
  1. T

    Can you apply to medical school as an early college graduate?

    Currently, the plan is that I attend a community college then transfer to a four-year university. Normally, in the transfer program, students take two years at community college and two years at university. My plan is to use the ap credits I have to graduate in 1 year. I would have to take...
  2. D

    Transcripts required by medical schools in the U.S

    I'm an undergrad student currently taking my prerequisites at a university. I know that med schools require that you send all your post secondary transcripts, but my question is about high school transcripts and/or diploma. Do they ask for your school to send a copy of your diploma for education...
  3. schoolpurposes

    **LOW HS GPA** Is it possible to bring my GPA up to a 3.0?

    Hello! In 9th grade I was a horrible student that didn't do any homework at all or even check my grades once because of certain circumstances that I should have honestly pushed out of the way, but I honestly didn't really care. In 10th grade 1st semester I was horrid and made all C's as well...
  4. I

    Will having a bad grade in Pre-Cal affect my chances in Calculus 1 freshman year of college?

    Hi. I'm a junior in HS taking pre-AP algebra 2 and I'm during horribly at it. It is 2nd semester and I don't understand concepts such as Algorithms and Logarithms and I'm making a 75 right now. My question is, if I do terrible in HS Pre-AP Precal, getting C's, how that affect me in Calculus 1...
  5. S

    Bad Senior High School Grade

    Im still in grade 11 and i realized i really do want to be a doctor. I wanted to be a doctor since before but i had a C- or a good passing grade in my science during 9th grade and 10th grade. However, in the start of my 11th grade, i realized i really do want to be a doctor but i only had C+ in...