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Oct 2, 2018
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I've been a long time lurker who has been fascinated by the stories of many of the people on this thread. The thing is now I feel a bit uneasy about my own med school journey.

For background, I majored in history and planned to go to law school. Thankfully, I had some professors who cared about my wellbeing and told me to seriously reconsider that course of action. I continued to think about what to do next well into the summer (2013), as I was taking the final course to complete my degree. An issue arose as I didn't have access to my transcripts (my school placed a hold on my account and the class was ~$6k. Before taking that final course, I had attempted to apply for a ParentPlus loan only to be denied. I asked my mom, who would've been the co-signer, what was wrong and she told me not to worry about it and to register for the course so I can hurry up and finish my degree; that course didn't get paid for until the winter of 2014 and I didn't receive my degree until the spring of 2015 because of some shenanigans on the part of the school I attended (they even held up my degree for another 3 weeks over $7.95 and they couldn't even direct me to whom I would even pay that amount; they eventually waived the fee).

I fell into a bit of a funk and tore my rotator cuff. I went to go see an orthopedist (even though I already figured what was the issue) and that experience changed my life. He was checked me out and asked me if I was in pre-med because I seemed pretty knowledgeable about the body. I told him no and he asked if I had thought about attending med school. I laughed because I said there's no way a dude with a history degree and a 3.3 GPA is going to med school (more on that later). I told him my whole story and he said my degree and my story make my application stand out. The next couple of months, I kept running into "signs" that I should try; I ran into doctors at the local gym telling me to make the attempt and I even ran into a 1st year med school student who graduated with a similar GPA and the same exact major (though I know being a former Army medic helped a lot). So I decided to make the leap.

Summer 2015/Fall 2015: The Disney movie got off to a poor start. I foolishly ($2750 per course) decided to take Gen Chem 1 and Psychology during the accelerated summer term at my alma mater (for sentimental reasons; I don't I was ever happier before and after the year and 3 months I spent at the school). I aced Psychology because I found the topics very interesting but Gen Chem + lab was another monster. I had been out of school for two years and I hadn't taken a math course in about five years. Looking back and having re-taken the course (at a CC because of costs), I overthought the material. I would work out the equations properly but would think that the correct answer came too easily and would often change the answer. I ultimately received a C- (which I think the professor honestly gave to me out of pity). The lack of confidence I had bled into Gen Chem 2 and Physics 1 (which I wisely withdrew from). Got a C- in Gen Chem 2

Spring 2016: I attempted to enroll in Organic Chem 1 and Bio and the courses appeared to better suited to my abilities at the time. However, something dumb happened (noticing a theme here?). I had been paying for the courses out of pocket (which came up to $5500; 50% off for alumni) and I had a hold on my account. I went to the school of continuing studies and asked if I could get an extension past the cut off date because I was dealing with some financial difficulties. I was told yes and that I should tell my professors my situation so I can be placed in their in class roster. Long story short, that was not the case and I essentially lost a semester because I was told the wrong thing. I did end up auditing the classes (regularly doing the homework and asking/answering questions in class) and had I been registered, I probably would've gotten an A-/B+ in Organic Chem (professor allowed me to take the first test despite not being enrolled; received an A-) and an A for Biology.

Summer 2016: I finally made an intelligent decision and decided to attend Palm Beach State College, which happened to be a 10 minute drive from my house due to cost and travel time (my alma mater is in Coral Gables and is a 6 hour commute both ways... if the train runs on time). Took Gen Chem 2 Lab (got an A)

Fall 2016: Took Organic Chem 1 + lab and Bio 1 +lab. Got an B in both parts of Organic Chem (which actually pissed me off, lol) and an A in Bio lecture and a B in the lab component.

Spring 2017: Couldn't afford to pay for two courses this time so I decided to take Bio 2 + lab (should've gone with Organic 2). A/B in the respective components

Summer 2017: Took Physics 1+lab and the co-requisite of Trig (which sucked it took up the final 3 credits for the school; was limited to 20 credits at a school if you're not seeking a degree). Got B/A in respective Physics component and a B in Trig.

Fall 2017: Moved to Pembroke Pines to stay with my uncle so I could attend a nearby Broward College. Twas a mistake. Between the crappy bus service (enough to make me complain enough to my parents to purchase a car for me) and my uncle's lady problems and his debauchery, this was probably my worst semester academically for my DIY post-bacc. Physic 2 + lab D (still don't understand how)/A and Organic + Lab C/B.

Spring 2018: moved back home and took Biochem + lab; B/B at a Miami Dade College, which was easier to get to than the one that was close to my uncle's place

Summer 2018: Re-took Gen Chem 1; got a C on the first test. The professor pulled me aside and told me she expected better from me. We went over the test and the very first question was a basic dimensional analysis question which I answered correctly the first time but erased because I thought I probably did something wrong. She asked me what was 1+1 and obviously answered 2. She said that is exactly how it works at the most basic level. All I'm doing is really plugging in values. It was smooth sailing from there and I ended up with a B in the class (only because I didn't finish a re-take; took the train)

Fall 2018: Currently retaking Gen Chem 2 and Physics 2. Currently have an A in Gen Chem 2 and we have yet to take our first test in Physics 2.

I'm worried about my sGPA (which I calculated w/o taking lab classes into account) because of the lack of grade forgiveness and the fact I did not come from a science heavy major. I plan to:

Take Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology, and Genetics while studying for the MCAT to boost my GPA

Volunteer some more (did BBBS during the spring of 2017 but wasn't contacted by BBBS after the summer or after the hurricane; also didn't help that I interviewed with BBBS during the summer of 2016, didn't receive any communication until January 2017 and got paired up with a little bro only to be told that said little bro's mom didn't want the little bro to be distracted. Got re-paired in March 2017)

Shadow more doctors: I've already shadowed a DO (who majored in anthropology). I remember reaching out 17 doctors and not hearing back from everyone except him. Seeing how he engaged with his patients and staff really re-affirmed my belief that I chose the right path. I am forever indebted to that man

I'm really looking for what more else I could do. Sorry for the long-winded first post and any missing words. I am trying to get a lot across while attempting to make this beast of a post mildly entertaining.

Thank you for your time

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