april 2017

  1. Ezra Redden

    April 28th 2017 MCAT Reaction Thread

    This thread is for any reactions and comments on the April 28th MCAT exam from last week Friday.
  2. C

    26 April 2017 Step 2 CS results

    OK, so I've been trying to find threads with guys who took their step 2 cs between January 29 through March 26 and keep track of result readiness, but I couldn't. Today (26 April) is the first day of reporting period, so I decided to start that. Has anyone recieved the results yet? I've also...
  3. P

    MCAT April 28th, Not Feeling Confident

    I took an AAMC practice test about a week ago and I scored a 502. Chem/Phys: 124 CARS: 128 Bio/Biochem: 126 Psych/Soc: 124 I'm not feeling confident about getting 508+ when I'm taking the test in a week. I've been getting prepped to apply this coming cycle and still want to (planning on...
  4. M

    TERRIBLE MCAT DEMO EXAM: Please be nice

    I scored a 485 on the practice/demo test with Princeton Review : Chem-Phys 121/CARS 121/ Bio-Bio 119/Psych-Soc 124. I did no prior studying and guessed on nearly all of it.... I just wanted to get the feel of the exam before I start studying. My test in April 28th... I am planning on dedicating...
  5. M

    Studying for April 28th MCAT full-time student and work-study

    Hi, My MCAT is April 28th and I haven't started studying yet but will start this week (1/15) I am currently registered for 17 hours for Spring 2017: 1. Algebra-based Physics with lab (4 hours) 2. Child Psychology (3 hours) 3. PE (1 hour) 4. Biostats (3 hours) 5. Animal Biology (3 hours) 6...
  6. S

    mcat study partner DMV area ?

    Hi, I'm taking the MCAT in April 2017. I live in the DMV area (Silver Spring, MD). I have taken the MCAT before. Anyone interested in studying together ?
  7. stonefawkes

    SF MCAT 2017 4-Month Study Plan

    Attached is an MCAT study schedule I put together for myself because going into 2017 we know more about what is on the "new" MCAT and we have more study resources available. Here's the SF 4-month Study Plan--it goes from 12/17/16 to my MCAT Exam Day which is 4/22/17. Expected study time is 5-8...
  8. D

    Non-trad MCAT study plan -

    Hi all. I'm a wrinkly, old non-trad - five years out from undergrad. Content is a bit weak despite strong undergrad grades, so I need to focus on refreshing/relearning. Thoughts and input are appreciated on the materials and timeframes. If my test taking paradigm seems off - let me know...
  9. Sfig91

    MCAT Study partner (April 2017 test date, Online or Philadelphia area)

    Hello All! I signed up for the April 28th, 2017 MCAT test date, and would love to find a study partner or partners either online or in the Philadelphia area. If it matters, I'm using The princeton review book set and EK 1001 questions as a supplement. Please let me know so that we can get a...