
  1. D

    MD & DO ECFMG transfer credit policy

    Hello, I attended two medical schools and the policy for the ECFMG certification is that: "Credits must be for courses that were passed at the medical school at which the course was taken." I did not pass microbiology at my old university but I did receive some credits. This was then used in...
  2. A

    ECFMG Certificate

    Anyone pass or know of someone who passed a state deadline for completing the USMLE sequence in a certain number of years? Did they have to repeat the sequence? What happens with ECFMG certification? If they have to repeat the sequence does the new USMLE retake limit apply to retakes due to...
  3. N

    Please clear this thing up for me about the single accreditation system ?

    There will only be 1 accreditation system which is the ACGME , right ? Also, can you please point out a few things that will change for MD graduates ?
  4. N

    Two questions about medical residency programs in the US ?

    1- Who accredits medical residency programs (at this moment) ? 2- What is the importance of enrolling in an accredited program ? I mean , what happens if a person enrolls in an unaccredited residency program ? As far as i am concerned, the ACGME and the AOA are the ones who accredit medical...
  5. N

    A question about the ACGME/AOA merge ?

    Will the requirements be the same for IMGs wishing to enroll in an Allopathic residency program in 2020 (after the merge) as they are now ?
  6. N

    A question about the ACGME/AOA merge ?

    Will the requirements be the same for IMGs wishing to enroll in an Allopathic residency program in 2020 (after the merge) as they are now ?
  7. N

    For an IMG to become licensed , he has to (READ DETAILS) ?

    He has to complete 1-3 years of residency or years of practice outside of the U.S. or Canada before applying for a license ? I dont understand what that means. I mean , dont they apply for a license after they finish their medical residency ? I read that from AMA's website and i dont understand...
  8. N

    For an IMG to become licensed , he has to (READ DETAILS) ?

    He has to complete 1-3 years of residency or years of practice outside of the U.S. or Canada before applying for a license ? I dont understand what that means. I mean , dont they apply for a license after they finish their medical residency ? I read that from AMA's website and i dont understand...
  9. N

    Somebody please explain these steps for me ?

    http://www.kaptestglobal.com/sites/kaptest.co.uk/files/usmle-pathway_tcm55-32072.jpg This picture shows the steps that an international medical graduate must make to become a licensed physician in the US. What i dont understand is that after "USMLE step 3" there is "Year 1 residency". But the...