Why Georgetown essay

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Jul 7, 2004
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For my Georgetown secondary essay about why I want to go there, I'm focusing alot on research...I know Georgetown isn't one of the TOP research med schools, but I don't really know how involved it is in research. So I'm not sure if I should focus so much on research or not. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!

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maybe you should talk about the location itself. that is always good. if you talk about research...talk about it specifically and what professors or faculty you want to work with. good luck. any other suggestions?
Sunsweet...maybe you can mention something about its proximity to NIH. I'm sure they have a sort of linkage type programs.....
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Georgetown wants to make sure all of its applicants are able to get on their knees before they interview them (make up a reason why).

You should also learn and mention somethng about their philosophy of "curing the whole person".
thanks everyone for the helpful posts!
Hey there. I did about five years of research at Georgetown and it has a very thriving academic research community. If research is important to you, go ahead and write about it in your essay. Although Gtown is not as research oriented as some other medical schools, I don't think that writing about research will hurt you. And, if the medical school in fact did find your interest in research a negative, do you really want to go there?
highclass said:
Hey there. I did about five years of research at Georgetown and it has a very thriving academic research community. If research is important to you, go ahead and write about it in your essay. Although Gtown is not as research oriented as some other medical schools, I don't think that writing about research will hurt you. And, if the medical school in fact did find your interest in research a negative, do you really want to go there?
thanks for your advice...I actually decided to include research in the essay, but I didn't make it my main focus. There's other things I like about Georgetown, so I included some of those things too. I actually found a researcher there who's work is related to my current research work, and who I've read alot about before...so its actually a plus for wanting to go there! :D