WREB questions

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Jan 28, 2007
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I'm taking my wreb soon... i just have a few questions for those who already took the WREB.

1. How picky were they in accepting class II's? Did anyone have a tooth which they thought caries was clearly to the DEJ, but got rejected?
2. Whats the average length of time your patient was gone during submissions?
3. How long does it take to get scores back?
4. Do you recommend setting up back up teeth for endo?
5. When prepping the occlusal of mandibular pre's with a prominent transverse ridge, would you go ahead and cross the ridge even if there were no need to. (or just stick to pit on the side of the lesion). Do you need to ask for extensions if you wanted to cross it?
6. when would you need a finger extension? and how would you prep it.

i guess thats all i can think of now.. any response would be appreciated.

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see my replies below

I'm taking my wreb soon... i just have a few questions for those who already took the WREB.

1. How picky were they in accepting class II's? Did anyone have a tooth
which they thought caries was clearly to the DEJ, but got rejected?

Try to get lesions which have penetrated the DEJ. Both my class II's were shy of the DEJ but you could see dentinal involvment. So it literally skipped the dEJ and entered the dentin.

2. Whats the average length of time your patient was gone during submissions?

10-20 minutes

3. How long does it take to get scores back?

2-4 weeks

4. Do you recommend setting up back up teeth for endo?

I spent 5 hours trying to set teeth, I heard they were critical, but 100% of the teeth got accepted. I would have back up teeth set just in case.

5. When prepping the occlusal of mandibular pre's with a prominent transverse ridge, would you go ahead and cross the ridge even if there were no need to. (or just stick to pit on the side of the lesion). Do you need to ask for extensions if you wanted to cross it?

I know one candidate who just did a slot prep for a mandibular premolar.

6. when would you need a finger extension? and how would you prep it.

Sorry, Don't know the answer to that one.

i guess thats all i can think of now.. any response would be appreciated.
thanks for your help! i thought of more questions...

1.when i was reading the wreb manual, it talks about 3 point deduction for your first rejection in operative. is that the first rejection for EACH operative you do? (meaning you could lose up to 6 pts for a rejection for amalgam and a rejection for composite). Or only one 3 point deduction for both?

2. someone on SDN said you need retention grooves for composite slot preps, is that true? i didnt see that in the manual...
I'm assuming its a -3 for the whole operative (one time), similar to -3 for mod denial (one time).

Yes, I think you need to place retention grooves for slot prep. However, I would try to refrain from slot prep, unless you are 100% sure what you are doing, and sure that you eliminated all decay, affected dentin, demineralization. Slot preps are so small that sometimes you can't see everything.

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You will lose three points for each procedure, even if it is the same patient.

A total of 6 could be lost for rejected patients and a total of 6 could be lost for modification rejection.
thanks for your help! i thought of more questions...

1.when i was reading the wreb manual, it talks about 3 point deduction for your first rejection in operative. is that the first rejection for EACH operative you do? (meaning you could lose up to 6 pts for a rejection for amalgam and a rejection for composite). Or only one 3 point deduction for both?

2. someone on SDN said you need retention grooves for composite slot preps, is that true? i didnt see that in the manual...

For composite slot preps, you need bevels on the facial and lingual box walls, and on the gingival floor of the box if it doesn't extend into cementum. No bevels on the occlusal. For amalgam slots, you need retention grooves for sure; possibly bevels, as well (a little foggy on the amalgam requirement, sorry)
Just got my scores, 89.62. Phew. I guess I can share my 2 cents now!

1. How picky were they in accepting class II's? Did anyone have a tooth which they thought caries was clearly to the DEJ, but got rejected?

I had two lesions on my patient. One was just right, not too big, not too small (firm D1, clearly at the DEJ) and I was sure it would be accepted (for my amalgam). The other was on the side of minimally acceptable, probably barely D1. My patient's #20,29 had unsual anatomy, which had a prominent transverse ridge seperating the distal and mesial fossae. I made a note of this in the "APPROVAL" notes, just so there is a record of this before I started prepping anything. I decided to take a chance, sent both back for approval. They approved both, and I was off on my merry way.

2. Whats the average length of time your patient was gone during submissions?

About 15 minutes. When I sent my patient back for 2 lesion to be approved, it took a bit longer, about 25minutes.

3. How long does it take to get scores back?

They say 4, expect about 2-3 weeks.

4. Do you recommend setting up back up teeth for endo?

They approved 100% of all endo teeth submitted when I took it, they dont reject much. One guy even submitted a #12 in the wrong sextant thinking its a #5. They didnt notice. Dont submit teeth with broken apecies, Make sure you follow all the instructions provided ensuring they are set at the right depth and the correct quadrant. Dont worry about voids in the apex putties, everyone gets it... they dont really cut points. Make sure your radiographs look good. As long as you think you can perform the endo procedure... they dont care what the roots look like. Hopefully you will not have your teeth rejected, but just in case keep a back up.

5. When prepping the occlusal of mandibular pre's with a prominent transverse ridge, would you go ahead and cross the ridge even if there were no need to. (or just stick to pit on the side of the lesion). Do you need to ask for extensions if you wanted to cross it?

I had the exact same thing! I did not see my patients teeth clinically before the day of the exam. Low and behold, some strange looking teeth.

I prepped only the distal aspects (#20,29 were both DO lesions). I indicated that I do not see clinical necessity to cross the prominent transverse ridge since there was no presence of further occlusal caries into the mesial portion. I didnt ask for a mod, I just did the prep as I saw it was needed, made a note on the "Preparation Grade" section and sent patient back. Everything was approved in a manner of 10-15mins. No pink slips. I did this on two different days, two different teeth, one amalgam, one composite (both teeth had the same strange anatomy). As long as you dont leave caries, or prep something with no possible hope of retention (esp with amalgam), you should be fine. If you use good clinical judgement and make good professional notes, they will not fault you... on the contrary!

6. when would you need a finger extension? and how would you prep it.

Good question. Hopefully you dont end up picking a lesion needing this, but looking it up in Sturdevant's doesnt hurt.
Just got my scores: 87.97

1. How picky were they in accepting class II's? Did anyone have a tooth which they thought caries was clearly to the DEJ, but got rejected?

I also had two lesions on the same patient. #5 DO and #13 MO. I pick odd numbers cuz they are lucky. :). I submitted my patient and went to the bathroom and then came back and 20 minutes were up. I went back to my chair and there was my patient who had been approved and waiting for me for 10 minutes. Both my lesions were about 0.5 - 1mm into dentin.

2. Whats the average length of time your patient was gone during submissions?

15-25 minutes

3. How long does it take to get scores back?

It took exactly 14 days!

4. Do you recommend setting up back up teeth for endo?

I spent maybe 6 hours setting teeth. I was so scared since the manual they make it seem like life or death if you are enough into apex putty. Plus, I had a hard time seeing the apex putty so I was freaking out. 100% got approved. One thing i would definately do is try to keep both your teeth in the same arch if you can so you can rubber dam the whole thing and access and take radiographs simultaneously. I was doing #10 and #19 and it was a pain taking off the dam and putting it on again. Watch your timing, endo I felt like there wasn't enough time.

5. When prepping the occlusal of mandibular pre's with a prominent transverse ridge, would you go ahead and cross the ridge even if there were no need to. (or just stick to pit on the side of the lesion). Do you need to ask for extensions if you wanted to cross it?

the above poster answered it better than I could.
Just got my scores, 89.62. Phew. I guess I can share my 2 cents now!
Now I know the WREBS are rigged when my man here couldn't even break into the 90's. I'd still take it over the NERBS anyday. Congrats Big Game. You should look into CA.
hi did anyone get patients from patient providing services if yes please let me know how that works and what company i should use for patients,i am a student on east coast, i am taking WREB on 1 june in UCSF Cal.