
  1. cdmguy

    Nutritional Recommendations for Covid-19

    Hello everyone. I am deeply concerned about the covid-19 pandemic. I have maintained an interest in nutrition for over a decade and probably contracted covid-19 myself about 16 days ago in Durham, NC. My case was mild, with about 25% respiratory impairment at its worst on the seventh day of...
  2. andreapaolapereira

    MD & DO iHuman Patients by Kaplan

    Hello! Since the COVID-19 outbreak my medical school is finishing the semester giving everything online. We have an OSCE (standarized patient clinical test) coming up and they just announced we will be taking it through Kaplan's iHuman program from home. Has anyone had any experience with...
  3. Cameronfen

    A site to mobilize volunteers to fight Coronavirus

    I have a non-profit website that allows people who want to volunteer/work/collaborate to fight coronavirus and connect with hospitals, research labs, or even households. Those that need volunteers can put in their location and we will provide them with a list of people nearby. Anyone in the US...
  4. M

    Other Unmatched Again! They Don't Care!

    Exams completed. ECFMG certified. No gaps in between and have remained consistent with work in the health field relative to gaining clinical experience. I have called numerous programs where the program directors/coordinators have straight said over the phone "I have not had a chance to check...
  5. dmk5n

    Anesthetic Management of Patients With Suspected or Confirmed 2019 Novel Coronavirus Infection During Emergency Procedures This was sent to me from neighbor who works at the CDC, would like to get some thoughts... Are you developing protocols or have them in place? We have two Covid-19 patients in ICU. Matter of time till it spreads.
  6. M

    Match day celebration ideas

    Anyone have some fun match day plans while on lock down at home during this pandemic?
  7. Welshman

    MD & DO Rotations and COVID-19

    Does anyone have any idea how the virus will impact third year rotations? My school already canceled preceptorships for M1s and 2s. Has anyone had their M3 rotations effected or students quarantined?