Yahoo regrets error made about pharmacist training requirements

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They better! I hate it when websites like Yahoo degrade the pharmacy profession. 😡

Our profession is consistently maligned, derided and impugned by people who assume that because we work in retail settings we're somehow on par with other mid-tier healthcare providers, like radiology technicians.

Such is life. I already get it from my family... "You get paid how much to do what??" /sigh.
Our profession is consistently maligned, derided and impugned by people who assume that because we work in retail settings we're somehow on par with other mid-tier healthcare providers, like radiology technicians.

Such is life. I already get it from my family... "You get paid how much to do what??" /sigh.

😱 You'll make that much money being a pill counter?!?
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Well, this article isn't going to help die down those "omg, pharmacy is gonna be so saturated NO JOBS FOR US!!!!11111" ..... as it encourages people flocking to the profession and try pharmacy for the money. Oh wait...
Very misleading as well with the healthcare field numbers instead of pharmacist numbers.
Pharmacy = so easy, even a caveman could do it!

The writeup seems to imply it only takes two years, no mention is made of it being, you know... a 4-year professional program? :\
Pharmacy = so easy, even a caveman could do it!

The writeup seems to imply it only takes two years, no mention is made of it being, you know... a 4-year professional program? :\

Hell no, you just do 2 years of school and then you go to Kwiki-Mart to pick up your Pharm.D.

we can look at the bright side..most of those who will attempt to rush into the profession will be giving free money to pharmacy school because they wont make it through the program;_ylt=AikvnfT0bxhqvWmlcj8RffWCfNdF

They better! I hate it when websites like Yahoo degrade the pharmacy profession. 😡

Although most of what was written on Yahoo regarding pharmacy education / training is true, it is farther from the complete truth.

For example, "Two years of college study is all that's needed to be accepted to a number of pharmacy schools." This was more true 5 years ago (before 2003 and 2004) than now. Nowadays, most or almost all pharmacy schools prefer applicants with bachelors degrees (4 years of college) plus consistent pharmacy volunteer/clerk/technician experiences.

Note: The number of pharmacy schools that accept many of the applicants with 2 years of college study was not specified in the yahoo article. But we all know this NUMBER continues to dwindle.
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Pharmacy = so easy, even a caveman could do it!

The writeup seems to imply it only takes two years, no mention is made of it being, you know... a 4-year professional program? :\

Yeah...after I read it I was like...TOTAL LIE. It's not like anyone can just get into pharmacy school if they want. It's such a competitive and frustrating processs. The writer made it sound like everyone could just flood into the profession.
how much do you guys wanna bet that someone who reads those articles on yahoo ends up on sdn in the pre-pharmacy forum posting about their chances on getting into pharmacy school. :meanie:

Yahoo always posts info about 100k jobs and they seem to degrade the profession😡. They make it sound like its so easy to become a pharmacist.
Techinally there was no mistake. You take 2 years of pre-pharm course, then you apply/go to pharmacy school. They are right. However, they should have included the fact that it can be competitive if you are wanting to attend high ranked schools.

However, I can't blame yahoo for thinking pharmacy school is easy to get into since there are a million new schools opening up, its hard to imagine anyone not able to get a seat. Just apply to a non accredited school and bingo theres your seat. 🙄