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Jul 30, 2017
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Base it on the time you were playing. Do not include travel on there.
I'm a college athlete who won't be applying to med school for a few years but I am trying to start a spread sheet of my activity hours to make the process easier. It is easy to calculate the hours I spend in practice but my team often travels to tournaments and I don't know how to calculate tournament hours. For example, for one tournament we drove 8 hours to get there on a Friday, played Saturday and Sunday and drove back Monday. In total I spent 74 hours at the tournament, but I was on the field playing for about 12 of these hours. How should I calculate this?

If I was traveling I counted all waking hours of the day. When we would catch flights we would leave either Wednesday night/Thursday morning and not arrive back on campus until Sunday night. I would miss my entire class schedule and usually a lab or two. I averaged my hours, they don't need to be exact. I think I put down 3000 on my application.
I'm a college athlete who won't be applying to med school for a few years but I am trying to start a spread sheet of my activity hours to make the process easier. It is easy to calculate the hours I spend in practice but my team often travels to tournaments and I don't know how to calculate tournament hours. For example, for one tournament we drove 8 hours to get there on a Friday, played Saturday and Sunday and drove back Monday. In total I spent 74 hours at the tournament, but I was on the field playing for about 12 of these hours. How should I calculate this?
Here is a recent thread detailing how others have calculated their intercollegiate sport hours of involvement: Intercollegiate Athletics Hours