Withdrawal Concerns

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10+ Year Member
May 9, 2010
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Hello everyone,
I just recently found this website and browsing it has shown me just how helpful and insightful all of the input is. Please let me know what you think of my problem and give me a bit of advice. Sorry about the long post.

My major issue is with withdrawal. I withdrew late in my third semester from all of my classes. I had already audited two of my science/math courses and was doing horribly. The story behind this is that I was horribly depressed and apathetic because in July I had personal problems due to a harsh break-up of a long term relationship and in September my father passed away. I was lower than I had ever been before. Just recently I have begun to get treated for my clinical depression, which is worse than it ever has been before.

To be honest I just recently decided to take pre-med and my future seriously, although I began taking pre-med courses at the beginning of my college career. I am currently a sophomore with about a 3.5, but I have put no effort into it yet and just recently began to see medicine as the career for me. This semester I transferred into a better school (it was arranged before I withdrew) and have been performing about the same as I was before withdrawing. I'm doing well but will probably be retaking O-Chem again in the summer because my retention has been poor and I will get a C or D.

I feel that I will be able to strengthen myself through 3 years of research, volunteering and clinical experience and I think i can get my grades up to a 3.8 by the end of undergrad. I am majoring in Philosophy, Genetics an Russian Language.

Therefore I am considering myself someone who has 3 years (I will be in school for 5 years) to perform fantastically and show my true capabilities academically and in all extra curriculars. I realize that this will obviously be very difficult, I am just trying to think about how this will look to adcomms.

If I truly am devoted to this path now, how badly do you think this will hurt me? For example, if I am shown to have had 3 years of harnessing my true potential, will this really matter that much?

Here's hoping I can fix this. Thank you for your honest, helpful advice!

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So long as your projected application GPA includes all your earned grades, you'll be competitive despite a semester of Ws. Just be sure there are no further blips in the academic road. Don't retake the classes this summer if you are not yet prepared to earn excellent grades. It may still be too soon considering all you have to deal with. A summer term or semester off while you get yourself together is far better than having more poor grades to redeem. A steep upward trend from this point forward will show adcomms what the real you is capable of.
Thanks for the input Catalystik. Yeah, I am feeling pretty optimistic about being able to improve this situation. Although you are probably right, I think i will spend the summer working and volunteering rather than fighting for strong grades while i'm not feeling well.

Also, does anyone know how adcoms look at people who spend 5-5.5 semesters in school? If you are taking good courseloads and it just takes you longer to accomplish undergrad goals like study abroad and doing multiple fields of study?
Any opinions or thoughts would be appreciated.
Also, does anyone know how adcoms look at people who spend 5-5.5 semesters in school? If you are taking good courseloads and it just takes you longer to accomplish undergrad goals like study abroad and doing multiple fields of study?
Taking longer to graduate will not be looked on negatively. A low cGPA will be, though.