Worst. Study. Ever. Fun poll!

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Mar 28, 2007
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A while ago I posted a thread asking people about the best study they ever read. Now I was thinking, let's try the opposite....

What study made you yell out loud while reading it? Which one made you wonder what stumbling drunk undergrads are on the journal's review board? What do you think didn't deserve to be published even in a journal owned by NewsCorp?

I'll kick us off. My area of research is plagued by some uniquely bad work, but this one really took the cake for me.

Spitzer, R. L. (2003). Can some gay men and lesbians change their sexual orientation? 200 participants reporting a change from homosexual to heterosexual orientation. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 32(5), 403-417.

The author spent four years finding his 200 participants. He scoured the ex-gay ministries, which aren't exactly suffering for lack of business, to find these people. Then he took the ones who reported a definite change in orientation. Trouble is, their sexual thoughts and feelings didn't really shift along with their self-identification.

So, even with a stacked sample, things didn't turn out very well.

Most of the scales administered were made up for the study. Most of the participants were, at the time of the study, deeply involved in the ex-gay movement (running groups, acting as spokespeople for the ministries, etc.).

After this paper was published, there was a MASSIVE response from researchers. Dozens of letters deluged Archives, saying that the research was incredibly poorly done and should not have been published. There were, I think, two positive letters. Worse yet is that I'm not even sure the paper actually went through peer review--the journal editor describes the decision to publish almost as if it were an executive decision.

Crazy! Read the paper sometime if you want to scratch your head in puzzlement! :) Let's hear some more!

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What about the "tv CAUSES autism" correlational study... by an economist... with almost no accounting for confounding variables... and no direct measure of TV watching...?
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What about the "tv CAUSES autism" correlational study... by an economist... with almost no accounting for confounding variables... and no direct measure of TV watching...?

Yes! It wasn't even published by a credible journal, but it still managed to be picked up by the popular news media, lending credibility to a theory that has NO scientific basis, and that basically puts the blame squarely on the parents for letting their kids watch TV.
Can't remember the reference offhand (I'll check later and update) but Zimbardo published an absolute steaming dung heap of a paper about hypnosis in I think the early 80's. Sure makes me feel better knowing that not everything I write has to be solid gold for me to have a decent career;)

I'd also like to mention a paper we were shown in a class as an example of a "You do this, we're kicking you out of school". Think it was an Argosy grad student (it was some professional school, I can't remember) who submitted an absolute abomination to a 10000th tier journal and they actually accepted it.

BDI was used a manipulation check for a mood induction. Need I say more?