Why won't they let me reschedule DAT date now when I am sick?

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The 48 hour rule is blocking me from rescheduling. I am sick. Is it worth it taking the test when I am sick or just not show up at all?

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Take it take it take it don't wait get it done you'll do fine being sick will only make you concentrate more if you can sit at the computer and read this you'll be fine to take the test just go do it do it do it
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i say take it because if you hold out any longer it will only hurt you. however, that's my opinion, i can be wrong. at least, that's what I would do.
80-90% of the class will be filled in a month, so you're looking at applying next cycle anyway, most likely. Why take it now when you're sick? Your score can only come down from your potential. I mean, is your sickness gonna improve your score? Hecks no. It can only come down from dizziness or drowsiness.

Take it if you plan on retaking in the future. (cuz they only really consider your last score anyway, and you've already paid for it)

If you don't take it, get ready to re-register soon. If you're fast enough, maybe you can have a test date in 2 weeks.

For now, overdose on Advil Cold and Sinus, water, and SLEEP!!!!! If you get enough rest, maybe you'll be over it by test day.
80-90% of the class will be filled in a month, so you're looking at applying next cycle anyway, most likely. Why take it now when you're sick? Your score can only come down from your potential. I mean, is your sickness gonna improve your score? Hecks no. It can only come down from dizziness or drowsiness.

Take it if you plan on retaking in the future. (cuz they only really consider your last score anyway, and you've already paid for it)

If you don't take it, get ready to re-register soon. If you're fast enough, maybe you can have a test date in 2 weeks.

For now, overdose on Advil Cold and Sinus, water, and SLEEP!!!!! If you get enough rest, maybe you'll be over it by test day.

Propel or vitamin water would also help. :D
suck it up and take it, the dat is like magic, it will make all of your sickness melt away.
The 48 hour rule is blocking me from rescheduling. I am sick. Is it worth it taking the test when I am sick or just not show up at all?

The rule is a rule. I doubt they will bend it for you. Prometric test centers will not do anything for you.

Sorry that you are sick. No one here can tell your current condition.

If you are coughing your lungs out and have runny nose. I say have a mercy on yourself and other people and don't take it. No one wants someone coughing constantly when they are taking their test which their careers depend on.
I was sick the day of my DAT and ended up not going to my test date. I called ADEA and faxed them a doctor's note. They reset my test date and I got to choose another date online.