Wood blood pressure

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2003 Member
15+ Year Member
Oct 16, 2003
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I was reading through some hospital records and ran across:
"Breatkthrough episode of ventricular tachycardia at 200 with wood blood pressure."

I an interested in knowing what this wood blood pressure is.

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i think "wood" refers to where the blood pressure cuff was placed, it is not uncommon to achieve very high wood pressures in some individuals
the cardiologist attending where I work has never heard of a "wood" blood pressure.

FYI :confused:
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Would "wood" pressure be higher in the morning?
Originally posted by Samoa
I was going to give a smartass definition, but I'm not 100% sure the OP is joking...
Lol, I seriously read this on a daily patient report. I guess it's a typo or the doc writing it has his own lingo.
One of my patients complained of "morning stiffness" and I almost blurted out, "welcome to my world," but stopped myself in time.
Originally posted by Panda Bear
One of my patients complained of "morning stiffness" and I almost blurted out, "welcome to my world," but stopped myself in time.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: