WU interview Nov 5th.

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Nov 17, 2010
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Anyone else scheduled for the same day? If so, I am planning on flying in on Friday. Message me if you would like to meet up and explore the city :)
Super excited but I have no idea what to expect...
I would greatly appreciate any feedback from those of you who have already interviewed at Western University so far.

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psejo...just curious when you submitted your secondary app to western. The status on mine has been the same since I submitted on 9/20.
I submitted my secondary on sept 14th.
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Honestly, I gave up looking at statuses on AADSAS. They never change and half of my schools haven't even showed up on the list. I just check my email periodically (a more accurate description would be: I check my email 5 times/min) and go from there :) Good luck to you! Keep your hopes up!
Anyone else scheduled for the same day? If so, I am planning on flying in on Friday. Message me if you would like to meet up and explore the city :)
Super excited but I have no idea what to expect...
I would greatly appreciate any feedback from those of you who have already interviewed at Western University so far.

I have my interview on Nov 5th!!
I need to find a place to stay. Which hotels have you looked at?
From what I've read, the comfort in is the closest to the school so that might be the one I end up staying in.
Im also flying in at Ontario Airport but dont know whether ill rent a car or take a shuttle or what my options are as far as transportation...
I also have an interview on the 5th and haven't made any decisions...will probably also get there Friday though and it would be cool to hang out with my fellow interviewees. Is there a shuttle service from the airport?
You sent your secondary on 9/14? Does that mean since I sent mine in August 26, I'm probably going to get rejected? =[
I have an interview on the same day, Cant wait to meet you all :)
I also have an interview Nov 5th. I will have a rental car and free hotel. If anyone needs any help let me know.
I interview on Nov 5th also. I can't decide to drive up friday night from SD or to drive up in the morning. Anyone from the area know how bad traffic is that early?
i'm going on the fifth also! chances are no one will mention they're from SDN that day either ;] we'll all sit in a room making awkward conversation, but it's all good....

As for traffic, usually there isn't any on Saturday right? I mean it's a weekend...I'm coming from west LA so there better be none.
I saw on here plan for an hour coming from LA.
Also does anyone know what the schedule of the interview day is like? I emailed her asking and she said they don't give one out but we should be done by 130.
Also does anyone know what the schedule of the interview day is like? I emailed her asking and she said they don't give one out but we should be done by 130.
my email said 11:15 + 6 hours after that
7:45-1:30 for the morning session.