Unlike the US, Zimbabwe recognizes the imporance of pharmacists!

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Sounds like 6 physicians practicing outreach medicine... Which happens via aid groups/ churches all the time. This isn't a good thing...

I had the same thought. These types of trips should be cleared with local government, so who knows what is going on in this particular case, but if they were on an outreach trip (what else would they be doing?) it is a shame. It gives all outreach trips a bad rep. These trips do allot of good, that government is crazy. Bad indeed.

I signed up for a global health outreach trip for over spring break. I will know sometime in the first week of October if I was selected or not. Hope this kinda thing doesn't happen to us! :laugh:
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That article didn't give enough detail. I read a previous article and it said that they worked with a local charity in the past. The head of the charity moved on for some reason and they had a falling out with the new head. He had them arrested. This group has been doing these missions for years.
I had the same thought. These types of trips should be cleared with local government, so who knows what is going on in this particular case, but if they were on an outreach trip (what else would they be doing?) it is a shame. It gives all outreach trips a bad rep. These trips do allot of good, that government is crazy. Bad indeed.

I signed up for a global health outreach trip for over spring break. I will know sometime in the first week of October if I was selected or not. Hope this kinda thing doesn't happen to us! :laugh:

I was selected! Woot!