Trade Working Voice Actor Offering Free VO Coaching/Demo/Tryout With VO Agent in Exchange for Dental Work

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Voice Actor/Coach
7+ Year Member
Jun 20, 2014
Reaction score
Hello, I'm a Working Voice Actor based in San Francisco who is hoping to find a California dentist (or Dental Student) who is, or might be interested in starting a voice acting career, but doesn't have a lot of spare time, and zero spare $$ for the classes/demos/agent connections. Specifically a dentist who is open to trading dental work (for yours truly) in exchange for VO-coaching/demo-production/meet-up with SF talent agent/agents (essentially after they've had some coaching/evaluation, and their demo is done… my student will have the rare opportunity to audition for one of the Bay Area's top VO talent agents (at least one) and a legitimate shot to be signed to a top SF agency.

Im a 15 year VO pro, one of the top booking voice actors in the San Francisco Bay Area, and one of the top video game voice actors in the world.

I've been coaching VO and producing audio and video demos/reels for over a decade.

My credentials are available upon request (including my IMDB credits, coaching experience and demo production examples).

If you are, or you know a *California dentist (or dental student) who is eager to begin a voice acting career, and has possibly been discouraged by the (admittedly) high rates for one-on-one coaching/demo production, not to mention the time investment required... PLEASE send them my way.

I can fast-track the process (up to four times faster than the usual routes) provided the student can keep up. ;) I'm not a powderpuff coach by any stretch. I'm brutally honest, and will not sugar coat if specific areas need vast improvement. Tough love gets the best (and quickest) results in my experience… my email address should be available at my website,, linked here on my profile page.

Any help making this connection would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

-Adam Harrington, Professional Voice Actor

*hell, I'd even go a little further (and the coaching/demo production can all be done on Skype… and would obviously require much more time than any dental procedures).

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