Withdrawing From Recently Matched Fellowship

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7+ Year Member
Dec 28, 2014
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Hi all!

I matched into a subspecialty position for a lesser competitive fellowship in a large city. If I was to withdraw from my position due to hard financial/family situation, how would this negatively affect my ability to match down the line in this speciality versus other sub specialties down the line? I am conflicted between sticking it out versus taking a secure job where I would have lesser financial strain/hardship.

Also, if I was to withdraw, what is the best way to make my case/ word my hardship/situation. Thanks in advance!

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Hi all!

I matched into a subspecialty position for a lesser competitive fellowship in a large city. If I was to withdraw from my position due to hard financial/family situation, how would this negatively affect my ability to match down the line in this speciality versus other sub specialties down the line? I am conflicted between sticking it out versus taking a secure job where I would have lesser financial strain/hardship.

Also, if I was to withdraw, what is the best way to make my case/ word my hardship/situation. Thanks in advance!
At this point, you will have to get a waiver from the nrmp.
Without the waiver, you would either have to break the contract or go for the first 45 days and then leave.

Will it effect your ability to rematch… probably… especially if your have a match violation on your record.
If this is something competitive probably a big deal… if less competitive like say nephrology or ID…still could get something, but prolly less competitive/desirable program.
Hi all!

I matched into a subspecialty position for a lesser competitive fellowship in a large city. If I was to withdraw from my position due to hard financial/family situation, how would this negatively affect my ability to match down the line in this speciality versus other sub specialties down the line? I am conflicted between sticking it out versus taking a secure job where I would have lesser financial strain/hardship.

Also, if I was to withdraw, what is the best way to make my case/ word my hardship/situation. Thanks in advance!
The short answer is that, if you get an NRMP waiver (which you won't for this, but let's pretend you will), it will definitely negatively affect your ability to match in the same specialty down the road. Will it be "technically" possible? Yes. Will it be practical? No.

If you go the "45 days to meet your NRMP contractual obligation, then quit" route, you won't have an NRMP violation or need a waiver, but you will definitely not be getting a position in that specialty in the future.