Failed NBDE 2 twice.

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Sep 19, 2019
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I'm an international trained dentist and failed NBDE 2 twice. I was able to clear NBDE 1 in 1st attempt. I can take INBDE now. Please share your valuable advice on how can I improve my preparation so I can pass INBDE? I used all the available files, mental dental 3 times and tufts and booster notes for preparation.

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I'm an international trained dentist and failed NBDE 2 twice. I was able to clear NBDE 1 in 1st attempt. I can take INBDE now. Please share your valuable advice on how can I improve my preparation so I can pass INBDE? I used all the available files, mental dental 3 times and tufts and booster notes for preparation.
I am sorry for not passing the exam, it’s just an exam that you can retake. Just keep practicing questions and read with understanding, I recommend dental decks. Please ask me any time if you need help. Regards, INBDE Coach