Did not match into EM--looking for open transition year/preliminary year/pre-residency fellowship

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Mar 31, 2020
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HI All. I was unsucessful in the SOAP with regards to getting into a transisition year program that had a EM residency assoicated with it. . Now I am looking at taking more school, which is not ideal. I am wondering if anyone here knows of any open positions availilble or how I could go about finding any programs that traditionally fill outside the SOAP/Match? All the offical lists I have checked are not helpful

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Keep an eye on the ACGME RRC Meeting dates. EM Meets again on the 16-17 of April. Transitional Year meets next week. Newly accredited programs will sometimes advertise in this forum or the positions forum. Within 24-48 hours of the meeting, you can go into the public Accreditation Data System page and get a list of newly accredited ones.
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Keep an eye on the ACGME RRC Meeting dates. EM Meets again on the 16-17 of April. Transitional Year meets next week. Newly accredited programs will sometimes advertise in this forum or the positions forum. Within 24-48 hours of the meeting, you can go into the public Accreditation Data System page and get a list of newly accredited ones.

Hi Cajun! Do you have any idea if the whole covid19 pandemic will affect the RRC meeting dates?
Why ask Cajun when you can google the EM RRC and ask them themselves. Not attempting to be smarmy, but: be a go getter. politely ask the source
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