clinical year

  1. Calicat16

    Textbooks or Handbooks for Clinical Year

    I won't be starting clinics until June, but Christmas is coming up and the only things I can think of when family asks what I want are things that may help me during that time. I have a mentor that highly suggested a certain handbook, but I was wondering if anyone that's been through their...
  2. I

    Externships during clinical year - how to choose?

    Hello everyone, This is my first thread. I am new here and really in need of some advice. I have asked multiple professors and I know no one person can give me an answer. I have to make the decision myself. I am feeling so much pressure of the experiences during clinical year to prepare me for...
  3. O

    MD & DO Depression/Help!

    I'm currently a 4th year medical student in Palestine, and I feel very frustrated and depressed. I'm thinking about taking a 1 year break from the University due to my depression. I feel that I lack a lot of basic knowledge and should take this year to relieve my depression and cover these...
  4. rd2vetmed

    Clinical year reference text

    What books do you guys recommend for clinical year? Pocket books? Does anyone have any opinion of the nerdbook vs the mini vet guide book? Thanks
  5. Sillouetta

    What are you doing for rotations?

    Hey everyone, Just wondering what other people do for their elective rotations. We have 13 blocks (26 weeks) for electives. Are you staying primarily at your school's teaching hospital, staying local, traveling? For those that are doing rotations at distant sites from your current location...