help please

  1. lpfev20

    Failing college physics 1, thinking about dropping the course :(

    Hi. I'm currently not doing well in college physics 1, I'm currently in the middle of applying this application cycle. I'm worried that I will most likely get a bad grade (below a C) and my prereq GPA will go down if I don't drop the course and retake the course again in the spring. I'm not sure...
  2. P

    Need help on Pharmcas transcript entry for AP courses

    Hi everyone! How did you enter your AP courses on Pharmcas? I don't have an official transcript on hand at the moment, but I'd like to get started on entering all coursework. On my UNOFFICIAL transcript, the AP courses are listed in this format: "AP PSYCHOLOGY (Score 5, Units 4.0) 05/13." How...
  3. W

    Vyvanse side effects protocol.

    At what point does a physician (let me rephrase) at what point should a physician intervene? (2kidney stones in one month) (loss of sensation in right arm and face) (swelling and loss of pulse in right arm for half a day before loss of sensation settled in)(insomnia) (raised blood pressure)...
  4. H

    Should I switch majors?

    Hi, SDN. I am seeking a bit of advice on my current academic situation... I am currently a sophomore "Pre-Nursing Major" at my University. As a 17-year-old deciding my major, I wanted to be a nurse because it meant less time in school and I would still be in the medical field. I really did not...
  5. T

    Dropping Organic Chem 2

    Hey all, I am very hesitant to drop my organic chem 2 lecture however I feel like I need to because I am doing poorly in it. The whole class is actually not doing well partly due to a new professor who has a different style of teaching. Long story, short: his exams are extremely tough. I go to a...
  6. H

    Can I combine Emergency, with Surgery for this? Help Please!

    Hi, I'm a 3rd year medical student. In the beginning of the new semester, I want to form an Emergency Society. There are some students who graduated this year, and were running a Surgery Society. They asked me to keep their society running as well, which is a good idea, cause I would have a lot...
  7. K

    Will begin prep for MCAT Summer 2018 but have 2 questions regarding it

    Hi, Two questions, please, I'm certain I will finish my prereq classes for MCAT preparation by Spring 2018, but I'm not sure what I should be doing whilst studying for MCAT in the summer. Should I also be preparing my application to medical schools? I'm not sure of the timeline for those...
  8. Z

    IMG - Graduated in 2010 - Residency problems?

    Hello all, This must be an oft-asked question, but I am in a bit of a panic situation, so please do indulge me? I graduated from a top medical college in India in 2010, got a (fairly well-known) scholarship to read for a DPhil (PhD) in Neuroscience at a prestigious university in England. The...