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5+ Year Member
Feb 3, 2018
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Hello all! Sorry, for the long question, but I hope some can lend an ear and give me some insight.

I have been researching Optometry for a very long time, and of particular concern is the income of ODs. The problem is, the vast majority of the stuff I have seen is American Statistics. Canadian statistics are very muddled because the majority of OD's seem to practice in PP (corporate is not dominant like it is in the states) which probably makes it more difficult to ascertain accurate income, considering bonuses and ownership play a big role in everything. Some sites, like glass door and pay scale count in hourly wage of techs and receptionists, which is obviously ridiculous, so it brings down the average a huge amount. All these sites paint a poor picture for OD income being in the 60-100k range. Considering debt load, it simply wouldn't be worth it. Yet, I personally have never met a newer grad who makes less than 100k in bigger cities, and many who landed jobs paying 130-170k right out of school in smaller cities. But even in Edmonton (1.4 million Metro population) I know new grads that don't seem to have much trouble piecing together 100-120k income per year.

I see hugely negative posts from individuals like Treytrey who paints Optometry in Canada as a post apocalyptic waste land, of an industry. He says there are very few FT jobs anywhere and all offer very poor income, and saturation is a huge problem. Yet, I cant help but see in British Columbia alone, well over 30-40 job postings, most of which offering 500-1000 per day (100-200k per year). Alberta is not much different. Offerings for buying practices are also strong, with most having revenue over 400k with cash flow over 150k for a single doctor office (assuming numbers are accurate). So all due respect TreyTrey, I would prefer you to not answer and inundate this post with negativity. I appreciate your contribution and definitely consider it, but I would prefer to hear some fresh voices (good and bad) from places out west, not the GTA.

I recognize dental and med is always more lucrative than OD, but I am not interested in them. I love everything about Optometry and there is nothing holding me back from going for it, but the small nag of ROI is there. I know the possibility of rolling in cash is minimal, but being able to pay off student loans (from an American school) in a reasonable amount of time and having a decent standard of living is what is important to me, anything extra is just a bonus.

Can anyone help me get a proper feel for Canadian new grad incomes? Alberta and British Columbia in particular. (Actual figures is appreciated, and PM if you don't want to post)

Thank you in advance!

P.s. I know there are some posts on this topic, but some are over 10 years old.

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