and there in dental school, but most of the next 4-5 years they'll run your life.

I don't know man. I'm all about taking the easy way out and doing the least amount of work possible. :p But hey, that's just me. I have terrible grades and DAT scores, but I talked to my dad, and he said no problems he'll just pay off the school for me. :D :thumbup: So I'm all good.

Thanks again guys! :D
I don't know man. I'm all about taking the easy way out and doing the least amount of work possible. :p But hey, that's just me. I have terrible grades and DAT scores, but I talked to my dad, and he said no problems he'll just pay off the school for me. :D :thumbup: So I'm all good.

Thanks again guys! :D
In that case, I'll just close this now to beat the rush. Have fun.
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