Official 2005 Rejection Thread

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Albany: Post sec: Pratik7, brr, inquiringmind24, SplinkMD, Just Applied, rayzer, ornis4, debiafly, nulie01, BGGA, inod, skiracer90, jiy76, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, tristy

Albert Einstein: Post sec: a*brown, CanIMakeIt, Code Brown, Sarikate, SamDC, ornis4, Kazema, paragozardelsol, beep

Brown: Post sec: Dr.Vitaminka, bjackrian, landrus

BU: Post Sec: Ananda4321, cytotech27, brr, Just Applied, Jeffy, bostonabe, myodana, ambrosia, smallqt, ornis4, a*brown, Sarikate, landrus, GuyLaroche, Brynn7, Dr.Vitaminka, akpete, Mistress S, tristy,indo, americanidiot, kikat37

Buffalo: Post Sec: bigdan, BGGA, Steiner, jenclarke

Case: Post Sec: liverotcod, EvoDevo, Dr.Vitaminka, MedicineBird, AStudent, Singing Devil

Cleveland Clinic/Lerner: Post Sec: EvoDevo, liverotcod

Columbia: paragozardelsol, panda

Cornell: Post Sec: tinkerbelle, the negative 1, Dr. AYY, Mwillie, Ol'DocToxic, the1111gal, a*brown, CanIMakeIt, landrus, Acherona, Penelope1, premedgeek, beep, Brynn7, cmdoctor, docinthemaking, AStudent, myodana, Wiggy73, Kazema, ajt2003, panda

Creighton: americanidiot

Dartmouth: Post Sec: DrThom, Just Applied, Medikit, DGhiker, ZappBrannigan, UCLAStudent, swimerpaco, bostonabe, dxw, i77ac, cammy1313, VPDcurt, Dr.Vitaminka, Jules454, DianaLynne, a*brown, landrus, Timmythemic22, Pembleton, Mistress S, seethrew, Singing Devil, Bonez318ti, Code Brown

Drew: neuronerd, i77ac; pre-sec, Csv321

Drexel: Post Sec: Pembleton,fireorose, saki0005

Duke: Post Sec: Mebhs15, aesop, Creatine, lorelei, Haybrant, CanuckRazorback, tristy
Post Interview: Singing Devil, the1111gal, BraneDoc, CanIMakeIt, brothersboff, panda

EVMS: pre sec: Pembleton, americanidiot
post sec: Biscuit799, acl3623, Kikat37 post sec: Csv321

Georgetown: post Sec: UCLAStudent, StickNRudder, premyo2002, ssk123, VFrank, the negative 1, travellindoc, Code Brown, Kazema, Jeffy, orchids&organs, Jules454, Lubdubb, gobblety_gook, BlueMagpie, deuist, brr, Bedpan Commando, DeepCowboy, Acherona, sweatybrain, Pembleton, KiKat37, landrus, premedgeek, Ol'DocToxic, myodana
post interview: bjackrian, bridge01, adog

GW: post sec: SplinkMD, americanidiot, ananda4321,jiy76(hold), bonez318ti(hold),fireorose, Pembleton, bubchik, drsungoddess, Sarikate (hold), Medicinebird, Kazema, rayzer, ornis4, IDSpud23, AStudent, Inquiringmind24, beep, Lis79

Harvard: post sec: BraneDoc, panda, beep, CanuckRazorback, Code Brown, ajt2003, javert, Singing Devil

Indiana U: pre sec: mdsh00, PBMaxx, Fusion, Scottish Chap, Khenon, Medicinebird

Jefferson: fireorose, saki0005, kikat37, Pembleton, LionKing, landrus, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka, AStudent, Inquiringmind 24.

Johns Hopkins: post sec: morganlefay, post interview: DrThom

Loyola: pre-sec: BlueMagpie, Kazema, ForbiddenComma, lis79
post-sec: brothersboff

Mayo: pre phone interview: superdevil, YzIa, jmeyers52, lorelei, Medikit, terzian, UCLAStudent, orchids&organs, liverotcod, Khenon, xela, seethrew, damnit jim!, Buckeye(OH), Old_Mil, CanuckRazorback, Penelope1, akpete
Post phone interview: CanIMakeIt, ambrosia, junathon, dhoonlee, bostonabe, pushkin, Dr. AYY

Medical College of Ohio: pre-sec: nulie01, americanidiot
post-sec: PBMaxx

Medical College of Wisconsin: pre-sec: DoctorMalki, CanIMakeIt,
post-sec: americanidiot, Ol'DocToxic, jp2004, Buckeye(OH), PBMaxx, MedicineBird, Dr.Vitaminka, americanidiot, Old_Mil, baseball37 post interview: Medikit, AStudent (you can't just cancel an interview like that)

Michigan State: pre sec: Ylime, IDSpud23, americanidiot, UCLAStudent
Post-sec: lizbjrddnr

Northwestern/Feinberg: post sec: adamj61, PBMaxx, BlueMagpie, Code Brown, ZappBrannigan, Pre-MedAdAg, the other Dr., DGhiker, Uegis, Jason110, dhoonlee, Childe, orchids&organs, a*brown, Neoncandle, DoctorFunk, bjackrian, brr, mrezai, evajaclynn, apar01, MedicineBird, nairay, CanIMakeIt, UCLAStudent, damnit jim!, dgf32, basten0, smallqt, IDSpud23, skiracer90, premedgeek, Singing Devil, Mwillie, Coincidental, supernova, Penelope1, Haybrant, cmdoctor, Mr. Seeds, Psycho Doctor, jdovez, BraneDoc, panda, brothersboff, lulubean

NYMC: post sec: saki0005

NYU: pre sec: aesop, crysb, dgf32, saki0005, americanidiot, Penelope1
post sec: beep, docinthemaking, UCLAstudent, myodana, panda, KiwiFruit

OHSU: post sec: Csv321, IDSpud23, Code Brown post-interview: dxw, inod

Ohio State U: Post Sec: MedicineBird, Code Brown

Penn State: Post Sec: jiy76, Dr. AYY, tristy

Rochester: Post sec: Code Brown, a*brown, DoctorMalki, Medikit, the negative 1, Lubdubb, PreMedAdAG, drsungoddess, cytotech2, Just Applied, jp2004, Dr.Vitaminka, CanIMakeIt, premedgeek, Brynn7, Steiner, dhoonlee, AStudent, Kazema

Rosalind Franklin/CMS: post sec: inquiringmind24, ornis4, saki0005, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka

Stanford: post sec: btowngirl, Jeffy, Dr.Vitaminka, Ibby, pushkin, Khenon, a*brown, MsEvolution, MedicineBird, Mistress S, boardchic, PreMedAdAG tic112,drsungoddess, Wiggy73, CanIMakeIt, CanuckRazorback, Creatine, KAR, Singing Devil, DrDarwin, DianaLynne, el matador, Csv321, Kazema, BraneDoc, paragozardelsol, Medikit, tommerbommer, panda

SUNY Downstate: post sec (snail): cytotech27, Nervouspremed, beep, SplinkMD, Pembleton,jiy76, Dr.Vitaminka

SUNY Upstate: hold-post sec: cytotech27,jiy76, tristy; rejected-post sec: Kazema, Csv321

Tufts: pre sec: saki0005

Tulane: post sec: Jeffy, StickNRudder, brr, Mistress S, paragozardelsol, damnit jim!, MedicineBird, morganlefay, Dr.Vitaminka, Sarikate, el matador, saki0005, Biscuit799

UChicago/Pritzker: post sec: adamj61, dxw, marr, Code Brown, mdsh00, sactownkingsfan, BlueMagpie, Sparty Corn Fed, i77ac, Wiggy73, liverotcod, orchids&organs, salsita1421, drsungoddess, kmjannie, CanIMakeIt, PBMaxx, paragozardelsol, jentto, LauraMac, bostonabe, Wends, lizbjrddnr, Singing Devil, PreMedAdAG, rugirlie, Kazema, jdovez, panda
hold post sec: gobblety_gook, bridge01

UC Davis: pre sec: mdsh00, supersnuffles, travellindoc, brr, neuronerd, Khenon, Dr.Vitaminka, Ol'DocToxic, post sec: UCLAStudent, bridge01, dxw, dryo12, Medikit, el matador, cammy1313, lis79, Ibby, Csv321 post interview: Code Brown,

UCI: pre sec: brr, Khenon, Ibby, Dr.Vitaminka, Csv321

UCLA: pre sec: Khenon,Dr.Vitaminka, DrYo12
post sec: tic112, bubchik, the other Dr., beep, Haybrant, Code Brown, swimerpaco, wxl31, drsungoddess,el matador, Csv321

U Cincinnati post sec: lizbjrddnr

UColorado: PreMedAdAG, Inquiringmind24 (post-sec, and I'm a CO resident!!!!), Lis79

U Connecticut: Kikat37 (am I really the first and only one?!), landrus

UCSD: pre sec: drsungoddess, Khenon, Code Brown, Csv321
post sec: supernova, lis79, Ol'DocToxic, Dr.Vitaminka, Acherona, Ibby, CanuckRazorback, UCLAstudent, Medikit

UCSF: pre sec: apar01, mdsh00, graat, DianaLynne, swimerpaco, Code Brown, rockstar2525, BraneDoc, neuronerd, panda, drsungoddess, Medikit, travellindoc, jules454, nairay, damnit jim!, myodana, bonez318ti, Ol'DocToxic, Ibby. CanuckRazorback, CanIMakeIt, DrDarwin, docinthemaking
post sec: dhoonlee, tic112, cammy1313, tommerbommer, pushkin, Mistress S, Khenon ,Csv321, Dr.Vitaminka, beep, javert

UFlorida: pre sec: morganlefay, nonameremains
post sec: Biscuit799

UHawaii: John Burns, pre sec: yposhelley, mdsh00, Khenon


UIowa: cmdoctor

UKansas: Khenon

ULouisville: pre sec: EvoDevo, shyrem, Fusion, Pembleton, saki0005

UMDNJ-RWJ: BA/MD program: drguy22
MD program: Kikat37, ornis4, premedgeek, myodana, drsungoddess

UMDNJ - NJMS: post-sec: Sarikate, PreMedAdAG

UMaryland: BGGA, premedgeek,Scottish Chap (state resident!), Pembleton Timmythemic22

UMiami: pre sec: mdsh00, TravellinDoc, post sec: morganlefay
post sec: Biscuit799, drsungoddess

UMichigan: post sec:lis79, americanidiot, lizbjrddnr, Mistress S, Code Brown, AStudent

UMinn: pre sec: sactownkingsfan, Khenon, saki0005
post sec: akpete, IDSud23

UMinn Duluth: post interview: Xela; Khenon (3/4, post secondary)

UMissouri: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNew Mexico: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNC: pre sec: Creatine, Biscuit799

UNebraska: pre sec: kmjannie

UPitt: pre sec: ImmunoRocks, jp2004
post sec: LionKing, SplinkMD, BlueMagpie, ZappBrannigan, Code Brown, drsungoddess, Brynn7, Sarikate, lizbjrddnr, CanuckRazorback, Mr. Seeds, Penelope1

USouth Carolina: pre sec: ShyRem, samboo

UTexas-San Antonio: post sec: basten0, drsungoddess

UTexas-Southwestern: post sec: basten0

UTMB: brothersboff

UVA: LionKing, PreMedGeek, tristy, bqj, beep, MedicineBird, Pembleton, CanIMakeIt, Penelope1, cmdoctor, Csv321

UVermont: post sec: noalarms23, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, ornis4, tristy ,landrus, Singing Devil, Medikit, myodana
post interview: ribbi_j

UWashington: pre sec: bjackrian, ingamina, bonez318ti, dhoonlee, DianaLynne, Ibby, javert

UWisconsin: pre sec: rjb, DoctorFunk, kmjannie, AndEE, salsita1421, dgf32, IDSpud23
post sec: Creatine, Old_Mil
post-interview: akpete

Vandy: pre sec: Amywa, Biscuit799, pyra, doctormalki, rjb, superdevil, a*brown, latinfridley, OrnotMajestic, Jason110, gold&black2005, Kazema, Freaker, mdsh00, Childe, Medikit, aparecida, elephunt, Lubdubb, Ylime, CanIMakeIt, DeaconMD04, docinthemaking, MedicineBird, seethrew, damnit jim!, el matador, Singing Devil, supernov, Dr.Vitaminka post interview: SplinkMD

VCU: pre sec: Khenon, Bedpan Commando, Pembleton, Buckeye(OH), morganlefay
post sec: americanidiot, drsungoddess, KiwiFruit, Singing Devil, samboo
post interview: liverotcod

Wake: pre sec: MegADoc?, premyo2002, PreMedAdAG, dr.z, dfleis, Munchkin6245, OrnotMajestic, jp2004, orchids&organs, jp2004, MedicineBird, morganlefay, saki0005, Csv321
post sec: brr, samboo, Biscuit799, brothersboff

WashU: Singing Devil, Croatalus_atrox, BraneDoc, Kazema, Penelope1, CanuckRazorback, paragozardelsol, javert

Wayne State: pre sec: rjb, akim0414, VPDcurt, chondrocyte

Wright State: Post-sec: lizbjrddnr

Members don't see this ad.
Albany: Post sec: Pratik7, brr, inquiringmind24, SplinkMD, Just Applied, rayzer, ornis4, debiafly, nulie01, BGGA, inod, skiracer90, jiy76, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, tristy

Albert Einstein: Post sec: a*brown, CanIMakeIt, Code Brown, Sarikate, SamDC, ornis4, Kazema, paragozardelsol, beep

Brown: Post sec: Dr.Vitaminka, bjackrian, landrus

BU: Post Sec: Ananda4321, cytotech27, brr, Just Applied, Jeffy, bostonabe, myodana, ambrosia, smallqt, ornis4, a*brown, Sarikate, landrus, GuyLaroche, Brynn7, Dr.Vitaminka, akpete, Mistress S, tristy,indo, americanidiot, kikat37

Buffalo: Post Sec: bigdan, BGGA, Steiner, jenclarke

Case: Post Sec: liverotcod, EvoDevo, Dr.Vitaminka, MedicineBird, AStudent, Singing Devil

Cleveland Clinic/Lerner: EvoDevo, liverotcod

Columbia: paragozardelsol, panda

Cornell: Post Sec: tinkerbelle, the negative 1, Dr. AYY, Mwillie, Ol'DocToxic, the1111gal, a*brown, CanIMakeIt, landrus, Acherona, Penelope1, premedgeek, beep, Brynn7, cmdoctor, docinthemaking, AStudent, myodana, Wiggy73, Kazema, ajt2003, panda

Creighton: americanidiot

Dartmouth: Post Sec: DrThom, Just Applied, Medikit, DGhiker, ZappBrannigan, UCLAStudent, swimerpaco, bostonabe, dxw, i77ac, cammy1313, VPDcurt, Dr.Vitaminka, Jules454, DianaLynne, a*brown, landrus, Timmythemic22, Pembleton, Mistress S, seethrew, Singing Devil, Bonez318ti, Code Brown

Drew: neuronerd, i77ac; pre-sec, Csv321

Drexel: Pembleton,fireorose, saki0005

Duke: Post Sec: Mebhs15, aesop, Creatine, lorelei, Haybrant, CanuckRazorback, tristy
Post Interview: Singing Devil, the1111gal, BraneDoc, CanIMakeIt, brothersboff, panda

EVMS: pre sec: Pembleton, americanidiot
post sec: Biscuit799, acl3623, Kikat37 post sec: Csv321

Georgetown: post Sec: UCLAStudent, StickNRudder, premyo2002, ssk123, VFrank, the negative 1, travellindoc, Code Brown, Kazema, Jeffy, orchids&organs, Jules454, Lubdubb, gobblety_gook, BlueMagpie, deuist, brr, Bedpan Commando, DeepCowboy, Acherona, sweatybrain, Pembleton, KiKat37, landrus, premedgeek, Ol'DocToxic, myodana
post interview: bjackrian, bridge01, adog

GW: post sec: SplinkMD, americanidiot, ananda4321,jiy76(hold), bonez318ti(hold),fireorose, Pembleton, bubchik, drsungoddess, Sarikate (hold), Medicinebird, Kazema, rayzer, ornis4, IDSpud23, AStudent, Inquiringmind24, beep, Lis79

Harvard: post sec: BraneDoc, panda, beep, CanuckRazorback, Code Brown, ajt2003, javert, Singing Devil

Indiana U: pre sec: mdsh00, PBMaxx, Fusion, Scottish Chap, Khenon, Medicinebird

Jefferson: fireorose, saki0005, kikat37, Pembleton, LionKing, landrus, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka, AStudent, Inquiringmind 24.

Johns Hopkins: post sec: morganlefay, post interview: DrThom

Loyola: pre-sec: BlueMagpie, Kazema, ForbiddenComma, lis79
post-sec: brothersboff

Mayo: pre phone interview: superdevil, YzIa, jmeyers52, lorelei, Medikit, terzian, UCLAStudent, orchids&organs, liverotcod, Khenon, xela, seethrew, damnit jim!, Buckeye(OH), Old_Mil, CanuckRazorback, Penelope1, akpete
Post phone interview: CanIMakeIt, ambrosia, junathon, dhoonlee, bostonabe, pushkin, Dr. AYY

Medical College of Ohio: pre-sec: nulie01, americanidiot
post-sec: PBMaxx

Medical College of Wisconsin: pre-sec: DoctorMalki, CanIMakeIt,
post-sec: americanidiot, Ol'DocToxic, jp2004, Buckeye(OH), PBMaxx, MedicineBird, Dr.Vitaminka, americanidiot, Old_Mil, baseball37 post interview: Medikit, AStudent (you can't just cancel an interview like that)

Michigan State: pre sec: Ylime, IDSpud23, americanidiot, UCLAStudent
Post-sec: lizbjrddnr

Northwestern/Feinberg: post sec: adamj61, PBMaxx, BlueMagpie, Code Brown, ZappBrannigan, Pre-MedAdAg, the other Dr., DGhiker, Uegis, Jason110, dhoonlee, Childe, orchids&organs, a*brown, Neoncandle, DoctorFunk, bjackrian, brr, mrezai, evajaclynn, apar01, MedicineBird, nairay, CanIMakeIt, UCLAStudent, damnit jim!, dgf32, basten0, smallqt, IDSpud23, skiracer90, premedgeek, Singing Devil, Mwillie, Coincidental, supernova, Penelope1, Haybrant, cmdoctor, Mr. Seeds, Psycho Doctor, jdovez, BraneDoc, panda, brothersboff, lulubean

NYMC: saki0005

NYU: pre sec: aesop, crysb, dgf32, saki0005, americanidiot, Penelope1
post sec: beep, docinthemaking, UCLAstudent, myodana, panda, KiwiFruit

OHSU: post sec: Csv321, IDSpud23, Code Brown post-interview: dxw, inod

Ohio State U: Post Sec: MedicineBird, Code Brown

Penn State: Post Sec: jiy76, Dr. AYY, tristy

Rochester: Post sec: Code Brown, a*brown, DoctorMalki, Medikit, the negative 1, Lubdubb, PreMedAdAG, drsungoddess, cytotech2, Just Applied, jp2004, Dr.Vitaminka, CanIMakeIt, premedgeek, Brynn7, Steiner, dhoonlee, AStudent, Kazema

Rosalind Franklin/CMS: post sec: inquiringmind24, ornis4, saki0005, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka

Stanford: post sec: btowngirl, Jeffy, Dr.Vitaminka, Ibby, pushkin, Khenon, a*brown, MsEvolution, MedicineBird, Mistress S, boardchic, PreMedAdAG tic112,drsungoddess, Wiggy73, CanIMakeIt, CanuckRazorback, Creatine, KAR, Singing Devil, DrDarwin, DianaLynne, el matador, Csv321, Kazema, BraneDoc, paragozardelsol, Medikit, tommerbommer, panda

SUNY Downstate: post sec (snail): cytotech27, Nervouspremed, beep, SplinkMD, Pembleton,jiy76, Dr.Vitaminka

SUNY Upstate: hold-post sec: cytotech27,jiy76, tristy; rejected-post sec: Kazema, Csv321

Tufts: pre sec: saki0005 post sec: ornis4

Tulane: post sec: Jeffy, StickNRudder, brr, Mistress S, paragozardelsol, damnit jim!, MedicineBird, morganlefay, Dr.Vitaminka, Sarikate, el matador, saki0005, Biscuit799

UChicago/Pritzker: post sec: adamj61, dxw, marr, Code Brown, mdsh00, sactownkingsfan, BlueMagpie, Sparty Corn Fed, i77ac, Wiggy73, liverotcod, orchids&organs, salsita1421, drsungoddess, kmjannie, CanIMakeIt, PBMaxx, paragozardelsol, jentto, LauraMac, bostonabe, Wends, lizbjrddnr, Singing Devil, PreMedAdAG, rugirlie, Kazema, jdovez, panda
hold post sec: gobblety_gook, bridge01

UC Davis: pre sec: mdsh00, supersnuffles, travellindoc, brr, neuronerd, Khenon, Dr.Vitaminka, Ol'DocToxic, post sec: UCLAStudent, bridge01, dxw, dryo12, Medikit, el matador, cammy1313, lis79, Ibby, Csv321 post interview: Code Brown,

UCI: pre sec: brr, Khenon, Ibby, Dr.Vitaminka, Csv321

UCLA: pre sec: Khenon,Dr.Vitaminka, DrYo12
post sec: tic112, bubchik, the other Dr., beep, Haybrant, Code Brown, swimerpaco, wxl31, drsungoddess,el matador, Csv321

U Cincinnati post sec: lizbjrddnr

UColorado: PreMedAdAG, Inquiringmind24 (post-sec, and I'm a CO resident!!!!), Lis79

U Connecticut: Kikat37 (am I really the first and only one?!), landrus

UCSD: pre sec: drsungoddess, Khenon, Code Brown, Csv321
post sec: supernova, lis79, Ol'DocToxic, Dr.Vitaminka, Acherona, Ibby, CanuckRazorback, UCLAstudent, Medikit

UCSF: pre sec: apar01, mdsh00, graat, DianaLynne, swimerpaco, Code Brown, rockstar2525, BraneDoc, neuronerd, panda, drsungoddess, Medikit, travellindoc, jules454, nairay, damnit jim!, myodana, bonez318ti, Ol'DocToxic, Ibby. CanuckRazorback, CanIMakeIt, DrDarwin, docinthemaking
post sec: dhoonlee, tic112, cammy1313, tommerbommer, pushkin, Mistress S, Khenon ,Csv321, Dr.Vitaminka, beep, javert

UFlorida: pre sec: morganlefay, nonameremains
post sec: Biscuit799

UHawaii: John Burns, pre sec: yposhelley, mdsh00, Khenon


UIowa: cmdoctor

UKansas: Khenon

ULouisville: pre sec: EvoDevo, shyrem, Fusion, Pembleton, saki0005

UMDNJ-RWJ: BA/MD program: drguy22
MD program: Kikat37, ornis4, premedgeek, myodana, drsungoddess

UMDNJ - NJMS: post-sec: Sarikate, PreMedAdAG

UMaryland: BGGA, premedgeek,Scottish Chap (state resident!), Pembleton Timmythemic22

UMiami: pre sec: mdsh00, TravellinDoc, post sec: morganlefay
post sec: Biscuit799, drsungoddess

UMichigan: post sec:lis79, americanidiot, lizbjrddnr, Mistress S, Code Brown, AStudent

UMinn: pre sec: sactownkingsfan, Khenon, saki0005
post sec: akpete, IDSud23

UMinn Duluth: post interview: Xela; Khenon (3/4, post secondary)

UMissouri: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNew Mexico: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNC: pre sec: Creatine, Biscuit799

UNebraska: pre sec: kmjannie

UPitt: pre sec: ImmunoRocks, jp2004
post sec: LionKing, SplinkMD, BlueMagpie, ZappBrannigan, Code Brown, drsungoddess, Brynn7, Sarikate, lizbjrddnr, CanuckRazorback, Mr. Seeds, Penelope1

USouth Carolina: pre sec: ShyRem, samboo

UTexas-San Antonio: post sec: basten0, drsungoddess

UTexas-Southwestern: post sec: basten0

UTMB: brothersboff

UVA: LionKing, PreMedGeek, tristy, bqj, beep, MedicineBird, Pembleton, CanIMakeIt, Penelope1, cmdoctor, Csv321

UVermont: post sec: noalarms23, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, ornis4, tristy ,landrus, Singing Devil, Medikit, myodana
post interview: ribbi_j

UWashington: pre sec: bjackrian, ingamina, bonez318ti, dhoonlee, DianaLynne, Ibby, javert

UWisconsin: pre sec: rjb, DoctorFunk, kmjannie, AndEE, salsita1421, dgf32, IDSpud23 post sec: Creatine, Old_Mil post-interview: akpete

Vandy: pre sec: Amywa, Biscuit799, pyra, doctormalki, rjb, superdevil, a*brown, latinfridley, OrnotMajestic, Jason110, gold&black2005, Kazema, Freaker, mdsh00, Childe, Medikit, aparecida, elephunt, Lubdubb, Ylime, CanIMakeIt, DeaconMD04, docinthemaking, MedicineBird, seethrew, damnit jim!, el matador, Singing Devil, supernov, Dr.Vitaminka post interview: SplinkMD

VCU: pre sec: Khenon, Bedpan Commando, Pembleton, Buckeye(OH), morganlefay
post sec: americanidiot, drsungoddess, KiwiFruit, Singing Devil, samboo
post interview: liverotcod

Wake: pre sec: MegADoc?, premyo2002, PreMedAdAG, dr.z, dfleis, Munchkin6245, OrnotMajestic, jp2004, orchids&organs, jp2004, MedicineBird, morganlefay, saki0005, Csv321
post sec: brr, samboo, Biscuit799, brothersboff

WashU: Singing Devil, Croatalus_atrox, BraneDoc, Kazema, Penelope1, CanuckRazorback, paragozardelsol, javert

Wayne State: pre sec: rjb, akim0414, VPDcurt, chondrocyte

Wright State: Post-sec: lizbjrddnr
Albany: Post sec: Pratik7, brr, inquiringmind24, SplinkMD, Just Applied, rayzer, ornis4, debiafly, nulie01, BGGA, inod, skiracer90, jiy76, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, tristy

Albert Einstein: Post sec: a*brown, CanIMakeIt, Code Brown, Sarikate, SamDC, ornis4, Kazema, paragozardelsol, beep

Brown: Post sec: Dr.Vitaminka, bjackrian, landrus

BU: Post Sec: Ananda4321, cytotech27, brr, Just Applied, Jeffy, bostonabe, myodana, ambrosia, smallqt, ornis4, a*brown, Sarikate, landrus, GuyLaroche, Brynn7, Dr.Vitaminka, akpete, Mistress S, tristy,indo, americanidiot, kikat37

Buffalo: Post Sec: bigdan, BGGA, Steiner, jenclarke

Case: Post Sec: liverotcod, EvoDevo, Dr.Vitaminka, MedicineBird, AStudent, Singing Devil

Cleveland Clinic/Lerner: EvoDevo, liverotcod

Columbia: paragozardelsol, panda

Cornell: Post Sec: tinkerbelle, the negative 1, Dr. AYY, Mwillie, Ol'DocToxic, the1111gal, a*brown, CanIMakeIt, landrus, Acherona, Penelope1, premedgeek, beep, Brynn7, cmdoctor, docinthemaking, AStudent, myodana, Wiggy73, Kazema, ajt2003, panda

Creighton: americanidiot

Dartmouth: Post Sec: DrThom, Just Applied, Medikit, DGhiker, ZappBrannigan, UCLAStudent, swimerpaco, bostonabe, dxw, i77ac, cammy1313, VPDcurt, Dr.Vitaminka, Jules454, DianaLynne, a*brown, landrus, Timmythemic22, Pembleton, Mistress S, seethrew, Singing Devil, Bonez318ti, Code Brown

Drew: neuronerd, i77ac; pre-sec, Csv321

Drexel: Pembleton,fireorose, saki0005

Duke: Post Sec: Mebhs15, aesop, Creatine, lorelei, Haybrant, CanuckRazorback, tristy
Post Interview: Singing Devil, the1111gal, BraneDoc, CanIMakeIt, brothersboff, panda

EVMS: pre sec: Pembleton, americanidiot
post sec: Biscuit799, acl3623, Kikat37 post sec: Csv321

Georgetown: post Sec: UCLAStudent, StickNRudder, premyo2002, ssk123, VFrank, the negative 1, travellindoc, Code Brown, Kazema, Jeffy, orchids&organs, Jules454, Lubdubb, gobblety_gook, BlueMagpie, deuist, brr, Bedpan Commando, DeepCowboy, Acherona, sweatybrain, Pembleton, KiKat37, landrus, premedgeek, Ol'DocToxic, myodana
post interview: bjackrian, bridge01, adog

GW: post sec: SplinkMD, americanidiot, ananda4321,jiy76(hold), bonez318ti(hold),fireorose, Pembleton, bubchik, drsungoddess, Sarikate (hold), Medicinebird, Kazema, rayzer, ornis4, IDSpud23, AStudent, Inquiringmind24, beep, Lis79

Harvard: post sec: BraneDoc, panda, beep, CanuckRazorback, Code Brown, ajt2003, javert, Singing Devil

Indiana U: pre sec: mdsh00, PBMaxx, Fusion, Scottish Chap, Khenon, Medicinebird

Jefferson: fireorose, saki0005, kikat37, Pembleton, LionKing, landrus, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka, AStudent, Inquiringmind 24.

Johns Hopkins: post sec: morganlefay, post interview: DrThom

Loyola: pre-sec: BlueMagpie, Kazema, ForbiddenComma, lis79
post-sec: brothersboff

Mayo: pre phone interview: superdevil, YzIa, jmeyers52, lorelei, Medikit, terzian, UCLAStudent, orchids&organs, liverotcod, Khenon, xela, seethrew, damnit jim!, Buckeye(OH), Old_Mil, CanuckRazorback, Penelope1, akpete
Post phone interview: CanIMakeIt, ambrosia, junathon, dhoonlee, bostonabe, pushkin, Dr. AYY

Medical College of Ohio: pre-sec: nulie01, americanidiot
post-sec: PBMaxx

Medical College of Wisconsin: pre-sec: DoctorMalki, CanIMakeIt,
post-sec: americanidiot, Ol'DocToxic, jp2004, Buckeye(OH), PBMaxx, MedicineBird, Dr.Vitaminka, americanidiot, Old_Mil, baseball37 post interview: Medikit, AStudent (you can't just cancel an interview like that)

Michigan State: pre sec: Ylime, IDSpud23, americanidiot, UCLAStudent
Post-sec: lizbjrddnr

Northwestern/Feinberg: post sec: adamj61, PBMaxx, BlueMagpie, Code Brown, ZappBrannigan, Pre-MedAdAg, the other Dr., DGhiker, Uegis, Jason110, dhoonlee, Childe, orchids&organs, a*brown, Neoncandle, DoctorFunk, bjackrian, brr, mrezai, evajaclynn, apar01, MedicineBird, nairay, CanIMakeIt, UCLAStudent, damnit jim!, dgf32, basten0, smallqt, IDSpud23, skiracer90, premedgeek, Singing Devil, Mwillie, Coincidental, supernova, Penelope1, Haybrant, cmdoctor, Mr. Seeds, Psycho Doctor, jdovez, BraneDoc, panda, brothersboff, lulubean

NYMC: saki0005

NYU: pre sec: aesop, crysb, dgf32, saki0005, americanidiot, Penelope1
post sec: beep, docinthemaking, UCLAstudent, myodana, panda, KiwiFruit

OHSU: post sec: Csv321, IDSpud23, Code Brown post-interview: dxw, inod

Ohio State U: Post Sec: MedicineBird, Code Brown, bmcgilligan

Penn State: Post Sec: jiy76, Dr. AYY, tristy

Rochester: Post sec: Code Brown, a*brown, DoctorMalki, Medikit, the negative 1, Lubdubb, PreMedAdAG, drsungoddess, cytotech2, Just Applied, jp2004, Dr.Vitaminka, CanIMakeIt, premedgeek, Brynn7, Steiner, dhoonlee, AStudent, Kazema

Rosalind Franklin/CMS: post sec: inquiringmind24, ornis4, saki0005, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka

Stanford: post sec: btowngirl, Jeffy, Dr.Vitaminka, Ibby, pushkin, Khenon, a*brown, MsEvolution, MedicineBird, Mistress S, boardchic, PreMedAdAG tic112,drsungoddess, Wiggy73, CanIMakeIt, CanuckRazorback, Creatine, KAR, Singing Devil, DrDarwin, DianaLynne, el matador, Csv321, Kazema, BraneDoc, paragozardelsol, Medikit, tommerbommer, panda

SUNY Downstate: post sec (snail): cytotech27, Nervouspremed, beep, SplinkMD, Pembleton,jiy76, Dr.Vitaminka

SUNY Upstate: hold-post sec: cytotech27,jiy76, tristy; rejected-post sec: Kazema, Csv321

Tufts: pre sec: saki0005 post sec: ornis4

Tulane: post sec: Jeffy, StickNRudder, brr, Mistress S, paragozardelsol, damnit jim!, MedicineBird, morganlefay, Dr.Vitaminka, Sarikate, el matador, saki0005, Biscuit799

UChicago/Pritzker: post sec: adamj61, dxw, marr, Code Brown, mdsh00, sactownkingsfan, BlueMagpie, Sparty Corn Fed, i77ac, Wiggy73, liverotcod, orchids&organs, salsita1421, drsungoddess, kmjannie, CanIMakeIt, PBMaxx, paragozardelsol, jentto, LauraMac, bostonabe, Wends, lizbjrddnr, Singing Devil, PreMedAdAG, rugirlie, Kazema, jdovez, panda
hold post sec: gobblety_gook, bridge01

UC Davis: pre sec: mdsh00, supersnuffles, travellindoc, brr, neuronerd, Khenon, Dr.Vitaminka, Ol'DocToxic, post sec: UCLAStudent, bridge01, dxw, dryo12, Medikit, el matador, cammy1313, lis79, Ibby, Csv321 post interview: Code Brown,

UCI: pre sec: brr, Khenon, Ibby, Dr.Vitaminka, Csv321

UCLA: pre sec: Khenon,Dr.Vitaminka, DrYo12
post sec: tic112, bubchik, the other Dr., beep, Haybrant, Code Brown, swimerpaco, wxl31, drsungoddess,el matador, Csv321

U Cincii post sec: lizbjrddnr, bmcgilligan

UColorado: PreMedAdAG, Inquiringmind24 (post-sec, and I'm a CO resident!!!!), Lis79

U Connecticut: Kikat37 (am I really the first and only one?!), landrus

UCSD: pre sec: drsungoddess, Khenon, Code Brown, Csv321
post sec: supernova, lis79, Ol'DocToxic, Dr.Vitaminka, Acherona, Ibby, CanuckRazorback, UCLAstudent, Medikit

UCSF: pre sec: apar01, mdsh00, graat, DianaLynne, swimerpaco, Code Brown, rockstar2525, BraneDoc, neuronerd, panda, drsungoddess, Medikit, travellindoc, jules454, nairay, damnit jim!, myodana, bonez318ti, Ol'DocToxic, Ibby. CanuckRazorback, CanIMakeIt, DrDarwin, docinthemaking
post sec: dhoonlee, tic112, cammy1313, tommerbommer, pushkin, Mistress S, Khenon ,Csv321, Dr.Vitaminka, beep, javert

UFlorida: pre sec: morganlefay, nonameremains
post sec: Biscuit799

UHawaii: John Burns, pre sec: yposhelley, mdsh00, Khenon


UIowa: cmdoctor

UKansas: Khenon

ULouisville: pre sec: EvoDevo, shyrem, Fusion, Pembleton, saki0005

UMDNJ-RWJ: BA/MD program: drguy22
MD program: Kikat37, ornis4, premedgeek, myodana, drsungoddess

UMDNJ - NJMS: post-sec: Sarikate, PreMedAdAG

UMaryland: BGGA, premedgeek,Scottish Chap (state resident!), Pembleton Timmythemic22

UMiami: pre sec: mdsh00, TravellinDoc, post sec: morganlefay
post sec: Biscuit799, drsungoddess

UMich: post sec:lis79, americanidiot, lizbjrddnr, Mistress S, Code Brown, AStudent

UMinn: pre sec: sactownkingsfan, Khenon, saki0005
post sec: akpete, IDSud23

UMinn Duluth: post interview: Xela; Khenon (3/4, post secondary)

UMissouri: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNew Mexico: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNC: pre sec: Creatine, Biscuit799

UNebraska: pre sec: kmjannie

UPitt: pre sec: ImmunoRocks, jp2004
post sec: LionKing, SplinkMD, BlueMagpie, ZappBrannigan, Code Brown, drsungoddess, Brynn7, Sarikate, lizbjrddnr, CanuckRazorback, Mr. Seeds, Penelope1

USouth Carolina: pre sec: ShyRem, samboo

UTexas-San Antonio: post sec: basten0, drsungoddess

UTexas-Southwestern: post sec: basten0

UTMB: brothersboff

UVA: LionKing, PreMedGeek, tristy, bqj, beep, MedicineBird, Pembleton, CanIMakeIt, Penelope1, cmdoctor, Csv321

UVermont: post sec: noalarms23, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, ornis4, tristy ,landrus, Singing Devil, Medikit, myodana
post interview: ribbi_j

UWashington: pre sec: bjackrian, ingamina, bonez318ti, dhoonlee, DianaLynne, Ibby, javert

UWisconsin: pre sec: rjb, DoctorFunk, kmjannie, AndEE, salsita1421, dgf32, IDSpud23 post sec: Creatine, Old_Mil post-interview: akpete

Vandy: pre sec: Amywa, Biscuit799, pyra, doctormalki, rjb, superdevil, a*brown, latinfridley, OrnotMajestic, Jason110, gold&black2005, Kazema, Freaker, mdsh00, Childe, Medikit, aparecida, elephunt, Lubdubb, Ylime, CanIMakeIt, DeaconMD04, docinthemaking, MedicineBird, seethrew, damnit jim!, el matador, Singing Devil, supernov, Dr.Vitaminka post interview: SplinkMD

VCU: pre sec: Khenon, Bedpan Commando, Pembleton, Buckeye(OH), morganlefay
post sec: americanidiot, drsungoddess, KiwiFruit, Singing Devil, samboo
post interview: liverotcod

Wake: pre sec: MegADoc?, premyo2002, PreMedAdAG, dr.z, dfleis, Munchkin6245, OrnotMajestic, jp2004, orchids&organs, jp2004, MedicineBird, morganlefay, saki0005, Csv321
post sec: brr, samboo, Biscuit799, brothersboff

WashU: Singing Devil, Croatalus_atrox, BraneDoc, Kazema, Penelope1, CanuckRazorback, paragozardelsol, javert

Wayne State: pre sec: rjb, akim0414, VPDcurt, chondrocyte

Wright State: Post-sec: lizbjrddnr
Members don't see this ad :)
Albany:post sec: Pratik7, brr, inquiringmind24, SplinkMD, Just Applied, rayzer, ornis4, debiafly, nulie01, BGGA, inod, skiracer90, jiy76, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, tristy

Albert Einstein:post sec: a*brown, CanIMakeIt, Code Brown, Sarikate, SamDC, ornis4, Kazema, paragozardelsol, beep

Brown: Post sec:Dr.Vitaminka, bjackrian, landrus

BU: Post Sec:Ananda4321, cytotech27, brr, Just Applied, Jeffy, bostonabe, myodana, ambrosia, smallqt, ornis4, a*brown, Sarikate, landrus, GuyLaroche, Brynn7, Dr.Vitaminka, akpete, Mistress S, tristy,indo, americanidiot, kikat37

Buffalo: Post Sec:bigdan, BGGA, Steiner, jenclarke

Case: Post Sec:liverotcod, EvoDevo, Dr.Vitaminka, MedicineBird, AStudent, Singing Devil

Cleveland Clinic/Lerner:EvoDevo, liverotcod

Columbia: paragozardelsol, panda

Cornell: Post Sec: tinkerbelle, the negative 1, Dr. AYY, Mwillie, Ol'DocToxic, the1111gal, a*brown, CanIMakeIt, landrus, Acherona, Penelope1, premedgeek, beep, Brynn7, cmdoctor, docinthemaking, AStudent, myodana, Wiggy73, Kazema, ajt2003, panda

Creighton: americanidiot

Dartmouth: Post Sec: DrThom, Just Applied, Medikit, DGhiker, ZappBrannigan, UCLAStudent, swimerpaco, bostonabe, dxw, i77ac, cammy1313, VPDcurt, Dr.Vitaminka, Jules454, DianaLynne, a*brown, landrus, Timmythemic22, Pembleton, Mistress S, seethrew, Singing Devil, Bonez318ti, Code Brown

Drew: neuronerd, i77ac; pre-sec, Csv321

Drexel: Pembleton,fireorose, saki0005

Duke: Post Sec: Mebhs15, aesop, Creatine, lorelei, Haybrant, CanuckRazorback, tristy
Post Interview: Singing Devil, the1111gal, BraneDoc, CanIMakeIt, brothersboff, panda

EVMS: pre sec: Pembleton, americanidiot
post sec: Biscuit799, acl3623, Kikat37 post sec: Csv321

Georgetown: post Sec: UCLAStudent, StickNRudder, premyo2002, ssk123, VFrank, the negative 1, travellindoc, Code Brown, Kazema, Jeffy, orchids&organs, Jules454, Lubdubb, gobblety_gook, BlueMagpie, deuist, brr, Bedpan Commando, DeepCowboy, Acherona, sweatybrain, Pembleton, KiKat37, landrus, premedgeek, Ol'DocToxic, myodana
post interview: bjackrian, bridge01, adog

GW: post sec: SplinkMD, americanidiot, ananda4321,jiy76(hold), bonez318ti(hold),fireorose, Pembleton, bubchik, drsungoddess, Sarikate (hold), Medicinebird, Kazema, rayzer, ornis4, IDSpud23, AStudent, Inquiringmind24, beep, Lis79

Harvard: post sec: BraneDoc, panda, beep, CanuckRazorback, Code Brown, ajt2003, javert, Singing Devil

Indiana U: pre sec: mdsh00, PBMaxx, Fusion, Scottish Chap, Khenon, Medicinebird

Jefferson: fireorose, saki0005, kikat37, Pembleton, LionKing, landrus, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka, AStudent, Inquiringmind 24.

Johns Hopkins: post sec: morganlefay, post interview: DrThom

Loyola: pre-sec: BlueMagpie, Kazema, ForbiddenComma, lis79
post-sec: brothersboff

Mayo: pre phone interview: superdevil, YzIa, jmeyers52, lorelei, Medikit, terzian, UCLAStudent, orchids&organs, liverotcod, Khenon, xela, seethrew, damnit jim!, Buckeye(OH), Old_Mil, CanuckRazorback, Penelope1, akpete
Post phone interview: CanIMakeIt, ambrosia, junathon, dhoonlee, bostonabe, pushkin, Dr. AYY

Medical College of Ohio: pre-sec: nulie01, americanidiot
post-sec: PBMaxx

Medical College of Wisconsin: pre-sec: DoctorMalki, CanIMakeIt,
post-sec: americanidiot, Ol'DocToxic, jp2004, Buckeye(OH), PBMaxx, MedicineBird, Dr.Vitaminka, americanidiot, Old_Mil, baseball37 post interview: Medikit, AStudent (you can't just cancel an interview like that)

Michigan State: pre sec: Ylime, IDSpud23, americanidiot, UCLAStudent
Post-sec: lizbjrddnr

Northwestern/Feinberg: post sec: adamj61, PBMaxx, BlueMagpie, Code Brown, ZappBrannigan, Pre-MedAdAg, the other Dr., DGhiker, Uegis, Jason110, dhoonlee, Childe, orchids&organs, a*brown, Neoncandle, DoctorFunk, bjackrian, brr, mrezai, evajaclynn, apar01, MedicineBird, nairay, CanIMakeIt, UCLAStudent, damnit jim!, dgf32, basten0, smallqt, IDSpud23, skiracer90, premedgeek, Singing Devil, Mwillie, Coincidental, supernova, Penelope1, Haybrant, cmdoctor, Mr. Seeds, Psycho Doctor, jdovez, BraneDoc, panda, brothersboff, lulubean

NYMC: saki0005

NYU: pre sec: aesop, crysb, dgf32, saki0005, americanidiot, Penelope1
post sec: beep, docinthemaking, UCLAstudent, myodana, panda, KiwiFruit

OHSU: post sec: Csv321, IDSpud23, Code Brown post-interview: dxw, inod

Ohio State U: Post Sec: MedicineBird, Code Brown, bmcgilligan, PreMedAdAG

Penn State: Post Sec: jiy76, Dr. AYY, tristy

Rochester: Post sec: Code Brown, a*brown, DoctorMalki, Medikit, the negative 1, Lubdubb, PreMedAdAG, drsungoddess, cytotech2, Just Applied, jp2004, Dr.Vitaminka, CanIMakeIt, premedgeek, Brynn7, Steiner, dhoonlee, AStudent, Kazema

Rosalind Franklin/CMS: post sec: inquiringmind24, ornis4, saki0005, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka

Stanford: post sec: btowngirl, Jeffy, Dr.Vitaminka, Ibby, pushkin, Khenon, a*brown, MsEvolution, MedicineBird, Mistress S, boardchic, PreMedAdAG tic112,drsungoddess, Wiggy73, CanIMakeIt, CanuckRazorback, Creatine, KAR, Singing Devil, DrDarwin, DianaLynne, el matador, Csv321, Kazema, BraneDoc, paragozardelsol, Medikit, tommerbommer, panda

SUNY Downstate: post sec (snail): cytotech27, Nervouspremed, beep, SplinkMD, Pembleton,jiy76, Dr.Vitaminka

SUNY Upstate: hold-post sec: cytotech27,jiy76, tristy; rejected-post sec: Kazema, Csv321

Tufts: pre sec: saki0005 post sec: ornis4

Tulane: post sec: Jeffy, StickNRudder, brr, Mistress S, paragozardelsol, damnit jim!, MedicineBird, morganlefay, Dr.Vitaminka, Sarikate, el matador, saki0005, Biscuit799

UChicago/Pritzker: post sec: adamj61, dxw, marr, Code Brown, mdsh00, sactownkingsfan, BlueMagpie, Sparty Corn Fed, i77ac, Wiggy73, liverotcod, orchids&organs, salsita1421, drsungoddess, kmjannie, CanIMakeIt, PBMaxx, paragozardelsol, jentto, LauraMac, bostonabe, Wends, lizbjrddnr, Singing Devil, PreMedAdAG, rugirlie, Kazema, jdovez, panda
hold post sec: gobblety_gook, bridge01

UC Davis: pre sec: mdsh00, supersnuffles, travellindoc, brr, neuronerd, Khenon, Dr.Vitaminka, Ol'DocToxic, post sec: UCLAStudent, bridge01, dxw, dryo12, Medikit, el matador, cammy1313, lis79, Ibby, Csv321 post interview: Code Brown,

UCI: pre sec: brr, Khenon, Ibby, Dr.Vitaminka, Csv321

UCLA: pre sec: Khenon,Dr.Vitaminka, DrYo12
post sec: tic112, bubchik, the other Dr., beep, Haybrant, Code Brown, swimerpaco, wxl31, drsungoddess,el matador, Csv321

U Cincii post sec: lizbjrddnr, bmcgilligan

UColorado: PreMedAdAG, Inquiringmind24 (post-sec, and I'm a CO resident!!!!), Lis79

U Connecticut: Kikat37 (am I really the first and only one?!), landrus

UCSD: pre sec: drsungoddess, Khenon, Code Brown, Csv321
post sec: supernova, lis79, Ol'DocToxic, Dr.Vitaminka, Acherona, Ibby, CanuckRazorback, UCLAstudent, Medikit

UCSF: pre sec: apar01, mdsh00, graat, DianaLynne, swimerpaco, Code Brown, rockstar2525, BraneDoc, neuronerd, panda, drsungoddess, Medikit, travellindoc, jules454, nairay, damnit jim!, myodana, bonez318ti, Ol'DocToxic, Ibby. CanuckRazorback, CanIMakeIt, DrDarwin, docinthemaking
post sec: dhoonlee, tic112, cammy1313, tommerbommer, pushkin, Mistress S, Khenon ,Csv321, Dr.Vitaminka, beep, javert

UFlorida: pre sec: morganlefay, nonameremains
post sec: Biscuit799

UHawaii: John Burns, pre sec: yposhelley, mdsh00, Khenon


UIowa: cmdoctor

UKansas: Khenon

ULouisville: pre sec: EvoDevo, shyrem, Fusion, Pembleton, saki0005

UMDNJ-RWJ: BA/MD program: drguy22
MD program: Kikat37, ornis4, premedgeek, myodana, drsungoddess

UMDNJ - NJMS: post-sec: Sarikate, PreMedAdAG

UMaryland: BGGA, premedgeek,Scottish Chap (state resident!), Pembleton Timmythemic22

UMiami: pre sec: mdsh00, TravellinDoc, post sec: morganlefay
post sec: Biscuit799, drsungoddess

UMich: post sec:lis79, americanidiot, lizbjrddnr, Mistress S, Code Brown, AStudent

UMinn: pre sec: sactownkingsfan, Khenon, saki0005
post sec: akpete, IDSud23

UMinn Duluth: post interview: Xela; Khenon (3/4, post secondary)

UMissouri: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNew Mexico: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNC: pre sec: Creatine, Biscuit799

UNebraska: pre sec: kmjannie

UPitt: pre sec: ImmunoRocks, jp2004
post sec: LionKing, SplinkMD, BlueMagpie, ZappBrannigan, Code Brown, drsungoddess, Brynn7, Sarikate, lizbjrddnr, CanuckRazorback, Mr. Seeds, Penelope1

USouth Carolina: pre sec: ShyRem, samboo

UTexas-San Antonio: post sec: basten0, drsungoddess

UTexas-Southwestern: post sec: basten0

UTMB: brothersboff

UVA: LionKing, PreMedGeek, tristy, bqj, beep, MedicineBird, Pembleton, CanIMakeIt, Penelope1, cmdoctor, Csv321

UVermont: post sec: noalarms23, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, ornis4, tristy ,landrus, Singing Devil, Medikit, myodana
post interview: ribbi_j

UWashington: pre sec: bjackrian, ingamina, bonez318ti, dhoonlee, DianaLynne, Ibby, javert

UWisconsin: pre sec: rjb, DoctorFunk, kmjannie, AndEE, salsita1421, dgf32, IDSpud23 post sec: Creatine, Old_Mil post-interview: akpete

Vandy: pre sec: Amywa, Biscuit799, pyra, doctormalki, rjb, superdevil, a*brown, latinfridley, OrnotMajestic, Jason110, gold&black2005, Kazema, Freaker, mdsh00, Childe, Medikit, aparecida, elephunt, Lubdubb, Ylime, CanIMakeIt, DeaconMD04, docinthemaking, MedicineBird, seethrew, damnit jim!, el matador, Singing Devil, supernov, Dr.Vitaminka post interview: SplinkMD

VCU: pre sec: Khenon, Bedpan Commando, Pembleton, Buckeye(OH), morganlefay
post sec: americanidiot, drsungoddess, KiwiFruit, Singing Devil, samboo
post interview: liverotcod

Wake: pre sec: MegADoc?, premyo2002, PreMedAdAG, dr.z, dfleis, Munchkin6245, OrnotMajestic, jp2004, orchids&organs, jp2004, MedicineBird, morganlefay, saki0005, Csv321
post sec: brr, samboo, Biscuit799, brothersboff

WashU: Singing Devil, Croatalus_atrox, BraneDoc, Kazema, Penelope1, CanuckRazorback, paragozardelsol, javert

Wayne State: pre sec: rjb, akim0414, VPDcurt, chondrocyte

Wright State: Post-sec: lizbjrddnr
Albany: Pratik7, brr, inquiringmind24, SplinkMD, Just Applied, rayzer, ornis4, debiafly, nulie01, BGGA, inod, skiracer90, jiy76, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, tristy

Albert Einstein: a*brown, CanIMakeIt, Code Brown, Sarikate, SamDC, ornis4, Kazema, paragozardelsol, beep

Brown: Post sec:Dr.Vitaminka, bjackrian, landrus

BU: Ananda4321, cytotech27, brr, Just Applied, Jeffy, bostonabe, myodana, ambrosia, smallqt, ornis4, a*brown, Sarikate, landrus, GuyLaroche, Brynn7, Dr.Vitaminka, akpete, Mistress S, tristy,indo, americanidiot, kikat37

Buffalo: Post Sec:bigdan, BGGA, Steiner, jenclarke

Case: Post Sec:liverotcod, EvoDevo, Dr.Vitaminka, MedicineBird, AStudent, Singing Devil

Cleveland Clinic/Lerner:EvoDevo, liverotcod

Columbia: paragozardelsol, panda

Cornell: Post Sec: tinkerbelle, the negative 1, Dr. AYY, Mwillie, Ol'DocToxic, the1111gal, a*brown, CanIMakeIt, landrus, Acherona, Penelope1, premedgeek, beep, Brynn7, cmdoctor, docinthemaking, AStudent, myodana, Wiggy73, Kazema, ajt2003, panda

Creighton: americanidiot

Dartmouth: Post Sec: DrThom, Just Applied, Medikit, DGhiker, ZappBrannigan, UCLAStudent, swimerpaco, bostonabe, dxw, i77ac, cammy1313, VPDcurt, Dr.Vitaminka, Jules454, DianaLynne, a*brown, landrus, Timmythemic22, Pembleton, Mistress S, seethrew, Singing Devil, Bonez318ti, Code Brown

Drew: neuronerd, i77ac; pre-sec, Csv321

Drexel: Pembleton,fireorose, saki0005

Duke: Post Sec: Mebhs15, aesop, Creatine, lorelei, Haybrant, CanuckRazorback, tristy
Post Interview: Singing Devil, the1111gal, BraneDoc, CanIMakeIt, brothersboff, panda

EVMS: pre sec: Pembleton, americanidiot
post sec: Biscuit799, acl3623, Kikat37 post sec: Csv321

Georgetown: post Sec: UCLAStudent, StickNRudder, premyo2002, ssk123, VFrank, the negative 1, travellindoc, Code Brown, Kazema, Jeffy, orchids&organs, Jules454, Lubdubb, gobblety_gook, BlueMagpie, deuist, brr, Bedpan Commando, DeepCowboy, Acherona, sweatybrain, Pembleton, KiKat37, landrus, premedgeek, Ol'DocToxic, myodana
post interview: bjackrian, bridge01, adog

GW: post sec: SplinkMD, americanidiot, ananda4321,jiy76(hold), bonez318ti(hold),fireorose, Pembleton, bubchik, drsungoddess, Sarikate (hold), Medicinebird, Kazema, rayzer, ornis4, IDSpud23, AStudent, Inquiringmind24, beep, Lis79

Harvard: post sec: BraneDoc, panda, beep, CanuckRazorback, Code Brown, ajt2003, javert, Singing Devil, lulubean (sigh.)

Indiana U: pre sec: mdsh00, PBMaxx, Fusion, Scottish Chap, Khenon, Medicinebird

Jefferson: fireorose, saki0005, kikat37, Pembleton, LionKing, landrus, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka, AStudent, Inquiringmind 24.

Johns Hopkins: post sec: morganlefay, post interview: DrThom

Loyola: pre-sec: BlueMagpie, Kazema, ForbiddenComma, lis79
post-sec: brothersboff

Mayo: pre phone interview: superdevil, YzIa, jmeyers52, lorelei, Medikit, terzian, UCLAStudent, orchids&organs, liverotcod, Khenon, xela, seethrew, damnit jim!, Buckeye(OH), Old_Mil, CanuckRazorback, Penelope1, akpete
Post phone interview: CanIMakeIt, ambrosia, junathon, dhoonlee, bostonabe, pushkin, Dr. AYY

Medical College of Ohio: pre-sec: nulie01, americanidiot
post-sec: PBMaxx

Medical College of Wisconsin: pre-sec: DoctorMalki, CanIMakeIt,
post-sec: americanidiot, Ol'DocToxic, jp2004, Buckeye(OH), PBMaxx, MedicineBird, Dr.Vitaminka, americanidiot, Old_Mil, baseball37 post interview: Medikit, AStudent (you can't just cancel an interview like that)

Michigan State: pre sec: Ylime, IDSpud23, americanidiot, UCLAStudent
Post-sec: lizbjrddnr

Northwestern/Feinberg: post sec: adamj61, PBMaxx, BlueMagpie, Code Brown, ZappBrannigan, Pre-MedAdAg, the other Dr., DGhiker, Uegis, Jason110, dhoonlee, Childe, orchids&organs, a*brown, Neoncandle, DoctorFunk, bjackrian, brr, mrezai, evajaclynn, apar01, MedicineBird, nairay, CanIMakeIt, UCLAStudent, damnit jim!, dgf32, basten0, smallqt, IDSpud23, skiracer90, premedgeek, Singing Devil, Mwillie, Coincidental, supernova, Penelope1, Haybrant, cmdoctor, Mr. Seeds, Psycho Doctor, jdovez, BraneDoc, panda, brothersboff, lulubean

NYMC: saki0005

NYU: pre sec: aesop, crysb, dgf32, saki0005, americanidiot, Penelope1
post sec: beep, docinthemaking, UCLAstudent, myodana, panda, KiwiFruit

OHSU: post sec: Csv321, IDSpud23, Code Brown post-interview: dxw, inod

Ohio State U: Post Sec: MedicineBird, Code Brown, bmcgilligan, PreMedAdAG

Penn State: Post Sec: jiy76, Dr. AYY, tristy

Rochester: Post sec: Code Brown, a*brown, DoctorMalki, Medikit, the negative 1, Lubdubb, PreMedAdAG, drsungoddess, cytotech2, Just Applied, jp2004, Dr.Vitaminka, CanIMakeIt, premedgeek, Brynn7, Steiner, dhoonlee, AStudent, Kazema

Rosalind Franklin/CMS: post sec: inquiringmind24, ornis4, saki0005, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka

Stanford: post sec: btowngirl, Jeffy, Dr.Vitaminka, Ibby, pushkin, Khenon, a*brown, MsEvolution, MedicineBird, Mistress S, boardchic, PreMedAdAG tic112,drsungoddess, Wiggy73, CanIMakeIt, CanuckRazorback, Creatine, KAR, Singing Devil, DrDarwin, DianaLynne, el matador, Csv321, Kazema, BraneDoc, paragozardelsol, Medikit, tommerbommer, panda

SUNY Downstate: post sec (snail): cytotech27, Nervouspremed, beep, SplinkMD, Pembleton,jiy76, Dr.Vitaminka

SUNY Upstate: hold-post sec: cytotech27,jiy76, tristy; rejected-post sec: Kazema, Csv321

Tufts: pre sec: saki0005 post sec: ornis4

Tulane: post sec: Jeffy, StickNRudder, brr, Mistress S, paragozardelsol, damnit jim!, MedicineBird, morganlefay, Dr.Vitaminka, Sarikate, el matador, saki0005, Biscuit799

UChicago/Pritzker: post sec: adamj61, dxw, marr, Code Brown, mdsh00, sactownkingsfan, BlueMagpie, Sparty Corn Fed, i77ac, Wiggy73, liverotcod, orchids&organs, salsita1421, drsungoddess, kmjannie, CanIMakeIt, PBMaxx, paragozardelsol, jentto, LauraMac, bostonabe, Wends, lizbjrddnr, Singing Devil, PreMedAdAG, rugirlie, Kazema, jdovez, panda
hold post sec: gobblety_gook, bridge01

UC Davis: pre sec: mdsh00, supersnuffles, travellindoc, brr, neuronerd, Khenon, Dr.Vitaminka, Ol'DocToxic, post sec: UCLAStudent, bridge01, dxw, dryo12, Medikit, el matador, cammy1313, lis79, Ibby, Csv321 post interview: Code Brown,

UCI: pre sec: brr, Khenon, Ibby, Dr.Vitaminka, Csv321

UCLA: pre sec: Khenon,Dr.Vitaminka, DrYo12
post sec: tic112, bubchik, the other Dr., beep, Haybrant, Code Brown, swimerpaco, wxl31, drsungoddess,el matador, Csv321

U Cincii post sec: lizbjrddnr, bmcgilligan

UColorado: PreMedAdAG, Inquiringmind24 (post-sec, and I'm a CO resident!!!!), Lis79

U Connecticut: Kikat37 (am I really the first and only one?!), landrus

UCSD: pre sec: drsungoddess, Khenon, Code Brown, Csv321
post sec: supernova, lis79, Ol'DocToxic, Dr.Vitaminka, Acherona, Ibby, CanuckRazorback, UCLAstudent, Medikit

UCSF: pre sec: apar01, mdsh00, graat, DianaLynne, swimerpaco, Code Brown, rockstar2525, BraneDoc, neuronerd, panda, drsungoddess, Medikit, travellindoc, jules454, nairay, damnit jim!, myodana, bonez318ti, Ol'DocToxic, Ibby. CanuckRazorback, CanIMakeIt, DrDarwin, docinthemaking
post sec: dhoonlee, tic112, cammy1313, tommerbommer, pushkin, Mistress S, Khenon ,Csv321, Dr.Vitaminka, beep, javert

UFlorida: pre sec: morganlefay, nonameremains
post sec: Biscuit799

UHawaii: John Burns, pre sec: yposhelley, mdsh00, Khenon


UIowa: cmdoctor

UKansas: Khenon

ULouisville: pre sec: EvoDevo, shyrem, Fusion, Pembleton, saki0005

UMDNJ-RWJ: BA/MD program: drguy22
MD program: Kikat37, ornis4, premedgeek, myodana, drsungoddess

UMDNJ - NJMS: post-sec: Sarikate, PreMedAdAG

UMaryland: BGGA, premedgeek,Scottish Chap (state resident!), Pembleton Timmythemic22

UMiami: pre sec: mdsh00, TravellinDoc, post sec: morganlefay
post sec: Biscuit799, drsungoddess

UMich: post sec:lis79, americanidiot, lizbjrddnr, Mistress S, Code Brown, AStudent

UMinn: pre sec: sactownkingsfan, Khenon, saki0005
post sec: akpete, IDSud23

UMinn Duluth: post interview: Xela; Khenon (3/4, post secondary)

UMissouri: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNew Mexico: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNC: pre sec: Creatine, Biscuit799

UNebraska: pre sec: kmjannie

UPitt: pre sec: ImmunoRocks, jp2004
post sec: LionKing, SplinkMD, BlueMagpie, ZappBrannigan, Code Brown, drsungoddess, Brynn7, Sarikate, lizbjrddnr, CanuckRazorback, Mr. Seeds, Penelope1

USouth Carolina: pre sec: ShyRem, samboo

UTexas-San Antonio: post sec: basten0, drsungoddess

UTexas-Southwestern: post sec: basten0

UTMB: brothersboff

UVA: LionKing, PreMedGeek, tristy, bqj, beep, MedicineBird, Pembleton, CanIMakeIt, Penelope1, cmdoctor, Csv321

UVermont: post sec: noalarms23, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, ornis4, tristy ,landrus, Singing Devil, Medikit, myodana
post interview: ribbi_j

UWashington: pre sec: bjackrian, ingamina, bonez318ti, dhoonlee, DianaLynne, Ibby, javert

UWisconsin: pre sec: rjb, DoctorFunk, kmjannie, AndEE, salsita1421, dgf32, IDSpud23 post sec: Creatine, Old_Mil post-interview: akpete

Vandy: pre sec: Amywa, Biscuit799, pyra, doctormalki, rjb, superdevil, a*brown, latinfridley, OrnotMajestic, Jason110, gold&black2005, Kazema, Freaker, mdsh00, Childe, Medikit, aparecida, elephunt, Lubdubb, Ylime, CanIMakeIt, DeaconMD04, docinthemaking, MedicineBird, seethrew, damnit jim!, el matador, Singing Devil, supernov, Dr.Vitaminka post interview: SplinkMD

VCU: pre sec: Khenon, Bedpan Commando, Pembleton, Buckeye(OH), morganlefay
post sec: americanidiot, drsungoddess, KiwiFruit, Singing Devil, samboo
post interview: liverotcod

Wake: pre sec: MegADoc?, premyo2002, PreMedAdAG, dr.z, dfleis, Munchkin6245, OrnotMajestic, jp2004, orchids&organs, jp2004, MedicineBird, morganlefay, saki0005, Csv321
post sec: brr, samboo, Biscuit799, brothersboff

WashU: Singing Devil, Croatalus_atrox, BraneDoc, Kazema, Penelope1, CanuckRazorback, paragozardelsol, javert

Wayne State: pre sec: rjb, akim0414, VPDcurt, chondrocyte

Wright State: Post-sec: lizbjrddnr
Albany: Pratik7, brr, inquiringmind24, SplinkMD, Just Applied, rayzer, ornis4, debiafly, nulie01, BGGA, inod, skiracer90, jiy76, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, tristy

Albert Einstein: a*brown, CanIMakeIt, Code Brown, Sarikate, SamDC, ornis4, Kazema, paragozardelsol, beep

Brown: Post sec:Dr.Vitaminka, bjackrian, landrus

BU: Ananda4321, cytotech27, brr, Just Applied, Jeffy, bostonabe, myodana, ambrosia, smallqt, ornis4, a*brown, Sarikate, landrus, GuyLaroche, Brynn7, Dr.Vitaminka, akpete, Mistress S, tristy,indo, americanidiot, kikat37

Buffalo: Post Sec:bigdan, BGGA, Steiner, jenclarke

Case: Post Sec:liverotcod, EvoDevo, Dr.Vitaminka, MedicineBird, AStudent, Singing Devil

Cleveland Clinic/Lerner:EvoDevo, liverotcod

Columbia: paragozardelsol, panda

Cornell: Post Sec: tinkerbelle, the negative 1, Dr. AYY, Mwillie, Ol'DocToxic, the1111gal, a*brown, CanIMakeIt, landrus, Acherona, Penelope1, premedgeek, beep, Brynn7, cmdoctor, docinthemaking, AStudent, myodana, Wiggy73, Kazema, ajt2003, panda

Creighton: americanidiot

Dartmouth: Post Sec: DrThom, Just Applied, Medikit, DGhiker, ZappBrannigan, UCLAStudent, swimerpaco, bostonabe, dxw, i77ac, cammy1313, VPDcurt, Dr.Vitaminka, Jules454, DianaLynne, a*brown, landrus, Timmythemic22, Pembleton, Mistress S, seethrew, Singing Devil, Bonez318ti, Code Brown

Drew: neuronerd, i77ac; pre-sec, Csv321

Drexel: Pembleton,fireorose, saki0005

Duke: Post Sec: Mebhs15, aesop, Creatine, lorelei, Haybrant, CanuckRazorback, tristy
Post Interview: Singing Devil, the1111gal, BraneDoc, CanIMakeIt, brothersboff, panda

EVMS: pre sec: Pembleton, americanidiot
post sec: Biscuit799, acl3623, Kikat37 post sec: Csv321

Georgetown: post Sec: UCLAStudent, StickNRudder, premyo2002, ssk123, VFrank, the negative 1, travellindoc, Code Brown, Kazema, Jeffy, orchids&organs, Jules454, Lubdubb, gobblety_gook, BlueMagpie, deuist, brr, Bedpan Commando, DeepCowboy, Acherona, sweatybrain, Pembleton, KiKat37, landrus, premedgeek, Ol'DocToxic, myodana
post interview: bjackrian, bridge01, adog

GW: post sec: SplinkMD, americanidiot, ananda4321,jiy76(hold), bonez318ti(hold),fireorose, Pembleton, bubchik, drsungoddess, Sarikate (hold), Medicinebird, Kazema, rayzer, ornis4, IDSpud23, AStudent, Inquiringmind24, beep, Lis79

Harvard: post sec: BraneDoc, panda, beep, CanuckRazorback, Code Brown, ajt2003, javert, Singing Devil, lulubean (sigh.)

Indiana U: pre sec: mdsh00, PBMaxx, Fusion, Scottish Chap, Khenon, Medicinebird

Jefferson: fireorose, saki0005, kikat37, Pembleton, LionKing, landrus, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka, AStudent, Inquiringmind 24, americanidiot

Johns Hopkins: post sec: morganlefay, post interview: DrThom

Loyola: pre-sec: BlueMagpie, Kazema, ForbiddenComma, lis79
post-sec: brothersboff

Mayo: pre phone interview: superdevil, YzIa, jmeyers52, lorelei, Medikit, terzian, UCLAStudent, orchids&organs, liverotcod, Khenon, xela, seethrew, damnit jim!, Buckeye(OH), Old_Mil, CanuckRazorback, Penelope1, akpete
Post phone interview: CanIMakeIt, ambrosia, junathon, dhoonlee, bostonabe, pushkin, Dr. AYY

Medical College of Ohio: pre-sec: nulie01, americanidiot
post-sec: PBMaxx

Medical College of Wisconsin: pre-sec: DoctorMalki, CanIMakeIt,
post-sec: americanidiot, Ol'DocToxic, jp2004, Buckeye(OH), PBMaxx, MedicineBird, Dr.Vitaminka, americanidiot, Old_Mil, baseball37 post interview: Medikit, AStudent (you can't just cancel an interview like that)

Michigan State: pre sec: Ylime, IDSpud23, americanidiot, UCLAStudent
Post-sec: lizbjrddnr

Morehouse: americanidiot

Northwestern/Feinberg: post sec: adamj61, PBMaxx, BlueMagpie, Code Brown, ZappBrannigan, Pre-MedAdAg, the other Dr., DGhiker, Uegis, Jason110, dhoonlee, Childe, orchids&organs, a*brown, Neoncandle, DoctorFunk, bjackrian, brr, mrezai, evajaclynn, apar01, MedicineBird, nairay, CanIMakeIt, UCLAStudent, damnit jim!, dgf32, basten0, smallqt, IDSpud23, skiracer90, premedgeek, Singing Devil, Mwillie, Coincidental, supernova, Penelope1, Haybrant, cmdoctor, Mr. Seeds, Psycho Doctor, jdovez, BraneDoc, panda, brothersboff, lulubean

NYMC: saki0005, americanidiot

NYU: pre sec: aesop, crysb, dgf32, saki0005, americanidiot, Penelope1
post sec: beep, docinthemaking, UCLAstudent, myodana, panda, KiwiFruit

OHSU: post sec: Csv321, IDSpud23, Code Brown post-interview: dxw, inod

Ohio State U: Post Sec: MedicineBird, Code Brown, bmcgilligan, PreMedAdAG

Penn State: Post Sec: jiy76, Dr. AYY, tristy

Rochester: Post sec: Code Brown, a*brown, DoctorMalki, Medikit, the negative 1, Lubdubb, PreMedAdAG, drsungoddess, cytotech2, Just Applied, jp2004, Dr.Vitaminka, CanIMakeIt, premedgeek, Brynn7, Steiner, dhoonlee, AStudent, Kazema

Rosalind Franklin/CMS: post sec: inquiringmind24, ornis4, saki0005, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka

Stanford: post sec: btowngirl, Jeffy, Dr.Vitaminka, Ibby, pushkin, Khenon, a*brown, MsEvolution, MedicineBird, Mistress S, boardchic, PreMedAdAG tic112,drsungoddess, Wiggy73, CanIMakeIt, CanuckRazorback, Creatine, KAR, Singing Devil, DrDarwin, DianaLynne, el matador, Csv321, Kazema, BraneDoc, paragozardelsol, Medikit, tommerbommer, panda

SUNY Downstate: post sec (snail): cytotech27, Nervouspremed, beep, SplinkMD, Pembleton,jiy76, Dr.Vitaminka

SUNY Upstate: hold-post sec: cytotech27,jiy76, tristy; rejected-post sec: Kazema, Csv321

Tufts: pre sec: saki0005 post sec: ornis4

Tulane: post sec: Jeffy, StickNRudder, brr, Mistress S, paragozardelsol, damnit jim!, MedicineBird, morganlefay, Dr.Vitaminka, Sarikate, el matador, saki0005, Biscuit799

UChicago/Pritzker: post sec: adamj61, dxw, marr, Code Brown, mdsh00, sactownkingsfan, BlueMagpie, Sparty Corn Fed, i77ac, Wiggy73, liverotcod, orchids&organs, salsita1421, drsungoddess, kmjannie, CanIMakeIt, PBMaxx, paragozardelsol, jentto, LauraMac, bostonabe, Wends, lizbjrddnr, Singing Devil, PreMedAdAG, rugirlie, Kazema, jdovez, panda
hold post sec: gobblety_gook, bridge01

UC Davis: pre sec: mdsh00, supersnuffles, travellindoc, brr, neuronerd, Khenon, Dr.Vitaminka, Ol'DocToxic, post sec: UCLAStudent, bridge01, dxw, dryo12, Medikit, el matador, cammy1313, lis79, Ibby, Csv321 post interview: Code Brown,

UCI: pre sec: brr, Khenon, Ibby, Dr.Vitaminka, Csv321

UCLA: pre sec: Khenon,Dr.Vitaminka, DrYo12
post sec: tic112, bubchik, the other Dr., beep, Haybrant, Code Brown, swimerpaco, wxl31, drsungoddess,el matador, Csv321

U Cincii post sec: lizbjrddnr, bmcgilligan

UColorado: PreMedAdAG, Inquiringmind24, Lis79

U Connecticut: Kikat37, landrus

UCSD: pre sec: drsungoddess, Khenon, Code Brown, Csv321
post sec: supernova, lis79, Ol'DocToxic, Dr.Vitaminka, Acherona, Ibby, CanuckRazorback, UCLAstudent, Medikit

UCSF: pre sec: apar01, mdsh00, graat, DianaLynne, swimerpaco, Code Brown, rockstar2525, BraneDoc, neuronerd, panda, drsungoddess, Medikit, travellindoc, jules454, nairay, damnit jim!, myodana, bonez318ti, Ol'DocToxic, Ibby. CanuckRazorback, CanIMakeIt, DrDarwin, docinthemaking
post sec: dhoonlee, tic112, cammy1313, tommerbommer, pushkin, Mistress S, Khenon ,Csv321, Dr.Vitaminka, beep, javert

UFlorida: pre sec: morganlefay, nonameremains
post sec: Biscuit799

UHawaii: John Burns, pre sec: yposhelley, mdsh00, Khenon


UIowa: cmdoctor

UKansas: Khenon

ULouisville: pre sec: EvoDevo, shyrem, Fusion, Pembleton, saki0005

UMDNJ-RWJ: BA/MD program: drguy22
MD program: Kikat37, ornis4, premedgeek, myodana, drsungoddess

UMDNJ - NJMS: post-sec: Sarikate, PreMedAdAG, americanidiot

UMaryland: BGGA, premedgeek,Scottish Chap, Pembleton Timmythemic22

UMiami: pre sec: mdsh00, TravellinDoc, post sec: morganlefay
post sec: Biscuit799, drsungoddess

UMich: post sec:lis79, americanidiot, lizbjrddnr, Mistress S, Code Brown, AStudent

UMinn: pre sec: sactownkingsfan, Khenon, saki0005
post sec: akpete, IDSud23

UMinn Duluth: post interview: Xela; Khenon

UMissouri: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNew Mexico: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNC: pre sec: Creatine, Biscuit799

UNebraska: pre sec: kmjannie

UPitt: pre sec: ImmunoRocks, jp2004
post sec: LionKing, SplinkMD, BlueMagpie, ZappBrannigan, Code Brown, drsungoddess, Brynn7, Sarikate, lizbjrddnr, CanuckRazorback, Mr. Seeds, Penelope1

USouth Carolina: pre sec: ShyRem, samboo

UTexas-San Antonio: post sec: basten0, drsungoddess

UTexas-Southwestern: post sec: basten0

UTMB: brothersboff

UVA: LionKing, PreMedGeek, tristy, bqj, beep, MedicineBird, Pembleton, CanIMakeIt, Penelope1, cmdoctor, Csv321

UVermont: post sec: noalarms23, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, ornis4, tristy ,landrus, Singing Devil, Medikit, myodana
post interview: ribbi_j

UWashington: pre sec: bjackrian, ingamina, bonez318ti, dhoonlee, DianaLynne, Ibby, javert

UWisconsin: pre sec: rjb, DoctorFunk, kmjannie, AndEE, salsita1421, dgf32, IDSpud23 post sec: Creatine, Old_Mil post-interview: akpete

Vandy: pre sec: Amywa, Biscuit799, pyra, doctormalki, rjb, superdevil, a*brown, latinfridley, OrnotMajestic, Jason110, gold&black2005, Kazema, Freaker, mdsh00, Childe, Medikit, aparecida, elephunt, Lubdubb, Ylime, CanIMakeIt, DeaconMD04, docinthemaking, MedicineBird, seethrew, damnit jim!, el matador, Singing Devil, supernov, Dr.Vitaminka post interview: SplinkMD

VCU: pre sec: Khenon, Bedpan Commando, Pembleton, Buckeye(OH), morganlefay
post sec: americanidiot, drsungoddess, KiwiFruit, Singing Devil, samboo
post interview: liverotcod

Wake: pre sec: MegADoc?, premyo2002, PreMedAdAG, dr.z, dfleis, Munchkin6245, OrnotMajestic, jp2004, orchids&organs, jp2004, MedicineBird, morganlefay, saki0005, Csv321
post sec: brr, samboo, Biscuit799, brothersboff

WashU: Singing Devil, Croatalus_atrox, BraneDoc, Kazema, Penelope1, CanuckRazorback, paragozardelsol, javert

Wayne State: pre sec: rjb, akim0414, VPDcurt, chondrocyte, americanidiot

Wright State: Post-sec: lizbjrddnr
Albany: Pratik7, brr, inquiringmind24, SplinkMD, Just Applied, rayzer, ornis4, debiafly, nulie01, BGGA, inod, skiracer90, jiy76, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, tristy

Albert Einstein: a*brown, CanIMakeIt, Code Brown, Sarikate, SamDC, ornis4, Kazema, paragozardelsol, beep

Brown: Post sec:Dr.Vitaminka, bjackrian, landrus

BU: Ananda4321, cytotech27, brr, Just Applied, Jeffy, bostonabe, myodana, ambrosia, smallqt, ornis4, a*brown, Sarikate, landrus, GuyLaroche, Brynn7, Dr.Vitaminka, akpete, Mistress S, tristy,indo, americanidiot, kikat37

Buffalo: Post Sec:bigdan, BGGA, Steiner, jenclarke

Case: Post Sec:liverotcod, EvoDevo, Dr.Vitaminka, MedicineBird, AStudent, Singing Devil

Cleveland Clinic/Lerner:EvoDevo, liverotcod

Columbia: paragozardelsol, panda

Cornell: Post Sec: tinkerbelle, the negative 1, Dr. AYY, Mwillie, Ol'DocToxic, the1111gal, a*brown, CanIMakeIt, landrus, Acherona, Penelope1, premedgeek, beep, Brynn7, cmdoctor, docinthemaking, AStudent, myodana, Wiggy73, Kazema, ajt2003, panda

Creighton: americanidiot

Dartmouth: Post Sec: DrThom, Just Applied, Medikit, DGhiker, ZappBrannigan, UCLAStudent, swimerpaco, bostonabe, dxw, i77ac, cammy1313, VPDcurt, Dr.Vitaminka, Jules454, DianaLynne, a*brown, landrus, Timmythemic22, Pembleton, Mistress S, seethrew, Singing Devil, Bonez318ti, Code Brown

Drew: neuronerd, i77ac; pre-sec, Csv321

Drexel: Pembleton,fireorose, saki0005

Duke: Post Sec: Mebhs15, aesop, Creatine, lorelei, Haybrant, CanuckRazorback, tristy
Post Interview: Singing Devil, the1111gal, BraneDoc, CanIMakeIt, brothersboff, panda

EVMS: pre sec: Pembleton, americanidiot
post sec: Biscuit799, acl3623, Kikat37 post sec: Csv321

Georgetown: post Sec: UCLAStudent, StickNRudder, premyo2002, ssk123, VFrank, the negative 1, travellindoc, Code Brown, Kazema, Jeffy, orchids&organs, Jules454, Lubdubb, gobblety_gook, BlueMagpie, deuist, brr, Bedpan Commando, DeepCowboy, Acherona, sweatybrain, Pembleton, KiKat37, landrus, premedgeek, Ol'DocToxic, myodana
post interview: bjackrian, bridge01, adog

GW: post sec: SplinkMD, americanidiot, ananda4321,jiy76(hold), bonez318ti(hold),fireorose, Pembleton, bubchik, drsungoddess, Sarikate (hold), Medicinebird, Kazema, rayzer, ornis4, IDSpud23, AStudent, Inquiringmind24, beep, Lis79

Harvard: post sec: BraneDoc, panda, beep, CanuckRazorback, Code Brown, ajt2003, javert, Singing Devil, lulubean (sigh.)

Indiana U: pre sec: mdsh00, PBMaxx, Fusion, Scottish Chap, Khenon, Medicinebird

Jefferson: fireorose, saki0005, kikat37, Pembleton, LionKing, landrus, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka, AStudent, Inquiringmind 24, americanidiot

Johns Hopkins: post sec: morganlefay, post interview: DrThom

Loyola: pre-sec: BlueMagpie, Kazema, ForbiddenComma, lis79
post-sec: brothersboff

Mayo: pre phone interview: superdevil, YzIa, jmeyers52, lorelei, Medikit, terzian, UCLAStudent, orchids&organs, liverotcod, Khenon, xela, seethrew, damnit jim!, Buckeye(OH), Old_Mil, CanuckRazorback, Penelope1, akpete
Post phone interview: CanIMakeIt, ambrosia, junathon, dhoonlee, bostonabe, pushkin, Dr. AYY

Medical College of Ohio: pre-sec: nulie01, americanidiot
post-sec: PBMaxx

Medical College of Wisconsin: pre-sec: DoctorMalki, CanIMakeIt,
post-sec: americanidiot, Ol'DocToxic, jp2004, Buckeye(OH), PBMaxx, MedicineBird, Dr.Vitaminka, americanidiot, Old_Mil, baseball37 post interview: Medikit, AStudent (you can't just cancel an interview like that)

Michigan State: pre sec: Ylime, IDSpud23, americanidiot, UCLAStudent
Post-sec: lizbjrddnr

Morehouse: americanidiot

Northwestern/Feinberg: post sec: adamj61, PBMaxx, BlueMagpie, Code Brown, ZappBrannigan, Pre-MedAdAg, the other Dr., DGhiker, Uegis, Jason110, dhoonlee, Childe, orchids&organs, a*brown, Neoncandle, DoctorFunk, bjackrian, brr, mrezai, evajaclynn, apar01, MedicineBird, nairay, CanIMakeIt, UCLAStudent, damnit jim!, dgf32, basten0, smallqt, IDSpud23, skiracer90, premedgeek, Singing Devil, Mwillie, Coincidental, supernova, Penelope1, Haybrant, cmdoctor, Mr. Seeds, Psycho Doctor, jdovez, BraneDoc, panda, brothersboff, lulubean

NYMC: saki0005, americanidiot

NYU: pre sec: aesop, crysb, dgf32, saki0005, americanidiot, Penelope1
post sec: beep, docinthemaking, UCLAstudent, myodana, panda, KiwiFruit

OHSU: post sec: Csv321, IDSpud23, Code Brown post-interview: dxw, inod

Ohio State U: Post Sec: MedicineBird, Code Brown, bmcgilligan, PreMedAdAG

Penn State: Post Sec: jiy76, Dr. AYY, tristy

Rochester: Post sec: Code Brown, a*brown, DoctorMalki, Medikit, the negative 1, Lubdubb, PreMedAdAG, drsungoddess, cytotech2, Just Applied, jp2004, Dr.Vitaminka, CanIMakeIt, premedgeek, Brynn7, Steiner, dhoonlee, AStudent, Kazema

Rosalind Franklin/CMS: post sec: inquiringmind24, ornis4, saki0005, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka

Stanford: post sec: btowngirl, Jeffy, Dr.Vitaminka, Ibby, pushkin, Khenon, a*brown, MsEvolution, MedicineBird, Mistress S, boardchic, PreMedAdAG tic112,drsungoddess, Wiggy73, CanIMakeIt, CanuckRazorback, Creatine, KAR, Singing Devil, DrDarwin, DianaLynne, el matador, Csv321, Kazema, BraneDoc, paragozardelsol, Medikit, tommerbommer, panda

SUNY Downstate: post sec (snail): cytotech27, Nervouspremed, beep, SplinkMD, Pembleton,jiy76, Dr.Vitaminka

SUNY Upstate: hold-post sec: cytotech27,jiy76, tristy; rejected-post sec: Kazema, Csv321

Tufts: pre sec: saki0005 post sec: ornis4, kikat37

Tulane: post sec: Jeffy, StickNRudder, brr, Mistress S, paragozardelsol, damnit jim!, MedicineBird, morganlefay, Dr.Vitaminka, Sarikate, el matador, saki0005, Biscuit799

UChicago/Pritzker: post sec: adamj61, dxw, marr, Code Brown, mdsh00, sactownkingsfan, BlueMagpie, Sparty Corn Fed, i77ac, Wiggy73, liverotcod, orchids&organs, salsita1421, drsungoddess, kmjannie, CanIMakeIt, PBMaxx, paragozardelsol, jentto, LauraMac, bostonabe, Wends, lizbjrddnr, Singing Devil, PreMedAdAG, rugirlie, Kazema, jdovez, panda
hold post sec: gobblety_gook, bridge01

UC Davis: pre sec: mdsh00, supersnuffles, travellindoc, brr, neuronerd, Khenon, Dr.Vitaminka, Ol'DocToxic, post sec: UCLAStudent, bridge01, dxw, dryo12, Medikit, el matador, cammy1313, lis79, Ibby, Csv321 post interview: Code Brown,

UCI: pre sec: brr, Khenon, Ibby, Dr.Vitaminka, Csv321

UCLA: pre sec: Khenon,Dr.Vitaminka, DrYo12
post sec: tic112, bubchik, the other Dr., beep, Haybrant, Code Brown, swimerpaco, wxl31, drsungoddess,el matador, Csv321

U Cincii post sec: lizbjrddnr, bmcgilligan

UColorado: PreMedAdAG, Inquiringmind24, Lis79

U Connecticut: Kikat37, landrus

UCSD: pre sec: drsungoddess, Khenon, Code Brown, Csv321
post sec: supernova, lis79, Ol'DocToxic, Dr.Vitaminka, Acherona, Ibby, CanuckRazorback, UCLAstudent, Medikit

UCSF: pre sec: apar01, mdsh00, graat, DianaLynne, swimerpaco, Code Brown, rockstar2525, BraneDoc, neuronerd, panda, drsungoddess, Medikit, travellindoc, jules454, nairay, damnit jim!, myodana, bonez318ti, Ol'DocToxic, Ibby. CanuckRazorback, CanIMakeIt, DrDarwin, docinthemaking
post sec: dhoonlee, tic112, cammy1313, tommerbommer, pushkin, Mistress S, Khenon ,Csv321, Dr.Vitaminka, beep, javert

UFlorida: pre sec: morganlefay, nonameremains
post sec: Biscuit799

UHawaii: John Burns, pre sec: yposhelley, mdsh00, Khenon


UIowa: cmdoctor

UKansas: Khenon

ULouisville: pre sec: EvoDevo, shyrem, Fusion, Pembleton, saki0005

UMDNJ-RWJ: BA/MD program: drguy22
MD program: Kikat37, ornis4, premedgeek, myodana, drsungoddess

UMDNJ - NJMS: post-sec: Sarikate, PreMedAdAG, americanidiot

UMaryland: BGGA, premedgeek,Scottish Chap, Pembleton Timmythemic22

UMiami: pre sec: mdsh00, TravellinDoc, post sec: morganlefay
post sec: Biscuit799, drsungoddess

UMich: post sec:lis79, americanidiot, lizbjrddnr, Mistress S, Code Brown, AStudent

UMinn: pre sec: sactownkingsfan, Khenon, saki0005
post sec: akpete, IDSud23

UMinn Duluth: post interview: Xela; Khenon

UMissouri: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNew Mexico: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNC: pre sec: Creatine, Biscuit799

UNebraska: pre sec: kmjannie

UPitt: pre sec: ImmunoRocks, jp2004
post sec: LionKing, SplinkMD, BlueMagpie, ZappBrannigan, Code Brown, drsungoddess, Brynn7, Sarikate, lizbjrddnr, CanuckRazorback, Mr. Seeds, Penelope1

USouth Carolina: pre sec: ShyRem, samboo

UTexas-San Antonio: post sec: basten0, drsungoddess

UTexas-Southwestern: post sec: basten0

UTMB: brothersboff

UVA: LionKing, PreMedGeek, tristy, bqj, beep, MedicineBird, Pembleton, CanIMakeIt, Penelope1, cmdoctor, Csv321

UVermont: post sec: noalarms23, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, ornis4, tristy ,landrus, Singing Devil, Medikit, myodana
post interview: ribbi_j

UWashington: pre sec: bjackrian, ingamina, bonez318ti, dhoonlee, DianaLynne, Ibby, javert

UWisconsin: pre sec: rjb, DoctorFunk, kmjannie, AndEE, salsita1421, dgf32, IDSpud23 post sec: Creatine, Old_Mil post-interview: akpete

Vandy: pre sec: Amywa, Biscuit799, pyra, doctormalki, rjb, superdevil, a*brown, latinfridley, OrnotMajestic, Jason110, gold&black2005, Kazema, Freaker, mdsh00, Childe, Medikit, aparecida, elephunt, Lubdubb, Ylime, CanIMakeIt, DeaconMD04, docinthemaking, MedicineBird, seethrew, damnit jim!, el matador, Singing Devil, supernov, Dr.Vitaminka post interview: SplinkMD

VCU: pre sec: Khenon, Bedpan Commando, Pembleton, Buckeye(OH), morganlefay
post sec: americanidiot, drsungoddess, KiwiFruit, Singing Devil, samboo
post interview: liverotcod

Wake: pre sec: MegADoc?, premyo2002, PreMedAdAG, dr.z, dfleis, Munchkin6245, OrnotMajestic, jp2004, orchids&organs, jp2004, MedicineBird, morganlefay, saki0005, Csv321
post sec: brr, samboo, Biscuit799, brothersboff

WashU: Singing Devil, Croatalus_atrox, BraneDoc, Kazema, Penelope1, CanuckRazorback, paragozardelsol, javert

Wayne State: pre sec: rjb, akim0414, VPDcurt, chondrocyte, americanidiot

Wright State: Post-sec: lizbjrddnr
Seriously, I knew this over a month ago... didn't they???

Albany: Pratik7, brr, inquiringmind24, SplinkMD, Just Applied, rayzer, ornis4, debiafly, nulie01, BGGA, inod, skiracer90, jiy76, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, tristy

Albert Einstein: a*brown, CanIMakeIt, Code Brown, Sarikate, SamDC, ornis4, Kazema, paragozardelsol, beep

Brown: Post secr.Vitaminka, bjackrian, landrus

BU: Ananda4321, cytotech27, brr, Just Applied, Jeffy, bostonabe, myodana, ambrosia, smallqt, ornis4, a*brown, Sarikate, landrus, GuyLaroche, Brynn7, Dr.Vitaminka, akpete, Mistress S, tristy,indo, americanidiot, kikat37

Buffalo: Post Sec:bigdan, BGGA, Steiner, jenclarke

Case: Post Sec:liverotcod, EvoDevo, Dr.Vitaminka, MedicineBird, AStudent, Singing Devil

Cleveland Clinic/Lerner:EvoDevo, liverotcod

Columbia: paragozardelsol

Cornell: Post Sec: tinkerbelle, the negative 1, Dr. AYY, Mwillie, Ol'DocToxic, the1111gal, a*brown, CanIMakeIt, landrus, Acherona, Penelope1, premedgeek, beep, Brynn7, cmdoctor, docinthemaking, AStudent, myodana, Wiggy73, Kazema, ajt2003, panda

Creighton: americanidiot

Dartmouth: Post Sec: DrThom, Just Applied, Medikit, DGhiker, ZappBrannigan, UCLAStudent, swimerpaco, bostonabe, dxw, i77ac, cammy1313, VPDcurt, Dr.Vitaminka, Jules454, DianaLynne, a*brown, landrus, Timmythemic22, Pembleton, Mistress S, seethrew, Singing Devil, Bonez318ti, Code Brown

Drew: neuronerd, i77ac; pre-sec, Csv321

Drexel: Pembleton,fireorose, saki0005

Duke: Post Sec: Mebhs15, aesop, Creatine, lorelei, Haybrant, CanuckRazorback, tristy
Post Interview: Singing Devil

EVMS: pre sec: Pembleton, americanidiot
post sec: Biscuit799, acl3623, Kikat37 post sec: Csv321

Georgetown: post Sec: UCLAStudent, StickNRudder, premyo2002, ssk123, VFrank, the negative 1, travellindoc, Code Brown, Kazema, Jeffy, orchids&organs, Jules454, Lubdubb, gobblety_gook, BlueMagpie, deuist, brr, Bedpan Commando, DeepCowboy, Acherona, sweatybrain, Pembleton, KiKat37, landrus, premedgeek, Ol'DocToxic, myodana
post interview: bjackrian, bridge01, adog

GW: post sec: SplinkMD, americanidiot, ananda4321,jiy76(hold), bonez318ti(hold),fireorose, Pembleton, bubchik, drsungoddess, Sarikate (hold), Medicinebird, Kazema, rayzer, ornis4, IDSpud23, AStudent, Inquiringmind24, beep, Lis79

Harvard: post sec: BraneDoc, panda, beep, CanuckRazorback, Code Brown, ajt2003, javert, Singing Devil, lulubean (sigh.)

Indiana U: pre sec: mdsh00, PBMaxx, Fusion, Scottish Chap, Khenon, Medicinebird

Jefferson: fireorose, saki0005, kikat37, Pembleton, LionKing, landrus, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka, AStudent, Inquiringmind 24, americanidiot

Johns Hopkins: post sec: morganlefay, post interview: DrThom

Loyola: pre-sec: BlueMagpie, Kazema, ForbiddenComma, lis79
post-sec: brothersboff

Mayo: pre phone interview: superdevil, YzIa, jmeyers52, lorelei, Medikit, terzian, UCLAStudent, orchids&organs, liverotcod, Khenon, xela, seethrew, damnit jim!, Buckeye(OH), Old_Mil, CanuckRazorback, Penelope1, akpete
Post phone interview: CanIMakeIt, ambrosia, junathon, dhoonlee, bostonabe, pushkin, Dr. AYY

Medical College of Ohio: pre-sec: nulie01, americanidiot
post-sec: PBMaxx

Medical College of Wisconsin: pre-sec: DoctorMalki, CanIMakeIt,
post-sec: americanidiot, Ol'DocToxic, jp2004, Buckeye(OH), PBMaxx, MedicineBird, Dr.Vitaminka, americanidiot, Old_Mil, baseball37 post interview: Medikit, AStudent (you can't just cancel an interview like that)

Michigan State: pre sec: Ylime, IDSpud23, americanidiot, UCLAStudent
Post-sec: lizbjrddnr

Morehouse: americanidiot

Northwestern/Feinberg: post sec: adamj61, PBMaxx, BlueMagpie, Code Brown, ZappBrannigan, Pre-MedAdAg, the other Dr., DGhiker, Uegis, Jason110, dhoonlee, Childe, orchids&organs, a*brown, Neoncandle, DoctorFunk, bjackrian, brr, mrezai, evajaclynn, apar01, MedicineBird, nairay, CanIMakeIt, UCLAStudent, damnit jim!, dgf32, basten0, smallqt, IDSpud23, skiracer90, premedgeek, Singing Devil, Mwillie, Coincidental, supernova, Penelope1, Haybrant, cmdoctor, Mr. Seeds, Psycho Doctor, jdovez, BraneDoc, panda, brothersboff, lulubean

NYMC: saki0005, americanidiot

NYU: pre sec: aesop, crysb, dgf32, saki0005, americanidiot, Penelope1
post sec: beep, docinthemaking, UCLAstudent, myodana, panda, KiwiFruit

OHSU: post sec: Csv321, IDSpud23, Code Brown post-interview: dxw, inod

Ohio State U: Post Sec: MedicineBird, Code Brown, bmcgilligan, PreMedAdAG

Penn State: Post Sec: jiy76, Dr. AYY, tristy

Rochester: Post sec: Code Brown, a*brown, DoctorMalki, Medikit, the negative 1, Lubdubb, PreMedAdAG, drsungoddess, cytotech2, Just Applied, jp2004, Dr.Vitaminka, CanIMakeIt, premedgeek, Brynn7, Steiner, dhoonlee, AStudent, Kazema

Rosalind Franklin/CMS: post sec: inquiringmind24, ornis4, saki0005, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka

Stanford: post sec: btowngirl, Jeffy, Dr.Vitaminka, Ibby, pushkin, Khenon, a*brown, MsEvolution, MedicineBird, Mistress S, boardchic, PreMedAdAG tic112,drsungoddess, Wiggy73, CanIMakeIt, CanuckRazorback, Creatine, KAR, Singing Devil, DrDarwin, DianaLynne, el matador, Csv321, Kazema, BraneDoc, paragozardelsol, Medikit, tommerbommer, panda

SUNY Downstate: post sec (snail): cytotech27, Nervouspremed, beep, SplinkMD, Pembleton,jiy76, Dr.Vitaminka

SUNY Upstate: hold-post sec: cytotech27,jiy76, tristy; rejected-post sec: Kazema, Csv321

Tufts: pre sec: saki0005 post sec: ornis4, kikat37

Tulane: post sec: Jeffy, StickNRudder, brr, Mistress S, paragozardelsol, damnit jim!, MedicineBird, morganlefay, Dr.Vitaminka, Sarikate, el matador, saki0005, Biscuit799

UChicago/Pritzker: post sec: adamj61, dxw, marr, Code Brown, mdsh00, sactownkingsfan, BlueMagpie, Sparty Corn Fed, i77ac, Wiggy73, liverotcod, orchids&organs, salsita1421, drsungoddess, kmjannie, CanIMakeIt, PBMaxx, paragozardelsol, jentto, LauraMac, bostonabe, Wends, lizbjrddnr, Singing Devil, PreMedAdAG, rugirlie, Kazema, jdovez, panda
hold post sec: gobblety_gook, bridge01

UC Davis: pre sec: mdsh00, supersnuffles, travellindoc, brr, neuronerd, Khenon, Dr.Vitaminka, Ol'DocToxic, post sec: UCLAStudent, bridge01, dxw, dryo12, Medikit, el matador, cammy1313, lis79, Ibby, Csv321 post interview: Code Brown,

UCI: pre sec: brr, Khenon, Ibby, Dr.Vitaminka, Csv321

UCLA: pre sec: Khenon,Dr.Vitaminka, DrYo12
post sec: tic112, bubchik, the other Dr., beep, Haybrant, Code Brown, swimerpaco, wxl31, drsungoddess,el matador, Csv321

U Cincii post sec: lizbjrddnr, bmcgilligan

UColorado: PreMedAdAG, Inquiringmind24, Lis79

U Connecticut: Kikat37, landrus

UCSD: pre sec: drsungoddess, Khenon, Code Brown, Csv321
post sec: supernova, lis79, Ol'DocToxic, Dr.Vitaminka, Acherona, Ibby, CanuckRazorback, UCLAstudent, Medikit

UCSF: pre sec: apar01, mdsh00, graat, DianaLynne, swimerpaco, Code Brown, rockstar2525, BraneDoc, neuronerd, panda, drsungoddess, Medikit, travellindoc, jules454, nairay, damnit jim!, myodana, bonez318ti, Ol'DocToxic, Ibby. CanuckRazorback, CanIMakeIt, DrDarwin, docinthemaking
post sec: dhoonlee, tic112, cammy1313, tommerbommer, pushkin, Mistress S, Khenon ,Csv321, Dr.Vitaminka, beep, javert

UFlorida: pre sec: morganlefay, nonameremains
post sec: Biscuit799

UHawaii: John Burns, pre sec: yposhelley, mdsh00, Khenon


UIowa: cmdoctor

UKansas: Khenon

ULouisville: pre sec: EvoDevo, shyrem, Fusion, Pembleton, saki0005

UMDNJ-RWJ: BA/MD program: drguy22
MD program: Kikat37, ornis4, premedgeek, myodana, drsungoddess

UMDNJ - NJMS: post-sec: Sarikate, PreMedAdAG, americanidiot

UMaryland: BGGA, premedgeek,Scottish Chap, Pembleton Timmythemic22

UMiami: pre sec: mdsh00, TravellinDoc, post sec: morganlefay
post sec: Biscuit799, drsungoddess

UMich: post sec:lis79, americanidiot, lizbjrddnr, Mistress S, Code Brown, AStudent

UMinn: pre sec: sactownkingsfan, Khenon, saki0005
post sec: akpete, IDSud23

UMinn Duluth: post interview: Xela; Khenon

UMissouri: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNew Mexico: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNC: pre sec: Creatine, Biscuit799

UNebraska: pre sec: kmjannie

UPitt: pre sec: ImmunoRocks, jp2004
post sec: LionKing, SplinkMD, BlueMagpie, ZappBrannigan, Code Brown, drsungoddess, Brynn7, Sarikate, lizbjrddnr, CanuckRazorback, Mr. Seeds, Penelope1

USouth Carolina: pre sec: ShyRem, samboo

UTexas-San Antonio: post sec: basten0, drsungoddess

UTexas-Southwestern: post sec: basten0

UTMB: brothersboff

UVA: LionKing, PreMedGeek, tristy, bqj, beep, MedicineBird, Pembleton, CanIMakeIt, Penelope1, cmdoctor, Csv321

UVermont: post sec: noalarms23, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, ornis4, tristy ,landrus, Singing Devil, Medikit, myodana
post interview: ribbi_j

UWashington: pre sec: bjackrian, ingamina, bonez318ti, dhoonlee, DianaLynne, Ibby, javert

UWisconsin: pre sec: rjb, DoctorFunk, kmjannie, AndEE, salsita1421, dgf32, IDSpud23 post sec: Creatine, Old_Mil post-interview: akpete, illini

Vandy: pre sec: Amywa, Biscuit799, pyra, doctormalki, rjb, superdevil, a*brown, latinfridley, OrnotMajestic, Jason110, gold&black2005, Kazema, Freaker, mdsh00, Childe, Medikit, aparecida, elephunt, Lubdubb, Ylime, CanIMakeIt, DeaconMD04, docinthemaking, MedicineBird, seethrew, damnit jim!, el matador, Singing Devil, supernov, Dr.Vitaminka post interview: SplinkMD

VCU: pre sec: Khenon, Bedpan Commando, Pembleton, Buckeye(OH), morganlefay
post sec: americanidiot, drsungoddess, KiwiFruit, Singing Devil, samboo
post interview: liverotcod

Wake: pre sec: MegADoc?, premyo2002, PreMedAdAG, dr.z, dfleis, Munchkin6245, OrnotMajestic, jp2004, orchids&organs, jp2004, MedicineBird, morganlefay, saki0005, Csv321
post sec: brr, samboo, Biscuit799, brothersboff

WashU: Singing Devil, Croatalus_atrox, BraneDoc, Kazema, Penelope1, CanuckRazorback, paragozardelsol, javert

Wayne State: pre sec: rjb, akim0414, VPDcurt, chondrocyte, americanidiot

Wright State: Post-sec: lizbjrddnr, PBMaxx
Stanford (post sec)...Check those mailboxes, it looks like the next batch is out :thumbdown:

Albany: Pratik7, brr, inquiringmind24, SplinkMD, Just Applied, rayzer, ornis4, debiafly, nulie01, BGGA, inod, skiracer90, jiy76, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, tristy

AECOM: a*brown, CanIMakeIt, Code Brown, Sarikate, SamDC, ornis4, Kazema, paragozardelsol, beep

Brown: Post secr.Vitaminka, bjackrian, landrus

BU: Ananda4321, cytotech27, brr, Just Applied, Jeffy, bostonabe, myodana, ambrosia, smallqt, ornis4, a*brown, Sarikate, landrus, GuyLaroche, Brynn7, Dr.Vitaminka, akpete, Mistress S, tristy,indo, americanidiot, kikat37

Buffalo: Post Sec:bigdan, BGGA, Steiner, jenclarke

Case: Post Sec:liverotcod, EvoDevo, Dr.Vitaminka, MedicineBird, AStudent, Singing Devil

Cleveland Clinic/Lerner:EvoDevo, liverotcod

Columbia: paragozardelsol

Cornell: Post Sec: tinkerbelle, the negative 1, Dr. AYY, Mwillie, Ol'DocToxic, the1111gal, a*brown, CanIMakeIt, landrus, Acherona, Penelope1, premedgeek, beep, Brynn7, cmdoctor, docinthemaking, AStudent, myodana, Wiggy73, Kazema, ajt2003, panda

Creighton: americanidiot

Dartmouth: Post Sec: DrThom, Just Applied, Medikit, DGhiker, ZappBrannigan, UCLAStudent, swimerpaco, bostonabe, dxw, i77ac, cammy1313, VPDcurt, Dr.Vitaminka, Jules454, DianaLynne, a*brown, landrus, Timmythemic22, Pembleton, Mistress S, seethrew, Singing Devil, Bonez318ti, Code Brown

Drew: neuronerd, i77ac; pre-sec, Csv321

Drexel: Pembleton,fireorose, saki0005

Duke: Post Sec: Mebhs15, aesop, Creatine, lorelei, Haybrant, CanuckRazorback, tristy
Post Interview: Singing Devil

EVMS: pre sec: Pembleton, americanidiot
post sec: Biscuit799, acl3623, Kikat37 post sec: Csv321

Georgetown: post Sec: UCLAStudent, StickNRudder, premyo2002, ssk123, VFrank, the negative 1, travellindoc, Code Brown, Kazema, Jeffy, orchids&organs, Jules454, Lubdubb, gobblety_gook, BlueMagpie, deuist, brr, Bedpan Commando, DeepCowboy, Acherona, sweatybrain, Pembleton, KiKat37, landrus, premedgeek, Ol'DocToxic, myodana
post interview: bjackrian, bridge01, adog

GW: post sec: SplinkMD, americanidiot, ananda4321,jiy76(hold), bonez318ti(hold),fireorose, Pembleton, bubchik, drsungoddess, Sarikate (hold), Medicinebird, Kazema, rayzer, ornis4, IDSpud23, AStudent, Inquiringmind24, beep, Lis79

Harvard: post sec: BraneDoc, panda, beep, CanuckRazorback, Code Brown, ajt2003, javert, Singing Devil, lulubean (sigh.)

Indiana U: pre sec: mdsh00, PBMaxx, Fusion, Scottish Chap, Khenon, Medicinebird

Jeff: fireorose, saki0005, kikat37, Pembleton, LionKing, landrus, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka, AStudent, Inquiringmind 24, americanidiot

Johns Hopkins: post sec: morganlefay, post interview: DrThom

Loyola: pre-sec: BlueMagpie, Kazema, ForbiddenComma, lis79
post-sec: brothersboff

Mayo: pre phone interview: superdevil, YzIa, jmeyers52, lorelei, Medikit, terzian, UCLAStudent, orchids&organs, liverotcod, Khenon, xela, seethrew, damnit jim!, Buckeye(OH), Old_Mil, CanuckRazorback, Penelope1, akpete
Post phone interview: CanIMakeIt, ambrosia, junathon, dhoonlee, bostonabe, pushkin, Dr. AYY

MCO: pre-sec: nulie01, americanidiot
post-sec: PBMaxx

MCW: pre-sec: DoctorMalki, CanIMakeIt,
post-sec: americanidiot, Ol'DocToxic, jp2004, Buckeye(OH), PBMaxx, MedicineBird, Dr.Vitaminka, americanidiot, Old_Mil, baseball37 post interview: Medikit, AStudent (you can't just cancel an interview like that)

Michigan State: pre sec: Ylime, IDSpud23, americanidiot, UCLAStudent
Post-sec: lizbjrddnr

Morehouse: americanidiot

Northwestern: post sec: adamj61, PBMaxx, BlueMagpie, Code Brown, ZappBrannigan, Pre-MedAdAg, the other Dr., DGhiker, Uegis, Jason110, dhoonlee, Childe, orchids&organs, a*brown, Neoncandle, DoctorFunk, bjackrian, brr, mrezai, evajaclynn, apar01, MedicineBird, nairay, CanIMakeIt, UCLAStudent, damnit jim!, dgf32, basten0, smallqt, IDSpud23, skiracer90, premedgeek, Singing Devil, Mwillie, Coincidental, supernova, Penelope1, Haybrant, cmdoctor, Mr. Seeds, Psycho Doctor, jdovez, BraneDoc, panda, brothersboff, lulubean

NYMC: saki0005, americanidiot

NYU: pre sec: aesop, crysb, dgf32, saki0005, americanidiot, Penelope1
post sec: beep, docinthemaking, UCLAstudent, myodana, panda, KiwiFruit

OHSU: post sec: Csv321, IDSpud23, Code Brown post-interview: dxw, inod

Ohio State U: Post Sec: MedicineBird, Code Brown, bmcgilligan, PreMedAdAG

Penn State: Post Sec: jiy76, Dr. AYY, tristy

Rochester: Post sec: Code Brown, a*brown, DoctorMalki, Medikit, the negative 1, Lubdubb, PreMedAdAG, drsungoddess, cytotech2, Just Applied, jp2004, Dr.Vitaminka, CanIMakeIt, premedgeek, Brynn7, Steiner, dhoonlee, AStudent, Kazema

RF: post sec: inquiringmind24, ornis4, saki0005, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka

Stanford: post sec: btowngirl, Jeffy, Dr.Vitaminka, Ibby, pushkin, Khenon, a*brown, MsEvolution, MedicineBird, Mistress S, boardchic, PreMedAdAG tic112,drsungoddess, Wiggy73, CanIMakeIt, CanuckRazorback, Creatine, KAR, Singing Devil, DrDarwin, DianaLynne, el matador, Csv321, Kazema, BraneDoc, paragozardelsol, Medikit, tommerbommer, panda, Code Brown

SUNY Down: post sec (snail): cytotech27, Nervouspremed, beep, SplinkMD, Pembleton,jiy76, Dr.Vitaminka

SUNY Up: hold-post sec: cytotech27,jiy76, tristy; rejected-post sec: Kazema, Csv321

Tufts: pre sec: saki0005 post sec: ornis4, kikat37

Tulane: post sec: Jeffy, StickNRudder, brr, Mistress S, paragozardelsol, damnit jim!, MedicineBird, morganlefay, Dr.Vitaminka, Sarikate, el matador, saki0005, Biscuit799

UChicago: post sec: adamj61, dxw, marr, Code Brown, mdsh00, sactownkingsfan, BlueMagpie, Sparty Corn Fed, i77ac, Wiggy73, liverotcod, orchids&organs, salsita1421, drsungoddess, kmjannie, CanIMakeIt, PBMaxx, paragozardelsol, jentto, LauraMac, bostonabe, Wends, lizbjrddnr, Singing Devil, PreMedAdAG, rugirlie, Kazema, jdovez, panda
hold post sec: gobblety_gook, bridge01

UCDavis: pre sec: mdsh00, supersnuffles, travellindoc, brr, neuronerd, Khenon, Dr.Vitaminka, Ol'DocToxic, post sec: UCLAStudent, bridge01, dxw, dryo12, Medikit, el matador, cammy1313, lis79, Ibby, Csv321 post interview: Code Brown,

UCI: pre sec: brr, Khenon, Ibby, Dr.Vitaminka, Csv321

UCLA: pre sec: Khenon,Dr.Vitaminka, DrYo12
post sec: tic112, bubchik, the other Dr., beep, Haybrant, Code Brown, swimerpaco, wxl31, drsungoddess,el matador, Csv321

U Cinci post sec: lizbjrddnr, bmcgilligan

UColorado: PreMedAdAG, Inquiringmind24, Lis79

UConn: Kikat37, landrus

UCSD: pre sec: drsungoddess, Khenon, Code Brown, Csv321
post sec: supernova, lis79, Ol'DocToxic, Dr.Vitaminka, Acherona, Ibby, CanuckRazorback, UCLAstudent, Medikit

UCSF: pre sec: apar01, mdsh00, graat, DianaLynne, swimerpaco, Code Brown, rockstar2525, BraneDoc, neuronerd, panda, drsungoddess, Medikit, travellindoc, jules454, nairay, damnit jim!, myodana, bonez318ti, Ol'DocToxic, Ibby. CanuckRazorback, CanIMakeIt, DrDarwin, docinthemaking
post sec: dhoonlee, tic112, cammy1313, tommerbommer, pushkin, Mistress S, Khenon ,Csv321, Dr.Vitaminka, beep, javert

UFlorida: pre sec: morganlefay, nonameremains
post sec: Biscuit799

UHawaii: John Burns, pre sec: yposhelley, mdsh00, Khenon


UIowa: cmdoctor

UKansas: Khenon

ULouisville: pre sec: EvoDevo, shyrem, Fusion, Pembleton, saki0005

UMDNJ-RWJ: BA/MD program: drguy22
MD program: Kikat37, ornis4, premedgeek, myodana, drsungoddess

UMDNJ - NJMS: post-sec: Sarikate, PreMedAdAG, americanidiot

UMaryland: BGGA, premedgeek,Scottish Chap, Pembleton Timmythemic22

UMiami: pre sec: mdsh00, TravellinDoc, post sec: morganlefay
post sec: Biscuit799, drsungoddess

UMich: post sec:lis79, americanidiot, lizbjrddnr, Mistress S, Code Brown, AStudent

UMinn: pre sec: sactownkingsfan, Khenon, saki0005
post sec: akpete, IDSud23

UMinn Duluth: post interview: Xela; Khenon

UMissouri: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNew Mexico: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNC: pre sec: Creatine, Biscuit799

UNebraska: pre sec: kmjannie

UPitt: pre sec: ImmunoRocks, jp2004
post sec: LionKing, SplinkMD, BlueMagpie, ZappBrannigan, Code Brown, drsungoddess, Brynn7, Sarikate, lizbjrddnr, CanuckRazorback, Mr. Seeds, Penelope1

US Carolina: pre sec: ShyRem, samboo

UTSA: post sec: basten0, drsungoddess

UTSW: post sec: basten0

UTMB: brothersboff

UVA: LionKing, PreMedGeek, tristy, bqj, beep, MedicineBird, Pembleton, CanIMakeIt, Penelope1, cmdoctor, Csv321

UVermont: post sec: noalarms23, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, ornis4, tristy ,landrus, Singing Devil, Medikit, myodana
post interview: ribbi_j

UWashington: pre sec: bjackrian, ingamina, bonez318ti, dhoonlee, DianaLynne, Ibby, javert

UWisconsin: pre sec: rjb, DoctorFunk, kmjannie, AndEE, salsita1421, dgf32, IDSpud23 post sec: Creatine, Old_Mil post-interview: akpete, illini

Vandy: pre sec: Amywa, Biscuit799, pyra, doctormalki, rjb, superdevil, a*brown, latinfridley, OrnotMajestic, Jason110, gold&black2005, Kazema, Freaker, mdsh00, Childe, Medikit, aparecida, elephunt, Lubdubb, Ylime, CanIMakeIt, DeaconMD04, docinthemaking, MedicineBird, seethrew, damnit jim!, el matador, Singing Devil, supernov, Dr.Vitaminka post interview: SplinkMD

VCU: pre sec: Khenon, Bedpan Commando, Pembleton, Buckeye(OH), morganlefay
post sec: americanidiot, drsungoddess, KiwiFruit, Singing Devil, samboo
post interview: liverotcod

Wake: pre sec: MegADoc?, premyo2002, PreMedAdAG, dr.z, dfleis, Munchkin6245, OrnotMajestic, jp2004, orchids&organs, jp2004, MedicineBird, morganlefay, saki0005, Csv321
post sec: brr, samboo, Biscuit799, brothersboff

WashU: Singing Devil, Croatalus_atrox, BraneDoc, Kazema, Penelope1, CanuckRazorback, paragozardelsol, javert

Wayne State: pre sec: rjb, akim0414, VPDcurt, chondrocyte, americanidiot

Wright State: Post-sec: lizbjrddnr, PBMaxx
Albany: Pratik7, brr, inquiringmind24, SplinkMD, Just Applied, rayzer, ornis4, debiafly, nulie01, BGGA, inod, skiracer90, jiy76, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, tristy

AECOM: a*brown, CanIMakeIt, Code Brown, Sarikate, SamDC, ornis4, Kazema, paragozardelsol, beep

Brown: Post secr.Vitaminka, bjackrian, landrus

BU: Ananda4321, cytotech27, brr, Just Applied, Jeffy, bostonabe, myodana, ambrosia, smallqt, ornis4, a*brown, Sarikate, landrus, GuyLaroche, Brynn7, Dr.Vitaminka, akpete, Mistress S, tristy,indo, americanidiot, kikat37

Buffalo: Post Sec:bigdan, BGGA, Steiner, jenclarke

Case: Post Sec:liverotcod, EvoDevo, Dr.Vitaminka, MedicineBird, AStudent, Singing Devil

Cleveland Clinic/Lerner:EvoDevo, liverotcod

Columbia: paragozardelsol

Cornell: Post Sec: tinkerbelle, the negative 1, Dr. AYY, Mwillie, Ol'DocToxic, the1111gal, a*brown, CanIMakeIt, landrus, Acherona, Penelope1, premedgeek, beep, Brynn7, cmdoctor, docinthemaking, AStudent, myodana, Wiggy73, Kazema, ajt2003, panda

Creighton: americanidiot

Dartmouth: Post Sec: DrThom, Just Applied, Medikit, DGhiker, ZappBrannigan, UCLAStudent, swimerpaco, bostonabe, dxw, i77ac, cammy1313, VPDcurt, Dr.Vitaminka, Jules454, DianaLynne, a*brown, landrus, Timmythemic22, Pembleton, Mistress S, seethrew, Singing Devil, Bonez318ti, Code Brown

Drew: neuronerd, i77ac; pre-sec, Csv321

Drexel: Pembleton,fireorose, saki0005

Duke: Post Sec: Mebhs15, aesop, Creatine, lorelei, Haybrant, CanuckRazorback, tristy
Post Interview: Singing Devil

EVMS: pre sec: Pembleton, americanidiot
post sec: Biscuit799, acl3623, Kikat37 post sec: Csv321

Georgetown: post Sec: UCLAStudent, StickNRudder, premyo2002, ssk123, VFrank, the negative 1, travellindoc, Code Brown, Kazema, Jeffy, orchids&organs, Jules454, Lubdubb, gobblety_gook, BlueMagpie, deuist, brr, Bedpan Commando, DeepCowboy, Acherona, sweatybrain, Pembleton, KiKat37, landrus, premedgeek, Ol'DocToxic, myodana
post interview: bjackrian, bridge01, adog

GW: post sec: SplinkMD, americanidiot, ananda4321,jiy76(hold), bonez318ti(hold),fireorose, Pembleton, bubchik, drsungoddess, Sarikate (hold), Medicinebird, Kazema, rayzer, ornis4, IDSpud23, AStudent, Inquiringmind24, beep, Lis79

Harvard: post sec: BraneDoc, panda, beep, CanuckRazorback, Code Brown, ajt2003, javert, Singing Devil, lulubean (sigh.)

Indiana U: pre sec: mdsh00, PBMaxx, Fusion, Scottish Chap, Khenon, Medicinebird

Jeff: fireorose, saki0005, kikat37, Pembleton, LionKing, landrus, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka, AStudent, Inquiringmind 24, americanidiot

Johns Hopkins: post sec: morganlefay, PBMaxx
post interview: DrThom

Loyola: pre-sec: BlueMagpie, Kazema, ForbiddenComma, lis79
post-sec: brothersboff

Mayo: pre phone interview: superdevil, YzIa, jmeyers52, lorelei, Medikit, terzian, UCLAStudent, orchids&organs, liverotcod, Khenon, xela, seethrew, damnit jim!, Buckeye(OH), Old_Mil, CanuckRazorback, Penelope1, akpete
Post phone interview: CanIMakeIt, ambrosia, junathon, dhoonlee, bostonabe, pushkin, Dr. AYY

MCO: pre-sec: nulie01, americanidiot
post-sec: PBMaxx

MCW: pre-sec: DoctorMalki, CanIMakeIt,
post-sec: americanidiot, Ol'DocToxic, jp2004, Buckeye(OH), PBMaxx, MedicineBird, Dr.Vitaminka, americanidiot, Old_Mil, baseball37 post interview: Medikit, AStudent (you can't just cancel an interview like that)

Michigan State: pre sec: Ylime, IDSpud23, americanidiot, UCLAStudent
Post-sec: lizbjrddnr

Morehouse: americanidiot

Northwestern: post sec: adamj61, PBMaxx, BlueMagpie, Code Brown, ZappBrannigan, Pre-MedAdAg, the other Dr., DGhiker, Uegis, Jason110, dhoonlee, Childe, orchids&organs, a*brown, Neoncandle, DoctorFunk, bjackrian, brr, mrezai, evajaclynn, apar01, MedicineBird, nairay, CanIMakeIt, UCLAStudent, damnit jim!, dgf32, basten0, smallqt, IDSpud23, skiracer90, premedgeek, Singing Devil, Mwillie, Coincidental, supernova, Penelope1, Haybrant, cmdoctor, Mr. Seeds, Psycho Doctor, jdovez, BraneDoc, panda, brothersboff, lulubean

NYMC: saki0005, americanidiot

NYU: pre sec: aesop, crysb, dgf32, saki0005, americanidiot, Penelope1
post sec: beep, docinthemaking, UCLAstudent, myodana, panda, KiwiFruit

OHSU: post sec: Csv321, IDSpud23, Code Brown post-interview: dxw, inod

Ohio State U: Post Sec: MedicineBird, Code Brown, bmcgilligan, PreMedAdAG

Penn State: Post Sec: jiy76, Dr. AYY, tristy

Rochester: Post sec: Code Brown, a*brown, DoctorMalki, Medikit, the negative 1, Lubdubb, PreMedAdAG, drsungoddess, cytotech2, Just Applied, jp2004, Dr.Vitaminka, CanIMakeIt, premedgeek, Brynn7, Steiner, dhoonlee, AStudent, Kazema

RF: post sec: inquiringmind24, ornis4, saki0005, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka

Stanford: post sec: btowngirl, Jeffy, Dr.Vitaminka, Ibby, pushkin, Khenon, a*brown, MsEvolution, MedicineBird, Mistress S, boardchic, PreMedAdAG tic112,drsungoddess, Wiggy73, CanIMakeIt, CanuckRazorback, Creatine, KAR, Singing Devil, DrDarwin, DianaLynne, el matador, Csv321, Kazema, BraneDoc, paragozardelsol, Medikit, tommerbommer, panda, Code Brown

SUNY Down: post sec (snail): cytotech27, Nervouspremed, beep, SplinkMD, Pembleton,jiy76, Dr.Vitaminka

SUNY Up: hold-post sec: cytotech27,jiy76, tristy; rejected-post sec: Kazema, Csv321

Tufts: pre sec: saki0005 post sec: ornis4, kikat37

Tulane: post sec: Jeffy, StickNRudder, brr, Mistress S, paragozardelsol, damnit jim!, MedicineBird, morganlefay, Dr.Vitaminka, Sarikate, el matador, saki0005, Biscuit799

UChicago: post sec: adamj61, dxw, marr, Code Brown, mdsh00, sactownkingsfan, BlueMagpie, Sparty Corn Fed, i77ac, Wiggy73, liverotcod, orchids&organs, salsita1421, drsungoddess, kmjannie, CanIMakeIt, PBMaxx, paragozardelsol, jentto, LauraMac, bostonabe, Wends, lizbjrddnr, Singing Devil, PreMedAdAG, rugirlie, Kazema, jdovez, panda
hold post sec: gobblety_gook, bridge01

UCDavis: pre sec: mdsh00, supersnuffles, travellindoc, brr, neuronerd, Khenon, Dr.Vitaminka, Ol'DocToxic, post sec: UCLAStudent, bridge01, dxw, dryo12, Medikit, el matador, cammy1313, lis79, Ibby, Csv321 post interview: Code Brown,

UCI: pre sec: brr, Khenon, Ibby, Dr.Vitaminka, Csv321

UCLA: pre sec: Khenon,Dr.Vitaminka, DrYo12
post sec: tic112, bubchik, the other Dr., beep, Haybrant, Code Brown, swimerpaco, wxl31, drsungoddess,el matador, Csv321

U Cinci post sec: lizbjrddnr, bmcgilligan

UColorado: PreMedAdAG, Inquiringmind24, Lis79

UConn: Kikat37, landrus

UCSD: pre sec: drsungoddess, Khenon, Code Brown, Csv321
post sec: supernova, lis79, Ol'DocToxic, Dr.Vitaminka, Acherona, Ibby, CanuckRazorback, UCLAstudent, Medikit

UCSF: pre sec: apar01, mdsh00, graat, DianaLynne, swimerpaco, Code Brown, rockstar2525, BraneDoc, neuronerd, panda, drsungoddess, Medikit, travellindoc, jules454, nairay, damnit jim!, myodana, bonez318ti, Ol'DocToxic, Ibby. CanuckRazorback, CanIMakeIt, DrDarwin, docinthemaking
post sec: dhoonlee, tic112, cammy1313, tommerbommer, pushkin, Mistress S, Khenon ,Csv321, Dr.Vitaminka, beep, javert

UFlorida: pre sec: morganlefay, nonameremains
post sec: Biscuit799

UHawaii: John Burns, pre sec: yposhelley, mdsh00, Khenon


UIowa: cmdoctor

UKansas: Khenon

ULouisville: pre sec: EvoDevo, shyrem, Fusion, Pembleton, saki0005

UMDNJ-RWJ: BA/MD program: drguy22
MD program: Kikat37, ornis4, premedgeek, myodana, drsungoddess

UMDNJ - NJMS: post-sec: Sarikate, PreMedAdAG, americanidiot

UMaryland: BGGA, premedgeek,Scottish Chap, Pembleton Timmythemic22

UMiami: pre sec: mdsh00, TravellinDoc, post sec: morganlefay
post sec: Biscuit799, drsungoddess

UMich: post sec:lis79, americanidiot, lizbjrddnr, Mistress S, Code Brown, AStudent

UMinn: pre sec: sactownkingsfan, Khenon, saki0005
post sec: akpete, IDSud23

UMinn Duluth: post interview: Xela; Khenon

UMissouri: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNew Mexico: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNC: pre sec: Creatine, Biscuit799

UNebraska: pre sec: kmjannie

UPitt: pre sec: ImmunoRocks, jp2004
post sec: LionKing, SplinkMD, BlueMagpie, ZappBrannigan, Code Brown, drsungoddess, Brynn7, Sarikate, lizbjrddnr, CanuckRazorback, Mr. Seeds, Penelope1

US Carolina: pre sec: ShyRem, samboo

UTSA: post sec: basten0, drsungoddess

UTSW: post sec: basten0

UTMB: brothersboff

UVA: LionKing, PreMedGeek, tristy, bqj, beep, MedicineBird, Pembleton, CanIMakeIt, Penelope1, cmdoctor, Csv321

UVermont: post sec: noalarms23, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, ornis4, tristy ,landrus, Singing Devil, Medikit, myodana
post interview: ribbi_j

UWashington: pre sec: bjackrian, ingamina, bonez318ti, dhoonlee, DianaLynne, Ibby, javert

UWisconsin: pre sec: rjb, DoctorFunk, kmjannie, AndEE, salsita1421, dgf32, IDSpud23 post sec: Creatine, Old_Mil post-interview: akpete, illini

Vandy: pre sec: Amywa, Biscuit799, pyra, doctormalki, rjb, superdevil, a*brown, latinfridley, OrnotMajestic, Jason110, gold&black2005, Kazema, Freaker, mdsh00, Childe, Medikit, aparecida, elephunt, Lubdubb, Ylime, CanIMakeIt, DeaconMD04, docinthemaking, MedicineBird, seethrew, damnit jim!, el matador, Singing Devil, supernov, Dr.Vitaminka post interview: SplinkMD

VCU: pre sec: Khenon, Bedpan Commando, Pembleton, Buckeye(OH), morganlefay
post sec: americanidiot, drsungoddess, KiwiFruit, Singing Devil, samboo
post interview: liverotcod

Wake: pre sec: MegADoc?, premyo2002, PreMedAdAG, dr.z, dfleis, Munchkin6245, OrnotMajestic, jp2004, orchids&organs, jp2004, MedicineBird, morganlefay, saki0005, Csv321
post sec: brr, samboo, Biscuit799, brothersboff

WashU: Singing Devil, Croatalus_atrox, BraneDoc, Kazema, Penelope1, CanuckRazorback, paragozardelsol, javert

Wayne State: pre sec: rjb, akim0414, VPDcurt, chondrocyte, americanidiot

Wright State: Post-sec: lizbjrddnr, PBMaxx
Albany: Pratik7, brr, inquiringmind24, SplinkMD, Just Applied, rayzer, ornis4, debiafly, nulie01, BGGA, inod, skiracer90, jiy76, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, tristy

AECOM: a*brown, CanIMakeIt, Code Brown, Sarikate, SamDC, ornis4, Kazema, paragozardelsol, beep

Brown: Post secr.Vitaminka, bjackrian, landrus

BU: Ananda4321, cytotech27, brr, Just Applied, Jeffy, bostonabe, myodana, ambrosia, smallqt, ornis4, a*brown, Sarikate, landrus, GuyLaroche, Brynn7, Dr.Vitaminka, akpete, Mistress S, tristy,indo, americanidiot, kikat37

Buffalo: Post Sec:bigdan, BGGA, Steiner, jenclarke

Case: Post Sec:liverotcod, EvoDevo, Dr.Vitaminka, MedicineBird, AStudent, Singing Devil

Cleveland Clinic/Lerner:EvoDevo, liverotcod

Columbia: paragozardelsol

Cornell: Post Sec: tinkerbelle, the negative 1, Dr. AYY, Mwillie, Ol'DocToxic, the1111gal, a*brown, CanIMakeIt, landrus, Acherona, Penelope1, premedgeek, beep, Brynn7, cmdoctor, docinthemaking, AStudent, myodana, Wiggy73, Kazema, ajt2003, panda

Creighton: americanidiot

Dartmouth: Post Sec: DrThom, Just Applied, Medikit, DGhiker, ZappBrannigan, UCLAStudent, swimerpaco, bostonabe, dxw, i77ac, cammy1313, VPDcurt, Dr.Vitaminka, Jules454, DianaLynne, a*brown, landrus, Timmythemic22, Pembleton, Mistress S, seethrew, Singing Devil, Bonez318ti, Code Brown

Drew: neuronerd, i77ac; pre-sec, Csv321

Drexel: Pembleton,fireorose, saki0005

Duke: Post Sec: Mebhs15, aesop, Creatine, lorelei, Haybrant, CanuckRazorback, tristy
Post Interview: Singing Devil

EVMS: pre sec: Pembleton, americanidiot
post sec: Biscuit799, acl3623, Kikat37 post sec: Csv321

Georgetown: post Sec: UCLAStudent, StickNRudder, premyo2002, ssk123, VFrank, the negative 1, travellindoc, Code Brown, Kazema, Jeffy, orchids&organs, Jules454, Lubdubb, gobblety_gook, BlueMagpie, deuist, brr, Bedpan Commando, DeepCowboy, Acherona, sweatybrain, Pembleton, KiKat37, landrus, premedgeek, Ol'DocToxic, myodana
post interview: bjackrian, bridge01, adog

GW: post sec: SplinkMD, americanidiot, ananda4321,jiy76(hold), bonez318ti(hold),fireorose, Pembleton, bubchik, drsungoddess, Sarikate (hold), Medicinebird, Kazema, rayzer, ornis4, IDSpud23, AStudent, Inquiringmind24, beep, Lis79

Harvard: post sec: BraneDoc, panda, beep, CanuckRazorback, Code Brown, ajt2003, javert, Singing Devil, lulubean (sigh.)

Indiana U: pre sec: mdsh00, PBMaxx, Fusion, Scottish Chap, Khenon, Medicinebird

Jeff: fireorose, saki0005, kikat37, Pembleton, LionKing, landrus, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka, AStudent, Inquiringmind 24, americanidiot

Johns Hopkins: post sec: morganlefay, PBMaxx
post interview: DrThom

Loyola: pre-sec: BlueMagpie, Kazema, ForbiddenComma, lis79
post-sec: brothersboff, PBMaxx

Mayo: pre phone interview: superdevil, YzIa, jmeyers52, lorelei, Medikit, terzian, UCLAStudent, orchids&organs, liverotcod, Khenon, xela, seethrew, damnit jim!, Buckeye(OH), Old_Mil, CanuckRazorback, Penelope1, akpete
Post phone interview: CanIMakeIt, ambrosia, junathon, dhoonlee, bostonabe, pushkin, Dr. AYY

MCO: pre-sec: nulie01, americanidiot
post-sec: PBMaxx

MCW: pre-sec: DoctorMalki, CanIMakeIt,
post-sec: americanidiot, Ol'DocToxic, jp2004, Buckeye(OH), PBMaxx, MedicineBird, Dr.Vitaminka, americanidiot, Old_Mil, baseball37 post interview: Medikit, AStudent (you can't just cancel an interview like that)

Michigan State: pre sec: Ylime, IDSpud23, americanidiot, UCLAStudent
Post-sec: lizbjrddnr

Morehouse: americanidiot

Northwestern: post sec: adamj61, PBMaxx, BlueMagpie, Code Brown, ZappBrannigan, Pre-MedAdAg, the other Dr., DGhiker, Uegis, Jason110, dhoonlee, Childe, orchids&organs, a*brown, Neoncandle, DoctorFunk, bjackrian, brr, mrezai, evajaclynn, apar01, MedicineBird, nairay, CanIMakeIt, UCLAStudent, damnit jim!, dgf32, basten0, smallqt, IDSpud23, skiracer90, premedgeek, Singing Devil, Mwillie, Coincidental, supernova, Penelope1, Haybrant, cmdoctor, Mr. Seeds, Psycho Doctor, jdovez, BraneDoc, panda, brothersboff, lulubean

NYMC: saki0005, americanidiot

NYU: pre sec: aesop, crysb, dgf32, saki0005, americanidiot, Penelope1
post sec: beep, docinthemaking, UCLAstudent, myodana, panda, KiwiFruit

OHSU: post sec: Csv321, IDSpud23, Code Brown post-interview: dxw, inod

Ohio State U: Post Sec: MedicineBird, Code Brown, bmcgilligan, PreMedAdAG

Penn State: Post Sec: jiy76, Dr. AYY, tristy

Rochester: Post sec: Code Brown, a*brown, DoctorMalki, Medikit, the negative 1, Lubdubb, PreMedAdAG, drsungoddess, cytotech2, Just Applied, jp2004, Dr.Vitaminka, CanIMakeIt, premedgeek, Brynn7, Steiner, dhoonlee, AStudent, Kazema

RF: post sec: inquiringmind24, ornis4, saki0005, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka

Stanford: post sec: btowngirl, Jeffy, Dr.Vitaminka, Ibby, pushkin, Khenon, a*brown, MsEvolution, MedicineBird, Mistress S, boardchic, PreMedAdAG tic112,drsungoddess, Wiggy73, CanIMakeIt, CanuckRazorback, Creatine, KAR, Singing Devil, DrDarwin, DianaLynne, el matador, Csv321, Kazema, BraneDoc, paragozardelsol, Medikit, tommerbommer, panda, Code Brown

SUNY Down: post sec (snail): cytotech27, Nervouspremed, beep, SplinkMD, Pembleton,jiy76, Dr.Vitaminka

SUNY Up: hold-post sec: cytotech27,jiy76, tristy; rejected-post sec: Kazema, Csv321

Tufts: pre sec: saki0005 post sec: ornis4, kikat37

Tulane: post sec: Jeffy, StickNRudder, brr, Mistress S, paragozardelsol, damnit jim!, MedicineBird, morganlefay, Dr.Vitaminka, Sarikate, el matador, saki0005, Biscuit799

UChicago: post sec: adamj61, dxw, marr, Code Brown, mdsh00, sactownkingsfan, BlueMagpie, Sparty Corn Fed, i77ac, Wiggy73, liverotcod, orchids&organs, salsita1421, drsungoddess, kmjannie, CanIMakeIt, PBMaxx, paragozardelsol, jentto, LauraMac, bostonabe, Wends, lizbjrddnr, Singing Devil, PreMedAdAG, rugirlie, Kazema, jdovez, panda
hold post sec: gobblety_gook, bridge01

UCDavis: pre sec: mdsh00, supersnuffles, travellindoc, brr, neuronerd, Khenon, Dr.Vitaminka, Ol'DocToxic, post sec: UCLAStudent, bridge01, dxw, dryo12, Medikit, el matador, cammy1313, lis79, Ibby, Csv321 post interview: Code Brown,

UCI: pre sec: brr, Khenon, Ibby, Dr.Vitaminka, Csv321

UCLA: pre sec: Khenon,Dr.Vitaminka, DrYo12
post sec: tic112, bubchik, the other Dr., beep, Haybrant, Code Brown, swimerpaco, wxl31, drsungoddess,el matador, Csv321

U Cinci post sec: lizbjrddnr, bmcgilligan

UColorado: PreMedAdAG, Inquiringmind24, Lis79

UConn: Kikat37, landrus

UCSD: pre sec: drsungoddess, Khenon, Code Brown, Csv321
post sec: supernova, lis79, Ol'DocToxic, Dr.Vitaminka, Acherona, Ibby, CanuckRazorback, UCLAstudent, Medikit

UCSF: pre sec: apar01, mdsh00, graat, DianaLynne, swimerpaco, Code Brown, rockstar2525, BraneDoc, neuronerd, panda, drsungoddess, Medikit, travellindoc, jules454, nairay, damnit jim!, myodana, bonez318ti, Ol'DocToxic, Ibby. CanuckRazorback, CanIMakeIt, DrDarwin, docinthemaking
post sec: dhoonlee, tic112, cammy1313, tommerbommer, pushkin, Mistress S, Khenon ,Csv321, Dr.Vitaminka, beep, javert

UFlorida: pre sec: morganlefay, nonameremains
post sec: Biscuit799

UHawaii: John Burns, pre sec: yposhelley, mdsh00, Khenon


UIowa: cmdoctor

UKansas: Khenon

ULouisville: pre sec: EvoDevo, shyrem, Fusion, Pembleton, saki0005

UMDNJ-RWJ: BA/MD program: drguy22
MD program: Kikat37, ornis4, premedgeek, myodana, drsungoddess

UMDNJ - NJMS: post-sec: Sarikate, PreMedAdAG, americanidiot

UMaryland: BGGA, premedgeek,Scottish Chap, Pembleton Timmythemic22

UMiami: pre sec: mdsh00, TravellinDoc, post sec: morganlefay
post sec: Biscuit799, drsungoddess

UMich: post sec:lis79, americanidiot, lizbjrddnr, Mistress S, Code Brown, AStudent

UMinn: pre sec: sactownkingsfan, Khenon, saki0005
post sec: akpete, IDSud23

UMinn Duluth: post interview: Xela; Khenon

UMissouri: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNew Mexico: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNC: pre sec: Creatine, Biscuit799

UNebraska: pre sec: kmjannie

UPitt: pre sec: ImmunoRocks, jp2004
post sec: LionKing, SplinkMD, BlueMagpie, ZappBrannigan, Code Brown, drsungoddess, Brynn7, Sarikate, lizbjrddnr, CanuckRazorback, Mr. Seeds, Penelope1

US Carolina: pre sec: ShyRem, samboo

UTSA: post sec: basten0, drsungoddess

UTSW: post sec: basten0

UTMB: brothersboff

UVA: LionKing, PreMedGeek, tristy, bqj, beep, MedicineBird, Pembleton, CanIMakeIt, Penelope1, cmdoctor, Csv321

UVermont: post sec: noalarms23, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, ornis4, tristy ,landrus, Singing Devil, Medikit, myodana
post interview: ribbi_j

UWashington: pre sec: bjackrian, ingamina, bonez318ti, dhoonlee, DianaLynne, Ibby, javert

UWisconsin: pre sec: rjb, DoctorFunk, kmjannie, AndEE, salsita1421, dgf32, IDSpud23 post sec: Creatine, Old_Mil post-interview: akpete, illini

Vandy: pre sec: Amywa, Biscuit799, pyra, doctormalki, rjb, superdevil, a*brown, latinfridley, OrnotMajestic, Jason110, gold&black2005, Kazema, Freaker, mdsh00, Childe, Medikit, aparecida, elephunt, Lubdubb, Ylime, CanIMakeIt, DeaconMD04, docinthemaking, MedicineBird, seethrew, damnit jim!, el matador, Singing Devil, supernov, Dr.Vitaminka post interview: SplinkMD

VCU: pre sec: Khenon, Bedpan Commando, Pembleton, Buckeye(OH), morganlefay
post sec: americanidiot, drsungoddess, KiwiFruit, Singing Devil, samboo
post interview: liverotcod

Wake: pre sec: MegADoc?, premyo2002, PreMedAdAG, dr.z, dfleis, Munchkin6245, OrnotMajestic, jp2004, orchids&organs, jp2004, MedicineBird, morganlefay, saki0005, Csv321
post sec: brr, samboo, Biscuit799, brothersboff

WashU: Singing Devil, Croatalus_atrox, BraneDoc, Kazema, Penelope1, CanuckRazorback, paragozardelsol, javert

Wayne State: pre sec: rjb, akim0414, VPDcurt, chondrocyte, americanidiot

Wright State: Post-sec: lizbjrddnr, PBMaxx
Albany: Pratik7, brr, inquiringmind24, SplinkMD, Just Applied, rayzer, ornis4, debiafly, nulie01, BGGA, inod, skiracer90, jiy76, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, tristy

AECOM: a*brown, CanIMakeIt, Code Brown, Sarikate, SamDC, ornis4, Kazema, paragozardelsol, beep

Brown: Post secr.Vitaminka, bjackrian, landrus

BU: Ananda4321, cytotech27, brr, Just Applied, Jeffy, bostonabe, myodana, ambrosia, smallqt, ornis4, a*brown, Sarikate, landrus, GuyLaroche, Brynn7, Dr.Vitaminka, akpete, Mistress S, tristy,indo, americanidiot, kikat37

Buffalo: Post Sec:bigdan, BGGA, Steiner, jenclarke

Case: Post Sec:liverotcod, EvoDevo, Dr.Vitaminka, MedicineBird, AStudent, Singing Devil

Cleveland Clinic/Lerner:EvoDevo, liverotcod

Columbia: paragozardelsol

Cornell: Post Sec: tinkerbelle, the negative 1, Dr. AYY, Mwillie, Ol'DocToxic, the1111gal, a*brown, CanIMakeIt, landrus, Acherona, Penelope1, premedgeek, beep, Brynn7, cmdoctor, docinthemaking, AStudent, myodana, Wiggy73, Kazema, ajt2003, panda

Creighton: americanidiot

Dartmouth: Post Sec: DrThom, Just Applied, Medikit, DGhiker, ZappBrannigan, UCLAStudent, swimerpaco, bostonabe, dxw, i77ac, cammy1313, VPDcurt, Dr.Vitaminka, Jules454, DianaLynne, a*brown, landrus, Timmythemic22, Pembleton, Mistress S, seethrew, Singing Devil, Bonez318ti, Code Brown

Drew: neuronerd, i77ac; pre-sec, Csv321

Drexel: Pembleton,fireorose, saki0005

Duke: Post Sec: Mebhs15, aesop, Creatine, lorelei, Haybrant, CanuckRazorback, tristy
Post Interview: Singing Devil

EVMS: pre sec: Pembleton, americanidiot
post sec: Biscuit799, acl3623, Kikat37 post sec: Csv321

Georgetown: post Sec: UCLAStudent, StickNRudder, premyo2002, ssk123, VFrank, the negative 1, travellindoc, Code Brown, Kazema, Jeffy, orchids&organs, Jules454, Lubdubb, gobblety_gook, BlueMagpie, deuist, brr, Bedpan Commando, DeepCowboy, Acherona, sweatybrain, Pembleton, KiKat37, landrus, premedgeek, Ol'DocToxic, myodana
post interview: bjackrian, bridge01, adog

GW: post sec: SplinkMD, americanidiot, ananda4321,jiy76(hold), bonez318ti(hold),fireorose, Pembleton, bubchik, drsungoddess, Sarikate (hold), Medicinebird, Kazema, rayzer, ornis4, IDSpud23, AStudent, Inquiringmind24, beep, Lis79

Harvard: post sec: BraneDoc, panda, beep, CanuckRazorback, Code Brown, ajt2003, javert, Singing Devil, lulubean (sigh.)

Indiana U: pre sec: mdsh00, PBMaxx, Fusion, Scottish Chap, Khenon, Medicinebird

Jeff: fireorose, saki0005, kikat37, Pembleton, LionKing, landrus, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka, AStudent, Inquiringmind 24, americanidiot

Johns Hopkins: post sec: morganlefay, PBMaxx
post interview: DrThom

Loyola: pre-sec: BlueMagpie, Kazema, ForbiddenComma, lis79
post-sec: brothersboff, PBMaxx

Mayo: pre phone interview: superdevil, YzIa, jmeyers52, lorelei, Medikit, terzian, UCLAStudent, orchids&organs, liverotcod, Khenon, xela, seethrew, damnit jim!, Buckeye(OH), Old_Mil, CanuckRazorback, Penelope1, akpete
Post phone interview: CanIMakeIt, ambrosia, junathon, dhoonlee, bostonabe, pushkin, Dr. AYY

MCO: pre-sec: nulie01, americanidiot
post-sec: PBMaxx

MCW: pre-sec: DoctorMalki, CanIMakeIt,
post-sec: americanidiot, Ol'DocToxic, jp2004, Buckeye(OH), PBMaxx, MedicineBird, Dr.Vitaminka, americanidiot, Old_Mil, baseball37 post interview: Medikit, AStudent (you can't just cancel an interview like that)

Michigan State: pre sec: Ylime, IDSpud23, americanidiot, UCLAStudent
Post-sec: lizbjrddnr

Morehouse: americanidiot

Northwestern: post sec: adamj61, PBMaxx, BlueMagpie, Code Brown, ZappBrannigan, Pre-MedAdAg, the other Dr., DGhiker, Uegis, Jason110, dhoonlee, Childe, orchids&organs, a*brown, Neoncandle, DoctorFunk, bjackrian, brr, mrezai, evajaclynn, apar01, MedicineBird, nairay, CanIMakeIt, UCLAStudent, damnit jim!, dgf32, basten0, smallqt, IDSpud23, skiracer90, premedgeek, Singing Devil, Mwillie, Coincidental, supernova, Penelope1, Haybrant, cmdoctor, Mr. Seeds, Psycho Doctor, jdovez, BraneDoc, panda, brothersboff, lulubean

NYMC: saki0005, americanidiot

NYU: pre sec: aesop, crysb, dgf32, saki0005, americanidiot, Penelope1
post sec: beep, docinthemaking, UCLAstudent, myodana, panda, KiwiFruit

OHSU: post sec: Csv321, IDSpud23, Code Brown post-interview: dxw, inod

Ohio State U: Post Sec: MedicineBird, Code Brown, bmcgilligan, PreMedAdAG

Penn State: Post Sec: jiy76, Dr. AYY, tristy

Rochester: Post sec: Code Brown, a*brown, DoctorMalki, Medikit, the negative 1, Lubdubb, PreMedAdAG, drsungoddess, cytotech2, Just Applied, jp2004, Dr.Vitaminka, CanIMakeIt, premedgeek, Brynn7, Steiner, dhoonlee, AStudent, Kazema

RF: post sec: inquiringmind24, ornis4, saki0005, americanidiot, Dr.Vitaminka

Stanford: post sec: btowngirl, Jeffy, Dr.Vitaminka, Ibby, pushkin, Khenon, a*brown, MsEvolution, MedicineBird, Mistress S, boardchic, PreMedAdAG tic112,drsungoddess, Wiggy73, CanIMakeIt, CanuckRazorback, Creatine, KAR, Singing Devil, DrDarwin, DianaLynne, el matador, Csv321, Kazema, BraneDoc, paragozardelsol, Medikit, tommerbommer, panda, Code Brown

SUNY Down: post sec (snail): cytotech27, Nervouspremed, beep, SplinkMD, Pembleton,jiy76, Dr.Vitaminka

SUNY Up: hold-post sec: cytotech27,jiy76, tristy; rejected-post sec: Kazema, Csv321

Tufts: pre sec: saki0005 post sec: ornis4, kikat37

Tulane: post sec: Jeffy, StickNRudder, brr, Mistress S, paragozardelsol, damnit jim!, MedicineBird, morganlefay, Dr.Vitaminka, Sarikate, el matador, saki0005, Biscuit799

UChicago: post sec: adamj61, dxw, marr, Code Brown, mdsh00, sactownkingsfan, BlueMagpie, Sparty Corn Fed, i77ac, Wiggy73, liverotcod, orchids&organs, salsita1421, drsungoddess, kmjannie, CanIMakeIt, PBMaxx, paragozardelsol, jentto, LauraMac, bostonabe, Wends, lizbjrddnr, Singing Devil, PreMedAdAG, rugirlie, Kazema, jdovez, panda
hold post sec: gobblety_gook, bridge01

UCDavis: pre sec: mdsh00, supersnuffles, travellindoc, brr, neuronerd, Khenon, Dr.Vitaminka, Ol'DocToxic, post sec: UCLAStudent, bridge01, dxw, dryo12, Medikit, el matador, cammy1313, lis79, Ibby, Csv321 post interview: Code Brown,

UCI: pre sec: brr, Khenon, Ibby, Dr.Vitaminka, Csv321

UCLA: pre sec: Khenon,Dr.Vitaminka, DrYo12
post sec: tic112, bubchik, the other Dr., beep, Haybrant, Code Brown, swimerpaco, wxl31, drsungoddess,el matador, Csv321

U Cinci post sec: lizbjrddnr, bmcgilligan

UColorado: PreMedAdAG, Inquiringmind24, Lis79

UConn: Kikat37, landrus, Pembleton

UCSD: pre sec: drsungoddess, Khenon, Code Brown, Csv321
post sec: supernova, lis79, Ol'DocToxic, Dr.Vitaminka, Acherona, Ibby, CanuckRazorback, UCLAstudent, Medikit

UCSF: pre sec: apar01, mdsh00, graat, DianaLynne, swimerpaco, Code Brown, rockstar2525, BraneDoc, neuronerd, panda, drsungoddess, Medikit, travellindoc, jules454, nairay, damnit jim!, myodana, bonez318ti, Ol'DocToxic, Ibby. CanuckRazorback, CanIMakeIt, DrDarwin, docinthemaking
post sec: dhoonlee, tic112, cammy1313, tommerbommer, pushkin, Mistress S, Khenon ,Csv321, Dr.Vitaminka, beep, javert

UFlorida: pre sec: morganlefay, nonameremains
post sec: Biscuit799

UHawaii: John Burns, pre sec: yposhelley, mdsh00, Khenon


UIowa: cmdoctor

UKansas: Khenon

ULouisville: pre sec: EvoDevo, shyrem, Fusion, Pembleton, saki0005

UMDNJ-RWJ: BA/MD program: drguy22
MD program: Kikat37, ornis4, premedgeek, myodana, drsungoddess

UMDNJ - NJMS: post-sec: Sarikate, PreMedAdAG, americanidiot, Pembleton

UMaryland: BGGA, premedgeek,Scottish Chap, Pembleton Timmythemic22

UMiami: pre sec: mdsh00, TravellinDoc, post sec: morganlefay
post sec: Biscuit799, drsungoddess

UMich: post sec:lis79, americanidiot, lizbjrddnr, Mistress S, Code Brown, AStudent

UMinn: pre sec: sactownkingsfan, Khenon, saki0005
post sec: akpete, IDSud23

UMinn Duluth: post interview: Xela; Khenon

UMissouri: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNew Mexico: pre sec: Old_Mil

UNC: pre sec: Creatine, Biscuit799

UNebraska: pre sec: kmjannie

UPitt: pre sec: ImmunoRocks, jp2004
post sec: LionKing, SplinkMD, BlueMagpie, ZappBrannigan, Code Brown, drsungoddess, Brynn7, Sarikate, lizbjrddnr, CanuckRazorback, Mr. Seeds, Penelope1

US Carolina: pre sec: ShyRem, samboo

UTSA: post sec: basten0, drsungoddess

UTSW: post sec: basten0

UTMB: brothersboff

UVA: LionKing, PreMedGeek, tristy, bqj, beep, MedicineBird, Pembleton, CanIMakeIt, Penelope1, cmdoctor, Csv321

UVermont: post sec: noalarms23, Scottish Chap, Sarikate, americanidiot, saki0005, ornis4, tristy ,landrus, Singing Devil, Medikit, myodana
post interview: ribbi_j

UWashington: pre sec: bjackrian, ingamina, bonez318ti, dhoonlee, DianaLynne, Ibby, javert

UWisconsin: pre sec: rjb, DoctorFunk, kmjannie, AndEE, salsita1421, dgf32, IDSpud23 post sec: Creatine, Old_Mil post-interview: akpete, illini

Vandy: pre sec: Amywa, Biscuit799, pyra, doctormalki, rjb, superdevil, a*brown, latinfridley, OrnotMajestic, Jason110, gold&black2005, Kazema, Freaker, mdsh00, Childe, Medikit, aparecida, elephunt, Lubdubb, Ylime, CanIMakeIt, DeaconMD04, docinthemaking, MedicineBird, seethrew, damnit jim!, el matador, Singing Devil, supernov, Dr.Vitaminka post interview: SplinkMD

VCU: pre sec: Khenon, Bedpan Commando, Pembleton, Buckeye(OH), morganlefay
post sec: americanidiot, drsungoddess, KiwiFruit, Singing Devil, samboo
post interview: liverotcod

Wake: pre sec: MegADoc?, premyo2002, PreMedAdAG, dr.z, dfleis, Munchkin6245, OrnotMajestic, jp2004, orchids&organs, jp2004, MedicineBird, morganlefay, saki0005, Csv321
post sec: brr, samboo, Biscuit799, brothersboff

WashU: Singing Devil, Croatalus_atrox, BraneDoc, Kazema, Penelope1, CanuckRazorback, paragozardelsol, javert

Wayne State: pre sec: rjb, akim0414, VPDcurt, chondrocyte, americanidiot

Wright State: Post-sec: lizbjrddnr, PBMaxx