pre-req completion and acceptance?

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Jan 17, 2007
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Hey guys,

I am going to be applying this cycle.
I am pretty sure you can apply without having your pre-reqs done, but can you get an acceptance without them?

The reason I ask is, I have not taken orgo2 and english pre-reqs, so I was planning to take atleast one of them next summer (so right before dental school would start).

So main question is, do schools put a hold on your appliation to send you the acceptance till you finish pre-reqs OR you get the acceptance on the condition that you have to finish pre-reqs before starting d-school.


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Pretty sure you are conditionally accepted under the assumption that you complete the pre-reqs before matriculating. I'm sure there's plenty of accepted people taking physics this semester ;)
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You can be accepted conditionally. Some schools require pre-reqs to be completed by mid-summer, so I would take them sooner instead of later.
You can be accepted conditionally. Some schools require pre-reqs to be completed by mid-summer, so I would take them sooner instead of later.

mid summer is end of June?
im having the same situation where i should either take org 2 in the summer or the what ur guys are saying is that it is preferable to have all of the pre-req which are 8 crdt bio 16 chm and 8 phy and 6 english before applying for 2009 class?
Take orgo 2 this summer so that you can take the DAT in August. Physics and English you can take during your application year.