The Official May 22, 2015 MCAT Thread

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I think many of you will agree that today is a great day to officially prepare for the May 22nd MCAT!!!

I was against the April 2015 MCAT because a typical 3 month schedule doesn't seem to work for
students and/or working test takers. With a little over 4 months of preparation we can go in with confidence!
It's all new and really scary--so let's kick MCAT butt together!!

I was also wondering, wouldn't many professional MCAT test takers and tutors want to take the MCAT 2015 as soon
as possible (April MCAT) so they can better they're material or teaching? Wouldn't that just destroy the curve?

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"got into a drifted bank and then we got upsot"

I'm kinda upsot that you didn't know where upsot was in that song.

Goodness lanny. It's also upsotting that I have finals next week.

I think upsot has become my new favorite word. Hopefully I do not upsot anyone by over using it.

Also just throwing this out there, but I was on a hot date with a girl, and we were in a horse drawn carriage, and then got stuck in a snow bank... upsot wouldn't be strong enough to describe how I felt. But I guess its just a poem.
While upsot can mean "upset", I think in the song it is in the verb form, to upset something, or to turn something over. The carriage was stuck in the snow and then tipped over. Liberal arts FTW.
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what book should I read

I'm reading Atlas Shrugged right now. It's really long and really weird, but I like it.
Other than that: 1984, The Night Circus, Ender's Game.

Oh! Read The Memory Keeper's Daughter, if you haven't already. Amazing book. And The Glass Castle.
I'm reading Atlas Shrugged right now. It's really long and really weird, but I like it.
Other than that: 1984, The Night Circus, Ender's Game.

Oh! Read The Memory Keeper's Daughter, if you haven't already. Amazing book. And The Glass Castle.
yea I've read around 3/4 of atlas shrugged and it certainly is unexpected..
what book should I read
Have you read The House of God by Samuel Shem? It's a really twisted take on a medical residency. Kind of like if Catch-22 were set in a hospital. Fun fact, Scrubs is loosely based on the book, but they made it a lot lighter and funny. For a light read I just read Where'd You Go, Bernadette. It's a quick easy read, but enjoyable.
Have you read The House of God by Samuel Shem? It's a really twisted take on a medical residency. Kind of like if Catch-22 were set in a hospital. Fun fact, Scrubs is loosely based on the book, but they made it a lot lighter and funny. For a light read I just read Where'd You Go, Bernadette. It's a quick easy read, but enjoyable.
I haven't but I'll check it out! lol I am browsing goodreads
did you guys read the fountainhead? did not like Roark
Those books are just about rich people staying rich and the poor staying poor because "they're lazy and dumb", without any recognition of external circumstances. Ayn Rand was f*cked up and her philosophy is bullsh*t. Also it pisses me off that all her "strong female characters" have one fatal weakness that just so happens to be a man.
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I'm waiting to hear back from Wisconsin, and I know they send their waitlist notices by mail. My boyfriend is an alumni, and apparently now is the time when they mail out solicitations for money to alumni. The past two days we've gotten letters from the alumni association and each time I see that Wisconsin seal my heart drops. Talk about nerve-wracking!
I loved the Night Circus! I will admit, I am such a nerd, my pleasure reading tends to be comics.
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I have heard not to read House of god until you are already in med school, but I did read it this year. It is messed up, but a great read.
Gaiman is one of those authors that I really want to read but don't know where to start. Do I need to read his other stuff
Just start with American Gods. Ocean at the End of the Lane is also fantastic. You can start with any of his books cause they aren't a series, just individual books as far as I know.
While upsot can mean "upset", I think in the song it is in the verb form, to upset something, or to turn something over. The carriage was stuck in the snow and then tipped over. Liberal arts FTW.
Ohm my goodness! That was so funny. Watt major are you? I'm newton the word upsot. but coulomb gonna start using it. Joule have to teach me how to use it because I amp not a liberal arts person.
Ohm my goodness! That was so funny. Watt major are you? I'm newton the word upsot. but coulomb gonna start using it. Joule have to teach me how to use it because I amp not a liberal arts person.
I forgot, @Krabbeman doesn't like it when liberal arts majors talk about the importance of the liberal arts ;)
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Was curious and bored so looked at hotels to stay an extra day in Durham after Duke and was pumped when I found one for cheap. I read the reviews and half of them were one star reviews talking about how moldy their shower and bathroom were :barf:
I'm torn between whether or not to care about getting all A's this semester. On one hand it would feel amazing to coast through finals, but on the other hand it would be nice to include getting A's in two grad level nuero classes in update letters (grades obviously wouldn't be the only thing in the updates).
If you have good grades already, I wouldn't stress too much. It would be different if you had sub par ones and were trying to show you have an upward trend or something
Was curious and bored so looked at hotels to stay an extra day in Durham after Duke and was pumped when I found one for cheap. I read the reviews and half of them were one star reviews talking about how moldy their shower and bathroom were :barf:
Does it rent by the hour?
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so idk how people study in coffee shops. I got nothing done lol
I need quite and coffee shops are too loud. I also hate 24hr study rooms to me they reek of desperation and bad study habits.
I used to love going to my lab building after hours and on weekends. You needed a key to get in so it was never crowded and there was lots of white boards.
I don't study, I just work all the time
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Speaking of work, I'm at work right now and my boss's friend is having a birthday party for his 10 year old daughter that I'm supposed to be supervising. They're so cute. I want a child.
It was just so insane. The kids were nice at first but then they all started shouting what ice cream they wanted, and I was the only one working. Then a huge family with tons of kids came in and they were running all over and it was just so overwhelming. I was sweating and out of breath and shaking.
Level of procrastination: sending a desperate email to The Neopets Team begging them to give me back my account that got frozen when I was 14.
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