NBDE I national averages and comparison of 2007 with past exam scores

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15+ Year Member
Oct 15, 2006
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Hey guys. Two things

What is everyone seeing on their reports for the national averages on part I?

If anyone took the 98 released exam, what was you score (both average and scaled), then what was your score on the 2007 exam (both average an scaled). I would like to see if they are comparable. Other released tests would work too if you have them and the new 2007.

Please just post responses related to this thanks. Also, what was the national averages for 98 anyway? Good luck.

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with the 1998 conversion i would have gotten a 95. i got a 90 on the 2007 exam. it is what it is. i do not feel the need to bitch and moan about the subject. either the test is harder or they arent giving out as many high scores. either way we are all in the same boat for now.
yeah..my 88 would've been a 94 according to the old scale.

I don't really care, though. I'm just happy I'm never going to have to study biochem again.
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So roughly a 5% varience. Thanks I wanted to see if I was good enough to pass. Have a great day.
So one of my friends brought to my attention that I wasn't clear with my question.
Now, when you took the released 98 exam, what was the scaled score that you got there. Then what was your score on the the 2007. I need to know if they are comparable to estimate whether one is ready for the 2007. Thanks.
And what is the minimum scaled score to pass? Thanks.
Can anyone tell me from where we can get the 2007 exam?? i mean released 2007 exam!!!
I Also Want To Know Where Can I Get Released 2007 Exams?please Help I Am Appearing On 9th July Second Time..first Time I Took Tets In Feb And Got Only 81..so Now I Want To Impove..please Please Help Me...
Now, when you took the released 98 exam, what was the scaled score that you got there. Then what was your score on the the 2007.
And what is the minimum scaled score to pass? Thanks.

First off, there is NO released exam for 2007, the last one was the 2004 pilot exam. As to the above quote, I got a scaled score of 97 on the 98 exam and got a 92 a month ago on the new exam, so it stayed about the same as the 5% variance and if my 2007 scores were applied to the 98 exam i would have gotten a 96.5, so it was a pretty reliable predictor of my score as long as you minus 5, and the minimum score to pass is 75, but in terms of number of questions that's around 50% correct
There is no 2007. I was talking about the actual 2007 seven boards. I just got my results and they are very close to what I got on the 98 released. So I hope this helps. Good luck.