The Official April 5th, 2014 MCAT Thread!

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Put some tussin on it!
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Apr 27, 2008
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139 days!

You know, for a couple of weeks I thought I would just not subscribe to any particular SDN MCAT thread. Figured it wasn't necessary. But, frankly, knowing that there are other people out there--pissed about not remembering values for logs, and trying to sort out where epinephrine is secreted from ("Was that the adrenal cortex... or adrenal medulla?")--makes this slog towards test date bearable :)

Best of luck, fellow lost souls!

(P.S...... it's from the medulla ;) )

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It depends when, though, or what "zone." You pay 125 if it's less than a month....its on the aamc website... It's better than retaking it and paying almost 400 dollars.
That's pretty impressive. I'd love to do that except it takes me a while to go over passages, as I take notes and try to see where I went wrong. Maybe I should speed up a little.

Do you do anything to keep old subjects fresh in between tackling one subject?

Anki. Every night at bedtime. I've made about 1,400 unique cards, and I've reviewed over 5,300 times (yes... it tabulates those numbers for you; I swear I don't have some sort of tally etched into my bedpost).

It's free, and there's a built-in algorithm based on how well you know the cards (i.e., cards you know well will come up less frequently)

I've made several card decks: one is for the notes I've taken; another is for everything I've missed (passages, full-length exams); and I have just begun another dedicated EXCLUSIVELY to orgo.
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I'm working through AAMC 9 today and tomorrow and going to do AAMC 10 on Saturday. I'm averaging 12/11/11 so hopefully it'll be close to what I score on the actual exam.

How's everyone approaching the last week and a half?

I'm going through all my notes that I took on each chapter and through all my mistakes. I just need to cut down on my mistakes and get a little lucky on the 5th :)
I'm working through AAMC 9 today and tomorrow and going to do AAMC 10 on Saturday. I'm averaging 12/11/11 so hopefully it'll be close to what I score on the actual exam.

How's everyone approaching the last week and a half?

I'm going through all my notes that I took on each chapter and through all my mistakes. I just need to cut down on my mistakes and get a little lucky on the 5th :)

I have 5 more full lengths to do, and a few more orgo chapters to solidify.

It's strange: I have this mounting sense of pressure-bordering-on-panic. At the 3-week mark, I felt fine; today I have started becoming antsy.

I'm a non-traditional student, and I made the decision to go to medical school 6 years ago. For me? This isn't just the biggest exam I've taken, to-date. This also represents everything I've worked so hard for over many years. It's exhilarating and unbelievably terrifying. I'm sure test day (as well as the day I hit "Submit" on my applications) is going to be filled with the dichotomous sensation of joy and nausea ;)
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I have 5 more full lengths to do, and a few more orgo chapters to solidify.

It's strange: I have this mounting sense of pressure-bordering-on-panic. At the 3-week mark, I felt fine; today I have started becoming antsy.

I'm a non-traditional student, and I made the decision to go to medical school 6 years ago. For me? This isn't just the biggest exam I've taken, to-date. This also represents everything I've worked so hard for over many years. It's exhilarating and unbelievably terrifying. I'm sure test day (as well as the day I hit "Submit" on my applications) is going to be filled with the dichotomous sensation of joy and nausea ;)

I'm having the same pressure/panic feeling. I took this past week off from studying to focus on school work, so hopefully I can get to where I was two weeks ago.

Ah, I'm sure we'll all end up doing great! :)
Hello everyone

Just wondering if I could get some input whether I'm good to go for this retake. Even though I don't really remember any questions, I'm trying not to put too much stock in my AAMC average, since I took them last year. Avg has been sitting at 35 for #3-9. Don't have access to any other tests at this point, but luckily I never did #10, so I'm doing that tomorrow
Did anyone else take Kaplan FL 11 and get crushed? I got a 5 on the verbal, my lowest ever and 26 overall. It is so demoralizing to see that score after seeing my scores peak for Fl 9 and 10 (37 on both).
Hey guys! I'm also retaking on the 5th :)
What do you all think about taking the old 'R' tests or the longer Kaplan FLs this late in the game, worth it or not? So far I only have about three AAMC FLs left that I plan on taking this week...
Also classes start next week for me so I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to study at all, attempt a FL, section tests, or just review notes/flashcards?? What do you all think?

Another question...I took a few AAMC FLs last summer when I was studying for the first time..I've heard a lot about not redoing those tests but it's been a few months since I've taken them. Does retaking them significantly inflate your score?
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Hey guys! I'm also retaking on the 5th :)
What do you all think about taking the old 'R' tests or the longer Kaplan FLs this late in the game, worth it or not? So far I only have about three AAMC FLs left that I plan on taking this week...
Also classes start next week for me so I'm wondering if it would be a good idea to study at all, attempt a FL, section tests, or just review notes/flashcards?? What do you all think?

Another question...I took a few AAMC FLs last summer when I was studying for the first time..I've heard a lot about not redoing those tests but it's been a few months since I've taken them. Does retaking them significantly inflate your score?

I've been using the R tests to study from. From what I've read, they're the exact same as the current aamc tests, but with 25 additional questions on each exam. I'm sure it'll be worth looking at if you can get a hold of them.
Did anyone else take Kaplan FL 11 and get crushed? I got a 5 on the verbal, my lowest ever and 26 overall. It is so demoralizing to see that score after seeing my scores peak for Fl 9 and 10 (37 on both).

I've heard terrible things about FL 10 + 11, so I think you are 100% fine. People use those more for just extra hard questions to practice.
Am I the only one who will be studying all the way until next Friday? I see lots of people talking about weening off of studying during the week.... Hell, I have 4 more full-length exams to get through, and several more chapters! :D
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Am I the only one who will be studying all the way until next Friday? I see lots of people talking about weening off of studying during the week.... Hell, I have 4 more full-length exams to get through, and several more chapters! :D

Ahaha, as much as I try studying I can't really get into it. I'm going to take AAMC 10 tomorrow and see how I do on it. I don't think I'm going to do anything other than go over my notecards on Friday and nothing really before my exam on Saturday
AAMC 11 on Sunday, review it on Monday, then notecards, VR passages, and reviewing all my previous AAMC practice tests until thursday night.
I'm planning on taking all of Friday off, but I'm sure I'll break down at some point and do some physiology reading or notecards.
Also, I'll probably do notecards on the drive to my testing center (don't worry, I won't be the one driving) to get my brained warmed up.
AAMC 11 on Sunday, review it on Monday, then notecards, VR passages, and reviewing all my previous AAMC practice tests until thursday night.
I'm planning on taking all of Friday off, but I'm sure I'll break down at some point and do some physiology reading or notecards.
Also, I'll probably do notecards on the drive to my testing center (don't worry, I won't be the one driving) to get my brained warmed up.

Note cards en route? Gunner ;)

I'm planning on blowing out my speaker system with pump-up jams.

By the way, I'm testing at 1:00pm (East Coast). When are you guys headed in?
How do you feel about TBR for Bio? For PS I feel like its perfect. Im just deciding between TBR or Kaplan for bio

I remember a point in my studies where I thought I'd just casually read TBR bio in my free time. I got through maybe 2 pages.

I don't think TBR bio is necessary, BUT, go through the AAMC outline and you'll realize that EK bio does not cover everything. I did EK bio and have been casually reading a physiology textbook from college to supplement.
I would say go the Kaplan route (or TPR), but make sure that you're learning everything on the AAMC outline one way or another.
Note cards en route? Gunner

If what the Jan and March takers have said about the difficulty of the the BS section, in particular the discretes, is going to be an indication about our test then I definitely want to bone up on my obscure physio/bio facts.
38 on AAMC 10!

I feel like these AAMC practice tests are too conceptual... there are almost 0 calculation questions in their BS and I keep hearing that the real MCAT is more calculation based. Anyone else feel this way?
38 on AAMC 10!

I feel like these AAMC practice tests are too conceptual... there are almost 0 calculation questions in their BS and I keep hearing that the real MCAT is more calculation based. Anyone else feel this way?

I've heard the opposite lol, that the actual mcat tests more on reading comprehension than it does on calculation and fact recall.

Also what have the Jan/March test takers been saying?
I want to be a part of the 38 club! Alas, AAMC#11 isn't until Thursday.... Here's hopin'!

LOL! Ahhh good ole SDN... where the goal to reach at least a 30 on test day, becomes a goal to reach the top 1%. This is why I come on to this forum :)

You gunners are all going to do awesome on your test!
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LOL! Ahhh good ole SDN... where the goal to reach at least a 30 on test day, becomes a goal to reach the top 1%. This is why I come on to this forum :)

You gunners are all going to do awesome on your test!

Join the dark side with us ;)

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LOL! I just laughed way too hard at this. Such a good movie. Hollah at my fellow non-trad! All these youngins making references to Pokemon and spongebob makes me feel old.

Can I get an A-MEN?!?! I'll be hittin' that dirty 30 mark as an MS-1..... and that's if I luck out and even get in this cycle! Can't wait to be the old broad on the block.

...I wonder if they will have storage lockers large enough for my walker when I'm on rotations?
Can I get an A-MEN?!?! I'll be hittin' that dirty 30 mark as an MS-1..... and that's if I luck out and even get in this cycle! Can't wait to be the old broad on the block.

...I wonder if they will have storage lockers large enough for my walker when I'm on rotations?

Lol. We all know you're getting in... as long as you apply broadly enough... old broad.

BTW, digging the sense of humor. Good luck on your test! Mine is coming up shortly after yours, but at 8 am... so crappy. :sleep:
Lol. We all know you're getting in... as long as you apply broadly enough... old broad.

BTW, digging the sense of humor. Good luck on your test! Mine is coming up shortly after yours, but at 8 am... so crappy. :sleep:

You're not doing April 5th?
Newp... I'm just creeping on y'alls thread. I'm April 11th. I like to see what other tips and stuff people are saying... sort of learn from other people's mistakes if you will.

OUTSIDER!!!!! *hiiiissssssssss* ;)

Well, thanks for joining us! Good luck with waking up at o-dark-30!
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get in this cycle! Can't wait to be the old broad on the block.

...I wonder if they will have storage lockers large enough for my walker when I'm on rotations?[/QUOTE]

Rotation ? Which way? :rofl::rofl:

Edit: one week before the real thing...... my joke is not funny. Actually I am more senior than you are.
Please accept my sincere apology.
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I'm so excited to finally take this exam. My mentality for this last week is that i've already prepared so much that anything else I learn will just be a drop in the bucket and nothing fundamental. All I have left is my last AAMC 11 which i'll do on Thursday and after reviewing i'll watch my favorite movie on Friday that i've already seen several times before (so it doesn't become a topic in my mind during the exam). Also I have to convince myself that voiding is not an option or else it'll always be a nagging thought during the exam.

Good luck everyone!
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get in this cycle! Can't wait to be the old broad on the block.

...I wonder if they will have storage lockers large enough for my walker when I'm on rotations?

Rotation ? Which way? :rofl::rofl:

Edit: one week before the real thing...... my joke is not funny. Actually I am more senior than you are.
Please accept my sincere apology.[/QUOTE]

I was obviously livid with you. Still am. Obviously.

Reddit.. the bane of my studying existence. I've lost sooo many hours on there it's ridiculous!
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Wow.... great confidence smasher RIGHT before the exam:

My AAMC trend was going upwards, 32, 33, 33, 36. My TBR CBT scores were even not too shabby (considering how brutal the tests were), with a 31 average.

Took AAMC #10 today: got a freaking 29.

*brakes screech*

This was the first AAMC after getting pummeled by Berkeley Review for weeks. Going through today's exam, I was definitely lulled into a false sense of "Oh! This is a piece of cake, comparatively!". Moral of the story: don't EVER feel too confident.

I'm going to limp through my post-test analysis, lick my wounds, and think about what in the hell just went down.

EDIT: Yeah, STUUUPPPPID mistakes. I'm talking blatantly ignorant mistakes (like listing 10^-3 as "kilo" rather than "milli"). Use caution out there on Saturday guys - once you get past 30, it's only a handful of questions that correlate to a significant bump (or drop) in section scores. Every question counts!!!
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Wow.... great confidence smasher RIGHT before the exam:

My AAMC trend was going upwards, 32, 33, 33, 36. My TBR CBT scores were even not too shabby (considering how brutal the tests were), with a 31 average.

Took AAMC #10 today: got a freaking 29.

*brakes screech*

This was the first AAMC after getting pummeled by Berkeley Review for weeks. Going through today's exam, I was definitely lulled into a false sense of "Oh! This is a piece of cake, comparatively!". Moral of the story: don't EVER feel too confident.

I'm going to limp through my post-test analysis, lick my wounds, and think about what in the hell just went down.

EDIT: Yeah, STUUUPPPPID mistakes. I'm talking blatantly ignorant mistakes (like listing 10^-3 as "kilo" rather than "milli"). Use caution out there on Saturday guys - once you get past 30, it's only a handful of questions that correlate to a significant bump (or drop) in section scores. Every question counts!!!

Was 10 different/harder than earlier ones? I hear 11>>10>early FLs
Wow.... great confidence smasher RIGHT before the exam:

My AAMC trend was going upwards, 32, 33, 33, 36. My TBR CBT scores were even not too shabby (considering how brutal the tests were), with a 31 average.

Took AAMC #10 today: got a freaking 29.

*brakes screech*

This was the first AAMC after getting pummeled by Berkeley Review for weeks. Going through today's exam, I was definitely lulled into a false sense of "Oh! This is a piece of cake, comparatively!". Moral of the story: don't EVER feel too confident.

I'm going to limp through my post-test analysis, lick my wounds, and think about what in the hell just went down.

EDIT: Yeah, STUUUPPPPID mistakes. I'm talking blatantly ignorant mistakes (like listing 10^-3 as "kilo" rather than "milli"). Use caution out there on Saturday guys - once you get past 30, it's only a handful of questions that correlate to a significant bump (or drop) in section scores. Every question counts!!!

Mindset is everything
Was 10 different/harder than earlier ones? I hear 11>>10>early FLs

Not particularly difficult, no. The curve is a bit harsh.

I just got lazy yesterday. After taking 10 practice exams in the last 3 weeks, I'm starting to get burned out. If anything, this was an excellent wake-up call right before the exam -- gotta be diligent. Literally, all but two of my missed points were from not reading the question or sloppy calculation error. I got cocky. Had 10+ minutes left on every section, rather than taking the time to read carefully.

My easy day today + day off tomorrow should help me get out of this rut. My 35+ goal ain't gonna earn itself ;)

(To vindicate myself, I actually took just a BS section this morning (one that I haven't taken in months and months), and my score was 3 points higher than yesterday's, and two points higher than the last administration. Which goes to show that YOU are the only thing standing in your way on test day.)