Worst thing that happened to you

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Jul 25, 2020
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For interview questions like this, how negative/honest can you really be? When I came across this question I immediately thought of my relationship with my dad and what happened there but I don’t know if bringing up something that serious is really what they’re looking for.

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For interview questions like this, how negative/honest can you really be? When I came across this question I immediately thought of my relationship with my dad and what happened there but I don’t know if bringing up something that serious is really what they’re looking for.
answer your answer, not the answer you think "they" want to hear...
I don't think family drama is necessarily an inappropriate choice. I'd just be careful how you frame things. Remember that they're not just looking to hear about what happened to you, but also how you responded to those events, so if your response to these events doesn't paint you in a good light, it may not be the best choice.

For example, I have some challenging family history things as well, but I generally avoid talking about them in interviews because I recognize that it's hard for me to talk about them without sounding bitter. When choosing what topic to use, I'd think about if this is something that you can comfortably and objectively speak/write about in a professional way.
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When I was asked that question, I got the impression they want to know how well I can handle high stress situations. When I told the interviewers about being a parent and watching/supporting my child go through severe trials, they understood because they were both parents too.
Answer however you want, just make sure you keep a positive spin on the answer.