Would a double major in Biology and Philosophy be a good idea?

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Nov 19, 2012
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Also is there a real diffrence in taking a BA intead of a BS? which would be better for biology?

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Also is there a real diffrence in taking a BA intead of a BS? which would be better for biology?

If your goal is medical school, I would choose the BS. Some research jobs specifiy that they want applicants with a "BS in a related field." Not all of them though. So, it makes a difference, but not a big difference.

Double majoring in Biology and Philosophy is a great idea. Biology will help you with MCAT and medical school. Philosophy will help you appear well-rounded, as though you are not taking an "easy route," and show that you are willing to challenge yourself with 2 unrelated majors. Just keep your grades up.
Also is there a real diffrence in taking a BA intead of a BS? which would be better for biology?

It really doesn't matter much to adcoms what type of bachelors degree you have, and they really don't care about double majors. Major in what interests you, what you can do well in, and what allows you to get the pre reqs in without a major headache. If you want to double major, go ahead, but don't do it because you think it will help your app. Same with a BA vs BS, it can matter for employment, but it does not matter as far as med school admissions go. :luck:
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Eh, I would minor one of them, that is just me, though.
I would check if your required science courses will fit well in a Philosophy programme since each school/degree has a different number of science and allowed electives. If they don't fit I'd encourage you to do a BSc with a minor in ethics, or at least some courses, because medical ethics is a huge and growing field and can only help you down the road. Plus, both topics are really interesting!
Also is there a real diffrence in taking a BA intead of a BS? which would be better for biology?

Do you like Philosophy? Do you like Biology? If so, then go ahead. If not, then don't do it. The difference in requirements between a BA and BS varies from place to place. Whichever you choose doesn't really matter to adcoms. A BA shouldn't really hold you back from getting a research job, especially if you get experience while you're in school.
Philosophy will help you w/ the Verbal section of the MCAT. That whole thesis, antithesis, thesis thing? Yeah, that's a big chunk of Verbal.

~ a former Kaplan tutor :D
Do whatever BA/BS you want as long as you get high grades....