Medical Would moving to the US in middle school & having language barrier be a good topic for challenge essay?

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Sep 28, 2009
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For the adversity/challenge secondary, can I write about developing and becoming confident about my identity? My family moved constantly when I was growing up; I lived in three different countries (China, Japan, and U.S.) before my teen years. I came to the U.S. in middle school without any knowledge of English and I felt less of a person compared to my peers who had family close by, had stable social circles, cool hobbies like music and sports, were passionate about things, while I had no experience with anything in this society. Throughout high school and college, I overcame the language barrier, conquered my insecurities by finding hobbies I love, came to terms with balancing my ethnic heritage with my new country, and took initiatives in causes I found that I am passionate about. Would this be too trite?

Overcoming a language barrier is a great topic for an essay. You did it, you lived it, and you conquered it, and I bet you can find a great way to describe how it will make you a better physician.

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