DMU................Self-proclaimed Super Geniuses

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This goes out to my boy:


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classy pic is the greatesdt work of art I have ever seen!
hey all knowing 007s,
i was looking over the clubs that are available, and i was interested in soma, amsa, internal med club, and the onc. focused club. my question is, are they worth the blood, sweat, and tears? i know that you get out of it what you put into it and all; but, how valuable are the downloads at the amsa site that they offer as benefits, i.e. are they relevant?
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Mad Cow said:
hey all knowing 007s,
i was looking over the clubs that are available, and i was interested in soma, amsa, internal med club, and the onc. focused club. my question is, are they worth the blood, sweat, and tears? i know that you get out of it what you put into it and all; but, how valuable are the downloads at the amsa site that they offer as benefits, i.e. are they relevant?

I'm a member of AMSA and SOMA....I never really used much from their websites. There's so much information out there already from classes....

I liked their parties, though.

Finally, is a great resource. Peer reviewed journal style articles that give current information. If a professor has a different answer than emedicine, then that's a great way to rebutt a question....

Same goes for Harrison's online, or Cecil's......IM texts that is.

Back to studying for the last exam! :)
Portier said:
I'm a member of AMSA and SOMA....I never really used much from their websites. There's so much information out there already from classes....

thanks for the scoop, but would you or anyone else say that joining up with these clubs on campus is a good or bad use of time and $-$-$?
Mad Cow said:
thanks for the scoop, but would you or anyone else say that joining up with these clubs on campus is a good or bad use of time and $-$-$?

Don't think of it in terms of right and wrong. Try to see things along a continuum...


Instead, only try to realize the truth. There is no spoon.

Really, though:
There are tons worse ways to spend your cash in med school...broads, booze, strippers. Clubs aren't "bad." I'd put them on the light side.
Portier said:
I just bought a Dierks Bently CD, and KOTOR II.

I don't feel weird...what are you talking about? :eek:
Does that game work well on our laptops?
AwesomeO-DO said:
Does that game work well on our laptops?

I run it on my desktop.

I'm working on making it run on our requires some doing, evidently....

I'll let you know how this goes...
Portier said:
I run it on my desktop.

I'm working on making it run on our requires some doing, evidently....

I'll let you know how this goes...
Love the web page, Portier. I haven't seen BCG's in soooooOOooo long. :thumbup:
EvoDevo said:
Love the web page, Portier. I haven't seen BCG's in soooooOOooo long. :thumbup:

Those things have a LOOOOONG halflife.

I keep a pair in my toolbox, unit 1 (yes, I still have one), and ALICE pack. Tough damned glasses.

Do you like the 1980's engineer glasses?
Portier said:
Those things have a LOOOOONG halflife.

I keep a pair in my toolbox, unit 1 (yes, I still have one), and ALICE pack. Tough damned glasses.

Do you like the 1980's engineer glasses?
:laugh: Yeah, those were sweet.

I don't have my bcg's anymore 'cause that time is long past. But they only expired 'cuz the prescription wasn't good anymore.

BTW, love the Chesty quote in your sig. That guy was a hell of a Marine. So was Al Gray. :thumbup:

Oh, and four NAMs?? Dayum. :thumbup:
EvoDevo said:
:laugh: Yeah, those were sweet.

I don't have my bcg's anymore 'cause that time is long past. But they only expired 'cuz the prescription wasn't good anymore.

BTW, love the Chesty quote in your sig. That guy was a hell of a Marine. So was Al Gray. :thumbup:

Oh, and four NAMs?? Dayum. :thumbup:

Right place, right time, willing to get my hands dirty....always worked out that was enough to impress folks with signature authority.

It's about time for a Cremaster quip.
Hey guys,
Once again, the military talk needs to go, I'm afraid bernard will have flashbacks to his earlier days and I'll have to explain to him, that there is no charlie, and that he can't light up his doobie to ease the pain..............

about the clubs: I was in ER, SOSA, and a couple others. They are a great way to network and to get lectures on certain things in the fields, but you can go to most of that stuff without being in the club, so pick and choose! They aren't a total waste of time in my opinion, but I think they could do a lot more than they do now. It really just depends on who is in charge of the club and how much time they put in.

Bernard hurry on fixing the problems with out lap tops, worse case scenerio I buy a desktop to take with me on rotations because they told me when these wonderful machines that never break, break, we have to mail them to dmu............. :thumbdown:
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I'm going to work on logan's box should let me see yours then, too....


I'll try and make them work.

And about military crap: If you've ever perused military forums they're the dregs of society..Whining beatches. I like to be happy, so I don't post there often.

cremaster2007 said:
Hey guys,
Once again, the military talk needs to go, I'm afraid bernard will have flashbacks to his earlier days and I'll have to explain to him, that there is no charlie, and that he can't light up his doobie to ease the pain..............

about the clubs: I was in ER, SOSA, and a couple others. They are a great way to network and to get lectures on certain things in the fields, but you can go to most of that stuff without being in the club, so pick and choose! They aren't a total waste of time in my opinion, but I think they could do a lot more than they do now. It really just depends on who is in charge of the club and how much time they put in.

Bernard hurry on fixing the problems with out lap tops, worse case scenerio I buy a desktop to take with me on rotations because they told me when these wonderful machines that never break, break, we have to mail them to dmu............. :thumbdown:

Portier said:
Don't think of it in terms of right and wrong. Try to see things along a continuum...


Instead, only try to realize the truth. There is no spoon.

why didn't i take the blue pill?

thanks for the scoop.
About DMU clubs, here is what i found in 2 years:

1) the gay and lesbian club is a blast. all you have to do is show up and they give you all the fish tacos you can eat, not to mention re-carpeting of your apartment

2) all clubs offer free food to anyone, so just show up and eat their food

3) pick the club with all the hot girls....i.e. preventative medicine. they also have cool shirts.

4) clubs involving surgery are bad news b/c everyone there is competing against you to be the best ass-kissing bizatch in school.
You can play with my box whenever you want, I will be doing some researching on thursday and friday......
cremaster2007 said:
You can play with my box whenever you want, I will be doing some researching on thursday and friday......

I just realized that I'll be on a road trip for 5 weeks divorced from KOTOR I and/or II......I need to put it on my laptizop....damn!

Maybe this'll move up on the priority list...

cremaster2007 said:
Hey guys,
about the clubs: I was in ER, SOSA, and a couple others. They are a great way to network and to get lectures on certain things in the fields, but you can go to most of that stuff without being in the club, so pick and choose! They aren't a total waste of time in my opinion, but I think they could do a lot more than they do now. It really just depends on who is in charge of the club and how much time they put in.

Screw you buddy, if you actually showed up to any of the SOSA stuff.....Oh wait I cant make comments about not showing up.... :D
Astroglide User said:
About DMU clubs, here is what i found in 2 years:

4) clubs involving surgery are bad news b/c everyone there is competing against you to be the best ass-kissing bizatch in school.

Got be carefull about the ass kissing....I was a white guy when I started school.
I always wondered how you had a permanent crap-colored tan going for you...turns out it might actually be temporary.
Docgeorge said:
Got be carefull about the ass kissing....I was a white guy when I started school.

You were skinny, too.
Portier said:
You were skinny, too.

Havent been skinny in little trick to keep from being deployed. Might have to start to work this belly off though...have'nt been able to see my **** in a while. :scared:
Some months ago...maybe 9...I posted on here about getting c0ckblocked by a sleazey married guy in my MHA class when I was trying to talk to this nice girl.

Guess who just gave me her phone number...


I'm gonna' go put a sock on the doorknob and "relax."
hey I went to sosa stuff, when I felt that it was interesting or worth the time............ it just so happened that the 2nd year stuff was similar to the first year stuff! Plus you know how I hate going to school functions.
Portier said:
Some months ago...maybe 9...I posted on here about getting c0ckblocked by a sleazey married guy in my MHA class when I was trying to talk to this nice girl.

Guess who just gave me her phone number...

I'm gonna' go put a sock on the doorknob and "relax."

You dont know no nice girls frenchie....just the used up hookers form the corner of Ingersoll and 35th.
Do we have to go to that stupid Doctor film project tommarow?
I remember when frenchie tried to nail a 19 y/o white female who really enjoyed the drinks he was supplying her. I gotta give the guy credit for trying, but NEVER buy a girl drinks when she has more money in her pocket than you do, especially when her father makes more than most of us will ever dream of.
Astroglide User said:
I remember when frenchie tried to nail a 19 y/o white female who really enjoyed the drinks he was supplying her. I gotta give the guy credit for trying, but NEVER buy a girl drinks when she has more money in her pocket than you do, especially when her father makes more than most of us will ever dream of.

What do you mean "tried?"
"Tried" = the attempt to do something / going out of your way to accomplish a task. I.e. "I tried to plant my seed in kristin's little sister."

Here is the proof. She is pretty cute though.

I love coming to school in the morning and noticing that medical students drive bigger pick ups than the construction workers around campus. I can say this b/c i'm a road construction worker for life; all the little symbols people put on their pick-ups are flat out ******ed. There is no reason to drive a pick-up which takes up 2.5 parking spaces when you don't even have a tool box (other than your head).

"I just like to know that if i ever had to pull something, I'd have the vehicle to do it."

--guys like this get the luxory of pulling their 300 lb significant other for the rest of their life--
Astroglide User said:
I love coming to school in the morning and noticing that medical students drive bigger pick ups than the construction workers around campus. I can say this b/c i'm a road construction worker for life; all the little symbols people put on their pick-ups are flat out ******ed. There is no reason to drive a pick-up which takes up 2.5 parking spaces when you don't even have a tool box (other than your head).

"I just like to know that if i ever had to pull something, I'd have the vehicle to do it."

--guys like this get the luxory of pulling their 300 lb significant other for the rest of their life--
I agree Mikey. I hate people who have giant pickups and SUVs, but shudder at the though of driving on a dirt road. My dad has a suburban, but hes had five deer in it at once, and drives it through the forest on a road he cut through it with one friend and a chainsaw. I, on the other hand, am a *****. Thats why I dont have a giant pickup or suburban. I also hate people named mike though.
that is true, pickup trucks drive me crazy.........especially when they are desiel...........and bernard you did hit on her, she is 10+ years younger than you, and she used the popular iowa city trick of getting drinks from you all night knowing you thought you were gonna try to make her say mike...........while in all reality she was going home alone
I know I can't spell............I don't care you guys can bite me, I am moving tonight and moving sucks
Astroglide User said:
"Tried" = the attempt to do something / going out of your way to accomplish a task. I.e. "I tried to plant my seed in kristin's little sister."

Here is the proof. She is pretty cute though.


You shoulda' used Cremaster's version....pinky touch. I perfected that move many years ago.


And I didn't "try." I mean if I was serious I woulda' gotten one of your special "pills" you use to get all those "notches on your bed post." haha

You're so jealous that a 30 year old sugar daddy appealed to the younger sister!
After the weekend i had with her, i have no reason to be jealous. however, i think she liked your shirt a great deal.
youre all fags. Just thought you should know. You guys spend too much time arguing over who is the least faggy, when indeed, it is a moot point, since infinity divided by any number is still infinity. But if I had to pick one I would say mike is the most faggy.
Dartos Vader said:
youre all fags. Just thought you should know. You guys spend too much time arguing over who is the least faggy, when indeed, it is a moot point, since infinity divided by any number is still infinity. But if I had to pick one I would say mike is the most faggy.

Is that Mike or "Mike?"

Also, check this out:

That's Mike and his boyfriend.....
Let's get serious for a second: the faggiest thing around is the big truck club. for two days in a row i came to school early and still noticed they all park next to each other in a single row; it's pathetic.

Now about being gay in my own life. when i look around at everyone on this site, I seem to be bagging the hottest girl. i realize this might be proof of gay tendencies, but i also think it gives me reason to say "shut the fuct up are all a bunch of pusssies!"

If you plan on coming to DMU in the near future, make sure you buy a pick pick up so your car does not get run over in the parking lot. i tried to drive in the entrance this morning but realized i had to adjust my path b/c that giant pine green looking F-450 turbo diesel supreme with extra cheese was blocking the drive.

Last comment. where is that super short fatty that gives people tickets when you need him. there is nothing funnier than watching that guy try and get out of his car only to give you a dirty look b/c you parked on campus.

Go Hawks!
Giant trucks on our campus are the biggest safety hazard in the world. It's great having to creep around the parking lot so you don't get smoked since they always park right by where everyone comes in and leaves campus.

Bernard I'm not sure where the pinky touch came from, but the move I learned from astro was to just hit them in the back of the head when you tell them to "turn around and look at that chicks skirt".............then you drag them back to 4200 grand avenue and climb up three flights of apartments from the outside and watch astro eat 3 double cheeseburgers and then pass out in the most comfortable bed in the world
so we are about an hour away from our last test.................then one more day of mandatory class.............then I may never see you guys again, unless I come back (and actually get to graduate) which case I will sneak up on you and yell SURPRISE COCK FAGS to quote team america. It's been a good run for what it's worth............ :thumbup:
Astroglide User said:
Let's get serious for a second: the faggiest thing around is the big truck club. for two days in a row i came to school early and still noticed they all park next to each other in a single row; it's pathetic.

Now about being gay in my own life. when i look around at everyone on this site, I seem to be bagging the hottest girl. i realize this might be proof of gay tendencies, but i also think it gives me reason to say "shut the fuct up are all a bunch of pusssies!"

If you plan on coming to DMU in the near future, make sure you buy a pick pick up so your car does not get run over in the parking lot. i tried to drive in the entrance this morning but realized i had to adjust my path b/c that giant pine green looking F-450 turbo diesel supreme with extra cheese was blocking the drive.

Last comment. where is that super short fatty that gives people tickets when you need him. there is nothing funnier than watching that guy try and get out of his car only to give you a dirty look b/c you parked on campus.

Go Hawks!

If you bag the hottest chick, and screw all the guys, that still makes you a MSM, even if you're not exactly "gay."

MSM is worse.....biznatch.
Pinky touch really turns me on, porsche.
Astroglide User said:
Let's get serious for a second: the faggiest thing around is the big truck club. for two days in a row i came to school early and still noticed they all park next to each other in a single row; it's pathetic.

Now about being gay in my own life. when i look around at everyone on this site, I seem to be bagging the hottest girl. i realize this might be proof of gay tendencies, but i also think it gives me reason to say "shut the fuct up are all a bunch of pusssies!"

If you plan on coming to DMU in the near future, make sure you buy a pick pick up so your car does not get run over in the parking lot. i tried to drive in the entrance this morning but realized i had to adjust my path b/c that giant pine green looking F-450 turbo diesel supreme with extra cheese was blocking the drive.

Last comment. where is that super short fatty that gives people tickets when you need him. there is nothing funnier than watching that guy try and get out of his car only to give you a dirty look b/c you parked on campus.

Go Hawks!
You may think you are banging the hottest chick, others may disagree. And you may be banging her, but satisfying her is a whole other story...
Last night I played the NCAA 2005 football championship game between iowa and florida. Iowa fell down 9-0 early, but won 24-9. It was a tough game since most of my players hadn't played for 3 games since they were suspended for NCAA violations. I love realistic games................July 17th till the new heaven................
babyruth said:
Pinky touch really turns me on, porsche.

EVERYTHING about you turns me on, babyruth.....

And I do mean EVERYTHING...especially crutches and a scary looking possessive husband....

Forbidden Fruit.... :rolleyes:
the problem with forbidden fruit is once you take a bite, you get kicked out into the wilderness where dmak the bear has his way with you......
You think he looks scary?
Only when he's climaxing.... :eek:
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