
  1. S

    Complete since July what are my chances of a II?

    So, I know this is an extremely school specific question, but I am just curious in general if most schools wait to re-review applicants on hold until after the secondary deadline when they know that they have their entire application pool for a given cycle? and because of this is there...
  2. kaymellow

    <500 MCAT Support Group

  3. Isoval

    What are the best ways to prepare for an interview?

    Hi guys! I wanted to pose the question: what are some of the best ways to prepare for interviews? What kind of outside information should we know walking in the door (Affordable Care Act, general ethics, etc.)? With the first interviews quickly approaching, I think this could be a big help...
  4. W

    What percent of II's have gone out?

    Roughly what percent of II's have gone out at this point?
  5. RogueBanana

    Everybody Needs to Calm Down (2017 App Cycle)

    I've posted this before, and I'm sure i'll post it again at some point during this cycle, but chill out. Seriously, its the beginning of September, and there's already threads of people asking how many IIs they should have. By any standard, it is still very early in the cycle. Some schools...