Decision regarding 3 Florida schools

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May 17, 2004
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Hi guys, this is my first post here at SDN, and I hope to frequent it more often as I continue through medical school. I currently am in the midst of trying to decide among three Florida schools, of which I have acceptances to two. They are University of Florida (UF - Gainesville), University of South Florida (USF - Tampa), and University of Miami (UM). Initially I had an acceptance from USF for the longest time and was certain I was headed there, but just recently (and surprisingly), I finally got accepted to UF, and I am almost sure I'd prefer that over USF. The problem is, I am still undecided about UM, should it come and accept me. I am thrilled about UF but I'm facing some parental pressure to go to UM (as if I had the acceptance in my pocket already!), and would like to know some of the pros and cons of a decision here. I was impressed by both schools on my interviews (moreso with UF), but I'd like an outsider's opinion. Obviously, should UM not get back to me in time, UF is the one. What are your opinions on these three schools?

And also, how bad is it to drop a school once you've made a pseudo-commitment to it, but with no deposit (what I did with USF)?

Any comments or advice are greatly appreciated!

--Columbus :cool:

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As for comparing the 3 schools, I must first off ask why your parents would want you soooo badly to go to UM. It's a good school, but not markedly better than UF or USF and also tens of thousands of dollars more each year. Why pay the huge tuition when you can get an equally good eduation at the other schools? Second, there are multiple threads already existing on SDN on which people have debated the Florida schools issue, so do a thread title search for UF and USF. I actually thought, before applying, UF would be much better than USF since it is nationally ranked by US News and World. But USF surprised me in terms of how friendly everyone seemed and how their curriculum is structured there and I also loved Moffitt. I chose USF because it's in Tampa, which is a much bigger city than Gainesville, and I live in St. Petersburg so it's much closer to home. UF arguably has more research money, but that's not what I'm interested in so that didn't play a huge factor.
If you got in UF off the waitlist recently, then i think its ok to go ahead and back out of USF. Thats how waitlist movement works. AS for the miami thing, it is a bit strange that your parents are pressuring you to go the expensive school.
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I think the post above me has a point. I forgot for a sec that we're in the waitlist period! In that case, yeah I think it would be ok for you to accept UF. There is a 2 week window I think for the school that last takes you off the waitlist. Good luck, both schools are great! :thumbup:
To the OP,
First of all, take one step at a time. You have not received an acceptance from Miami yet so it's no good to think about Miami right now. Okay? Right now, you got two acceptances USF vs UF. So, what you have to do is decide which one you would like to go to? That's all. And you have every right to decline USF so don't feel like you are committed to them...not until first day of orientation. :) If and when you get accepted to Miami, then you will be faced with another decision U? vs UM. So, calm down and tell your parents to **** up. Do what makes you happy.
Yeah I was confused, I wrote the LOI and somehow mixed up this case with mine :laugh:
Thanks guys for your quick and helpful responses...:)

The UM issue really rather deals with its proximity to my home more than anything. I'm a FAU graduate, and they (my parents) are BIG on that new 2-year FAU program UM is instituting this Fall. However, I'm not too keen on the prospect of spending two years at FAU away from the UM class, and it seems almost (and I'm sure it's not, but I can't help but think it) like you are a "guinea pig." They argue that going away will eventually cost the same amount of money as UM as I'll have to deal with room and board costs while if I did the FAU program for UM, I won't have to worry about living expenses for the first 2 years as I can live at home. This doesn't feel like a sound chain of thinking, and the more I try to push away from UM, the more they feel I'm trying to run away and then they give me grief :laugh: It's a weird, but not an altogether surprising turn of events. I think eventually I'll be able to convince them that UM isn't necessarily the best option, considering what you said mike, about equally good education.

As for the USF position, I did write a letter saying I would be pleased to attend, but really, I was fearful for having to lose that spot and being left without any school. Mr. Larkin is a wonderfully nice guy, in fact, he was the first to inform me that UF had accepted me, before I even received the acceptance letter in the mail. But really, should I decide to decline USF after taking on a spot and go for UF, what sort of problems could I run into?
There are no problems with withdrawing an acceptance if you are taken off the waitlist. That is how it works, and all medical schools know and understand this. It is neither illegal or unethical.
J33 said:
There are no problems with withdrawing an acceptance if you are taken off the waitlist. That is how it works, and all medical schools know and understand this. It is neither illegal or unethical.

Thanks for the clarification, J33! :thumbup:
the same thing happened to me. usf called me and told me that uf was giving me a spot. im going to withdraw from usf to attend uf. like the other posters mentioned... there is definitely nothing wrong with doing so.
thekaratekim said:
the same thing happened to me. usf called me and told me that uf was giving me a spot. im going to withdraw from usf to attend uf. like the other posters mentioned... there is definitely nothing wrong with doing so.

Oh, neat! I tell you, those USF guys are on top of things :) Btw, what is the proper way to send a withdrawal of acceptance...letter and a call?
Columbus said:
Thanks guys for your quick and helpful responses...:)

The UM issue really rather deals with its proximity to my home more than anything. I'm a FAU graduate, and they (my parents) are BIG on that new 2-year FAU program UM is instituting this Fall. However, I'm not too keen on the prospect of spending two years at FAU away from the UM class, and it seems almost (and I'm sure it's not, but I can't help but think it) like you are a "guinea pig." They argue that going away will eventually cost the same amount of money as UM as I'll have to deal with room and board costs while if I did the FAU program for UM, I won't have to worry about living expenses for the first 2 years as I can live at home. This doesn't feel like a sound chain of thinking, and the more I try to push away from UM, the more they feel I'm trying to run away and then they give me grief :laugh: It's a weird, but not an altogether surprising turn of events. I think eventually I'll be able to convince them that UM isn't necessarily the best option, considering what you said mike, about equally good education.

As for the USF position, I did write a letter saying I would be pleased to attend, but really, I was fearful for having to lose that spot and being left without any school. Mr. Larkin is a wonderfully nice guy, in fact, he was the first to inform me that UF had accepted me, before I even received the acceptance letter in the mail. But really, should I decide to decline USF after taking on a spot and go for UF, what sort of problems could I run into?

So basically you lived at home all through UG, and your parents want you to stay there for med school? I don't think that is the most conducive environment for professional school, where you will be forming tight bonds with your classmates. I say go to UF even if you do get off the UM waitlist.
samurai_lincoln said:
So basically you lived at home all through UG, and your parents want you to stay there for med school? I don't think that is the most conducive environment for professional school, where you will be forming tight bonds with your classmates. I say go to UF even if you do get off the UM waitlist.

Yeah, my family is quite the tight-knit bunch. What's funny is that for the longest time they seemed okay with far-off med schools but suddenly since UF came calling, they seem to feel threatened about it and my general disinterest in the FAU/UM program. Their major reasoning for staying at home is of course money, but there seems to be more to it than that. Nonetheless, I feel the same as you in respect to medical school. Thanks for your thoughts! :)
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please tell me how room and board costs at USF or UF will meet or exceed the extra cost of UM tuition.... :confused:
mikedc813 said:
please tell me how room and board costs at USF or UF will meet or exceed the extra cost of UM tuition.... :confused:

Hence my frustration with that repeated argument. :confused:
I feel your pain! hehe yeah my parents are ridiculous when it comes to certain things too. tell them you didn't get into UM and your problems are solved! :D
mikedc813 said:
I feel your pain! hehe yeah my parents are ridiculous when it comes to certain things too. tell them you didn't get into UM and your problems are solved! :D

Haha! :laugh:

I've thought about that, but they get to the mail before I do. :rolleyes: And they are getting to the point where it was briefly mentioned that I possibly am trying to "sabotage" UM... :eek: which, while it never crossed my mind, isn't such a bad idea... :idea: ;)
Congrats for getting into UF. It was my top choice (since I'm UF undergrad anyway) until March 1st when they told me they won't interview me, and that same day I got a call from USF for an interview :laugh:

There's a reason UF attracts the top applicants in the state, and it's definitely more established. As for me, I'm happy to change from Gainesville to Tampa, but I'm still on the waitlist at USF and awaiting a call. I too was impressed by USF faculty and the student body.

You really can't go wrong with either school, so good luck with the decision. There is NOTHING unethical, illegal, or weird about withdrawing from USF given your's all part of the roller coaster of med school admissions....and hey, you get to open up one more spot for someone like me to potentially fill ;)
I am from Boca and am also interested in the FAU deal. It looks like starting in the 2005/2006 year there will be 32 students starting out there. I believe that this year there will only be something like half of that (I could be wrong). It also seems like they try to integrate the FAU students with the Miami students on a regular basis, so don't think you will be isolated for 2 years. I do however feel that there may be some drawbacks as far as initiating contacts with the faculty at UM. I believe that the tuition at UF is nearly half that of UM....which should be a major factor in your decision if you are the one who will be accruing the debt and eventually paying it off.

I will be applying to the FL state schools this year and was hoping some of you who have already made it in could give me an idea of my chances. If you wouldnt mind sharing your GPA, MCAT, and EC's I would really appreciate it!
3.5 sci/3.5cum/29mcat/coordinated mentoring program for ESL middle school kids for 4 years/lots of shadowing experience
You should withdraw all your applications/acceptances and apply during the next cycle to a medical program in Europe. That way you will be as far away as possible from your controlling parents. Seriously though, pick either UF or USF right now and move their as soon as you can, this week preferably, so you can be on your own and finally start to become an adult. I beg of you to take my advice especially if you choose UF, or else you'll be swallowed alive by the competitiveness of the students. My apologies for being so blunt, but that's what you need right now. Plus, I would like as few momma's boys/daddy's girls as possible in my class. Good luck in your decision.
yea please dont tell me youre thinking about living at home until youre 26...come up to gville, partake in the undergrad scene and have the time of your life
Yeah I know what you mean guys...I don't plan on living at home, it's just I've got to deal with the parentals and make them seem like they're part of the decision.

Good to know, Indebt...I am aware of the Medical Scholars Program (had some friends in it), and I've been in the biomed building, but the more I think on it, the more I realize I need new surroundings. are right about the FAU program. The first year there will be 16 students, and the next will be doubled to 32. And my stats: 4.0 sci/4.0 cum/33 mcat/extensive shadowing & research job at neurologist's office/premedical honors society active officer/tutoring. And thanks, your Gainesville offer sounds great :D
Columbus said:
it's just I've got to deal with the parentals and make them seem like they're part of the decision.

Wow! Your blowing my mind with this nonsense. Are you under 18? Are your parents going to pay for your med. school education? If yes to either, then you shouldn't be going to med school. If no, then it doesn't matter what they think. There are two possible MO's for typical controlling parents. One, they are living their lives vicariously through you, or two, they are overprotective because they fear that you can't do this on your own.
MedJoe said:
Wow! Your blowing my mind with this nonsense. Are you under 18? Are your parents going to pay for your med. school education? If yes to either, then you shouldn't be going to med school.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Someone explain this nonsense to me. My brain is going crazy trying to figure out what in the world you mean joe. So if your parents can afford to send you to med school you shouldn't go???? Um first of all I think the majority of med students NEED to have their parents pay for them since many enter med school straight out of college. You make it sound like you think only the poor deserve to go to med school, what's up with that? Those who can afford it don't need to become doctors? Wow, I'm lost for words with this one....

With regard to the age issue, which I dispute less so than the money issue that you brought up, there are certainly cases of young people going to med school. This 12 year old GENIUS went to med school (, and I'm assuming they only let people (regardless of young age) into a med school if they're sure they're mature enough. Still, it's pretty strange....
(sigh) I'll admit that my statement was a little bit unclear. But you should have the ability to understand what I was attempting to convey. Please learn how, this is very important when communicating with patients. To restate: Parents should not pay any of the costs of their son's/daughter's med. school education. Cosigning on their student loans should be the extent of the parent's financial involvement. I hope this clarifies the misunderstanding.

Concerning the age issue, there's a huge difference between intelligence and maturity. Children should be playing on slip'n'slides, playing tag, and the like; not studying for med. boards and dissecting cadavers. U-Chicago (i think that's where the kid enrolled) and his parents basically robbed him of his childhood, which is absolutely disgusting.

Columbus, sorry to stray off topic on your thread.
i'm definitely not letting my old man pay a cent of my education. it hurts my pride too much to do so. plus i'd rather have a big pile of debt once i graduate. furthermore, there is no way i'm saving a penny for my kids education. they gotta earn it on their own just like i did :thumbup:

MedJoe said:
(sigh) I'll admit that my statement was a little bit unclear. But you should have the ability to understand what I was attempting to convey. Please learn how, this is very important when communicating with patients. To restate: Parents should not pay any of the costs of their son's/daughter's med. school education. Cosigning on their student loans should be the extent of the parent's financial involvement. I hope this clarifies the misunderstanding.

Concerning the age issue, there's a huge difference between intelligence and maturity. Children should be playing on slip'n'slides, playing tag, and the like; not studying for med. boards and dissecting cadavers. U-Chicago (i think that's where the kid enrolled) and his parents basically robbed him of his childhood, which is absolutely disgusting.

Columbus, sorry to stray off topic on your thread.
First off, my parents are not paying a dime, but to understand how my family works, you'd have to be in my shoes, and I don't expect any of you to completely understand my position. We are a very close family and decisions such as these are not made on the fly or by only one individual, but with at least some involvement from my parents. They've been tremendously supportive of my education since the start, and to ditch their opinions (even if ludicrous) now would be unfair. Of course, I don't have to cave into their wishes, but I do owe them at the very least a bit of respect by considering their thoughts in my decision-making process. This, if anything, is why I mentioned their UM opinions here in this thread to give an idea of my thinking. I am quite sorry to have brought it up in the first place at this point as it's something I have to work out with them, as there is really nothing productive that can be handled about that issue here. Ultimately and obviously, it is my decision, and of course I'm not going to go to a medical school I'm not comfortable with or feel too expensive as I'll be fitting the bill.
MedJoe said:
Wow! Your blowing my mind with this nonsense. Are you under 18? Are your parents going to pay for your med. school education? If yes to either, then you shouldn't be going to med school. If no, then it doesn't matter what they think. There are two possible MO's for typical controlling parents. One, they are living their lives vicariously through you, or two, they are overprotective because they fear that you can't do this on your own.

dude my parents dont care where i go..well my dad does...hes a big northwest guy + hurricanes fan...he may cry if i leave UM...but yeah they will help me pay but they dont get much say...they get bills...and my love...lots of love
I'm still not sure what the issue with parents helping you pay for medical school is. If your parents can afford it and consider your education important enough to them (which many do), then what's the problem?

If you're stuck up on pride, then I want to see what you'd be like 10 years from now, sinking in your loans. What's your pride going to be like when you go to the bank asking for loans just to pay off previous loans, your house, cars, credit cards, education for your own kids, etc...
im just kidding around and poking some fun at medjoe's me im going to soak my parents for as much as i can

TRUE said:
I'm still not sure what the issue with parents helping you pay for medical school is. If your parents can afford it and consider your education important enough to them (which many do), then what's the problem?

If you're stuck up on pride, then I want to see what you'd be like 10 years from now, sinking in your loans. What's your pride going to be like when you go to the bank asking for loans just to pay off previous loans, your house, cars, credit cards, education for your own kids, etc...
It's only natural to have parents care about where their children go, at least, most parents. I'm not sure why it's such a big deal to some should there be parents who have a vested interest in their children's future. Part of it all is being able to filter out the over-protective driven opinions in favor of useful advice. It's a pain, like I describe early on in this thread, but it's not the end of the world or a referendum on the individual's ability to be a successful medical student. And while I'm almost certain I'll be getting no financial help from my parents, I wouldn't be ashamed if they could. Like TRUE says, the debts alone awaiting you are something to be truly wary of as they pile up.
MedJoe said:
(sigh) To restate: Parents should not pay any of the costs of their son's/daughter's med. school education. Cosigning on their student loans should be the extent of the parent's financial involvement.

Well, that's your personal opinion and I respect that. Many of my classmates have their parents paying for their schooling. What's wrong with that? My mom paid my college education and is currently paying my medical school education. She doesn't want me to be in debt when I get out of school like she was. She had it hard and doesn't want to see me struggle if she has the money to help me out. She says that it is her gift to me. I plan to do the same for my kids in the future. Why should I allow my kids to pay three times more in loans when I can just give them the money? Sorry, I'm not going to let Uncle Sam screw my kids over. :cool:
I really hate bumping this old thread, but UM just called accepting me to their Boca or regular Miami program (the day after I send a deposit to UF, no less). I know I should be thrilled (and I am) but this just makes my family turmoil even worse, as my heart is set at UF, but making that decision seems so incredibly hard now. The support is all behind UM, and I've got all corners of the family keen on the idea now...there's no escape. They are slowly deteriorating any and all reasons to go to UF (proximity, the old money debate, living at home for another two years)... And to make matters more intense, Robyn over at UF called today saying she won't deposit the check until I give her a go ahead (but it must be by tomorrow). That's wonderful of her to do, but now I have to make a decision pronto.

Ultimately, they recognize it's my decision and I assume they are willing to support me either way, but they're not making it easy for me to go against their wishes one bit. I can just imagine the "told you so's" and "you're gonna regret it's" down the line. Maybe I should shut up, stop whining, and be defiant for once, I dunno. ;)

But basically, I need some advice how to deal with this.

Please don't post about how I suck and how my family sucks (I already know! ;) ), but if any of you guys have had similar situations and have suggestions on how to handle this, it would be MOST appreciated. Plus, I wanna free up spots for you guys asap! :) Thanks.
Hi there...
I don't post often. But I wanted to tell you that you really seem to want to go to UF. Maybe UM is the "safer" choice, would make you parents happy, etc etc, but in the end just do what you want. And if you decide on UM for the reasons you say, you probably will be just fine too. But you obviously want UF. Go for it. Your parents still get to walk around and whenever the neighbors ask "where's (your name)" they can be all proud and say medical school. Tell them you want a taste of UF right now and can always come back to UM for residency, practice, to live next door... hehe. Hope this helped a little at least...
PS- did you give up your usf spot yet? i'm waitlisted and have a chance if a few more people give up their spots... :D
MeDDyMe said:
Hi there...
I don't post often. But I wanted to tell you that you really seem to want to go to UF. Maybe UM is the "safer" choice, would make you parents happy, etc etc, but in the end just do what you want. And if you decide on UM for the reasons you say, you probably will be just fine too. But you obviously want UF. Go for it. Your parents still get to walk around and whenever the neighbors ask "where's (your name)" they can be all proud and say medical school. Tell them you want a taste of UF right now and can always come back to UM for residency, practice, to live next door... hehe. Hope this helped a little at least...
PS- did you give up your usf spot yet? i'm waitlisted and have a chance if a few more people give up their spots... :D

Yeah, I was generally much more intrigued by UF when I interviewed there than Miami. UM and UF are both great schools, and as far as I know, similar in prestige? In reality, I'm tired of FAU, and having to spend another two years there as part of the UM/Boca affiliate program makes me a *little* sick. I'm looking for a change of pace, but I don't think they see that or are willing to entertain that as a worthwhile reason to go to UF.

It's just that my parents don't want to be able to see me as capable of being independent, especially when such a comfy, dependent option is available. There are some days where that UM/FAU idea seems nice, but ultimately, UF seems like the "better"'ll be a challenge, a chance for some growth for me as a person. And in addition, I rather like the idea of coming to UM for residency, especially at Jackson. And practice in the area that I live now is really my goal...that final "case" that you suggested is really what I see myself as doing. Thanks Meddy for your comments...and as for USF, I plan on letting them know of luck! :)
There is a reason USF tries so hard, and on one hand I admire it. For whatever reason, they are seen by many as the third choice (FSU has to be fourth)in Florida, and their policy of only accepting Florida residents kind of hamstrings them a bit i think. I was in that boat last year, holding acceptance to all three, but alas, I wound up coming North, out of state. Had I stayed, Miami was definitely my number one choice, just had an excellent interview day. UF followed a close second, but I was not impressed with the way that they treated their undergrad applicants.
My actual problem with USF stemmed from two experiences, neither of them related to the school itself, but the students. First, on the interview day, we had 2 interviewees show up almost an hour late, and one looked like he had slept in his suit. Four of the males did not wear coats and two ducked out early. I was left with the impression that there was little respect for the school among the interview class, and feared being a classmate to some of them. The second was meeting up with a former classmate from some classes at undergrad. I had no personal contact with her, only observing as a classmate/lab partner etc. When I saw her, I knew I did not want to go to USF, as if they took people like her (my observations) I wanted no part of it.

That said, I did feel somewhat bad when I told Mr. Larkin of my decision, as he had been nothing but a very supportive individual. Also, this is not at all a knock on anyone attending these schools, you have to go with what fits. I have some good friends at all four Florida schools, (five if you count Nova DO) all of them are great people and seem relatively happy with their decisions.
Definately go to University of Miami. It is great living in Miami so much more to do. The school is really moving up on the rankings. :)
I agree with the people that have said to go to UF. from your posts, that seems like where you want to be, and in large part that's probably to get out of the house. and that's fine - you're probably at least 22, and it's time to get out and try living on your own. miami is only a 6-7 hour drive right? so your family can come visit every now and then if they want.

plus, even with cost of living, UF is probably cheaper than UM and living at home, right?

and please let go of your USF spot since you're clearly not going there anymore - i have a friend on the waitlist who reaaally wants in.

Columbus said:
Yeah, I was generally much more intrigued by UF when I interviewed there than Miami. UM and UF are both great schools, and as far as I know, similar in prestige? In reality, I'm tired of FAU, and having to spend another two years there as part of the UM/Boca affiliate program makes me a *little* sick. I'm looking for a change of pace, but I don't think they see that or are willing to entertain that as a worthwhile reason to go to UF.

It's just that my parents don't want to be able to see me as capable of being independent, especially when such a comfy, dependent option is available. There are some days where that UM/FAU idea seems nice, but ultimately, UF seems like the "better"'ll be a challenge, a chance for some growth for me as a person. And in addition, I rather like the idea of coming to UM for residency, especially at Jackson. And practice in the area that I live now is really my goal...that final "case" that you suggested is really what I see myself as doing. Thanks Meddy for your comments...and as for USF, I plan on letting them know of luck! :)
mlw03 said:
plus, even with cost of living, UF is probably cheaper than UM and living at home, right?

Paying for housing in Gainesville would CERTAINLY be cheaper than paying for UM tuition while living at home... You're talking about private school tuition here versus public. I'm not sure what the exact UM tuition is actually (anyone know?), but it just has to be less than UF or USF.
mike, did you mean UM tuition has to be HIGHER than UF and USF? That would make the most sense to me.
Yeah, did I write the opposite? UM is more than UF...there we go. I'm curious if anyone knows UM's tuition this year, for a better comparison. USF and I'm assuming UF is somewhere around $17,670 I think.
Thanks for all the replies, guys. I'm definitely not looking for a city with lots to do, but a place where I can focus on my studies and not be distracted. Hence Gainesville seems ideal (as long as I avoid the party atmosphere, which I imagine I should be able to). My best interview experience had to have been UF by far...friendly and intelligent students, outgoing faculty, and fantastic facilities. UM would be my #2, though I really would like to know what you guys think of the FAU program. My thoughts:

- Good student to teacher ratio (only 16 students)
- 15 minutes from home
- Live at home (subtract appropriate expenses from large UM budget)
- Familiarity with facilities

- First year for full-fledged medical school at FAU
- Only surrounded by 15 other students...low number of contacts and student diversity and interaction
- Possible threat of dreaded video conferences (any word on this?)
- Family ties (despite saying they will not get in my way, the closeness will inevitably lead to problems, I feel)
- Whatever early clinical experience will be at Boca Raton Community and not Jackson

Mike...the 2004-2005 tuition for UM is officially $28,670 (Making the proposed freshman budget a whopping $51,110). UF has yet to finalize a number for 2004-2005 year (Eileen Parris in the financial aid office tells me it will be decided by July 1)...anyone know what last year's was, in any case?

Ugh, I hate that instead of feeling on top of the world with an amazing set of acceptances, I'm here dreading making a decision. :(
UF's tuition last year was around 7,000 per semester (14,000-15,000) for the year.
Just for your info...I got the financial aid award from UF and they ESTIMATED that the budget for the year will be around 32K...but that's just an estimate until July 1st as someone mentioned above!
Thanks, guys. :cool:

We'll I should be deciding sometime soon. I'll let you know how this silly saga ends. :D :laugh: ;)
mikedc813 said:
Yeah, did I write the opposite? UM is more than UF...there we go. I'm curious if anyone knows UM's tuition this year, for a better comparison. USF and I'm assuming UF is somewhere around $17,670 I think.

UM tuition (in-state) is $29,010. Jesus. That's a lot of CASH. $$$ Thank god I was awarded a partial academic scholarship. :luck:
Columbus said:
Thanks, guys. :cool:

We'll I should be deciding sometime soon. I'll let you know how this silly saga ends. :D :laugh: ;)

if you don't mind me asking...till when do you have to decide? It seems like you have had quite sometime to fiddle around. Make a decision and move on! Some poor person is waiting for one of those seats. Please don't make them wait any longer. You better hurry up before they both get fed up with you and tell you to screw.
Indebt4Life said:
if you don't mind me asking...till when do you have to decide? It seems like you have had quite sometime to fiddle around. Make a decision and move on! Some poor person is waiting for one of those seats. Please don't make them wait any longer. You better hurry up before they both get fed up with you and tell you to screw.

Well I just heard from UM a couple days ago, and just as I finally decided on UF. So it's not like I'm purposely holding onto the UM/UF seats weeks and weeks here agonizing over a decision. I need to make the decision by today, anyway. I'm fully aware I'm holding up people, and the sooner I decide, the better.
Columbus said:
Well I just heard from UM a couple days ago, and just as I finally decided on UF. So it's not like I'm purposely holding onto the UM/UF seats weeks and weeks here agonizing over a decision. I need to make the decision by today, anyway. I'm fully aware I'm holding up people, and the sooner I decide, the better.

Oh! I didn't know that you are now agonizing over UM/UF..I thought that you were still deciding between USF/UF. What did Hinkley tell ya? Were you placed at the FAU campus or Miami campus? Which school are you leaning toward? PM me if you need any info. Good luck