
  1. G

    LOR without Letterhead

  2. H


    My letter of rec from my dentist is not on letterhead. I asked him and he doesn't have one. For those of you with a similar experience, what did you do? Is there like a template one you can give them? Do you create your own? Help! (I'm using Interfolio btw) Thanks!!
  3. Punished Angeleno

    Letter of Recommendation Letterhead and Signature

    Hey everyone. So the general dentist I shadow just submitted my letter of recommendation on Interfolio and the website found that he did not include a letterhead or signature. Is this going to be a problem even though I already have his contact information in the "Experiences" section of my...
  4. A

    recommendation letterhead

    Hi all, One of my recommenders is not allowed to put an official letterhead by organizational policy. Do you think this will be an issue for medical schools? Will they not accept the letter for this reason?
  5. BlueBee20

    unsure if my letter writer signed the LOR...

    HELP - I asked for LOR's a LONG time ago because I thought I was on top of things. They have all already been submitted, and the last was submitted in late June. Most of them were submitted in May. I gave all of the letter writers that AMCAS PDF that explains how to upload the letter, etc...